Ning Meng, I'll Kill You!

Meanwhile, Ning Meng, who did not know what the three stooges were going through right now, was relaxing on a sofa. Seeing that there were no more replies from Qi Shan, she typed in the answer out of kindness: [Even after completing the 3 sets, the rest would not just go poof and disappear. So, there are still 10 sets!]

After sending the message, she sat still to wait for the producer's arrival.

The second phase of "Throne of Songs" would be aired next week, thus, they had 6 days to prepare for it. 

After waiting for a while, Ning Meng stood up from her seat, intending to head to the washroom. When she walked out the door, she noticed someone was talking near the stairs.

Hmm? It was Li Haojie and Su Tiantian...??

Like a cat, Ning Meng quickly hid behind the stairs. Not knowing what they were talking about, she quickly took out her phone to start recording a video of their conversation.