The Sponsor Daddy

When Ning Meng reached the set, Zhen Shanmei was already there. They went in together, realizing that the employees there seemed quite excited.

Zhen Shanmei grabbed one of them and asked curiously, "What happened?"

That employee smiled and said, "The sponsor daddy is here! He gave everyone a set of La Mer skincare products! He's a fan of Su Tiantian and he's also the chosen person this time! He's now resting in the room!" 

Ning Meng and Zhen Shanmei looked at each other. Then, they walked toward the room. 

In the room. 

The seven singers were already there with the other chosen common people whom they chose to sing with them. There was only one left.

Su Tiantian was sitting on the sofa. The director and the others were trying their best to please the man beside her. Liu Xinlei was wearing a suit of black casual clothes. He smiled coldly. "Who is so arrogant? All of us are waiting for her!"