Why Are You Here?

For a moment, Ning Meng thought that she was hallucinating. She rubbed her eyes and opened them again. Huo Beichen maintained his position of leaning toward her. He was clad in a black suit and wore leather shoes which made him not blend into his environment at all. The lines on his face were frozen stiff, and his facial features seemed to show his indifference. It was a sight that would cause anyone to fear him.

As he lifted his eyes, his jet-black pupils started to sparkle. The arena was crowded and colorful lights were beaming all around. Fine streaks of lights occasionally flew by, causing his face to light up and dim out. Although she did not know why, Ning Meng could only sit in a trance.

She felt that the loud cheers from the crowd were completely shut out. She only had one thought in her mind.

Why was he here?