You're Ruining The Pigs' Reputation!

After hanging up, Ning Meng quickly went out to get her car. She feared that Su Tiantian would piss her dad off so much to the point that he might die of anger.

Huo Beichen's house was not far from the Nings' mansion, and she only needed to drive for about 10 minutes before reaching home.

After parking her car, Ning Meng took a good look at the place. It was a three-story mansion, decorated with a front lawn that looked like a garden. The Nings' mansion looked like a cozy farmhouse, one that soothed one's mind when he or she stepped through the gate.

Ning Meng quickly walked toward the building and entered the living room. As soon as she opened the door, she could see Ning Wentao sitting on the sofa with a stern look as Su Tiantian stood in front of him apologizing.

"I'm sorry, uncle. It was not my idea. It was the production team... they said they wanted to push the screening date earlier..."