Su Ye Is An Angel

Thus, the manager walked in with his Hermès employees. They were all dressed in neat uniforms, tidy suits and white gloves. Each one of them was holding an exquisitely designed box, lining up together as if it were a parade.

The manager asked the confounded Ning Meng politely, "Ms. Ning, you may begin to browse the merchandise at your own leisure."

Gulping down her saliva, Ning Meng glanced nervously at Huo Beichen who was sitting at the dining area. He did not seem to care at all, slurping down his noodles. Nonetheless, everyone could still feel an intimidating aura oozing out from him.

Su Ye peered at Ning Meng and asked, "Missus... would you mind telling me what's this all about?"

Ning Meng anxiously replied, "No, it's nothing. I sort of accidentally did Li Yichen a small favor, so, this is his way of thanking me... I guess?"

"I see. What a sneaky way of showing gratitude, this is," sighed Su Ye.