She's Still Her

Ning Meng was stunned.

Huo Beichen, as she remembered him, was a really old-fashioned man. Since when did he start to use memes like "Nun of yer biz"? 

Ning Meng: [Was your phone hacked?]

Huo Beichen: [No.]


Ning Meng could feel that seethingly cold aura seeping out from the screen of her phone. This man... he must be pouting because she had only talked to the puppy boy, ignoring him!

Ning Meng hurriedly replied: [No, no! How can it be none of my business~ I can't sleep if you don't sleep.]

Huo Beichen: [?]

Ning Meng: [Because my heart resides in yours, hubby~]

Then, for quite a long time, the phone showed that he was typing his message.

After waiting for quite some time, the message was still not sent.

Ning Meng started to get worried. 

Could it be that her kiss-assery earlier was not potent enough?

Meanwhile, at the hotel.