You Are In My Heart

Huo Beichen was still standing at the balcony with the cup of tea in hand. There was a small table beside him with a pot of tea sitting on it. The fragrance of the tea had flooded the entire room. Ning Meng walked towards him, careful to stay about five steps away.

"What's the matter?"

Suddenly, Huo Beichen aggressively paced towards her. Ning Meng was so terrified she took a few steps back.

"This is all my fault! I better go shower now!"

Huo Beichen then halted in his steps.

"I will clean myself thoroughly! I will scrub myself ten times over? A hundred times?"

Huo Beichen frowned at that.

"Come over here," said Huo Beichen while glaring at her.

He then walked past her to his table.

Ning Meng wondered why Huo Beichen would ask her to his table. She imagined Huo Beichen pulling out a gun from the drawer and shooting her point-blank in the head – much like the plot of a TV series.