Too Good At Acting

Cao Xuehua shouted out loud as her face turned pale!

"No again?" asked Ning Meng, her tone rife with sarcasm.

"You can choose any other movie, but not this one!"

"Why not?"

Shifting to Mars was a famous sci-fi movie in China. It talked about the drastic overpopulation problem humanity would face in twenty years. As a solution, a portion of the population was chosen to move to Mars. Usually, sci-fi movies were less popular in China.

"A few years ago, it was expected that this movie would eventually flop. No one in their right mind would invest in its production. In the end, the director himself had to come up with his own money to complete the production. And now, they need money to promote this movie. It's been a month, and they have not gotten any response from investors. Investing in them is no different from literally burning money!"

"Are you sure no one will watch it?"