I've Heard You Have Many Admirers, Huh?

Thanks to Li Haojie, now, the tag #LinQingbeiXLiuYing# was descending further down on the hot search engine. Of course, this was not enough to completely sweep everything under the rug.

A moment later, the competition was finally starting.

Ning Meng and Zhen Shanmei were now back in their VIP seats, preparing to treat their eardrums to a grand buffet.

The veterans were giving their best performance in this round. Some of them had even driven the audience to tears with their love songs. Su Tiantian was performing well too, showcasing her months of training. 

Zhan Shanmei let out a sigh. "She is much more popular than Lin Qingbei by a lot, and now, she's showing strong talents in singing on the stage. It's going to be difficult to tell who will be the winner for the number one place."

Ning Meng nodded in agreement.