I'm Married. Thank You For Asking!

On the way home, the orange light from the light poles constantly flashed by from outside of the car.

Both of them immediately jerked away after their lips touched. 

Ning Meng stared at the man opposite her with her bright beautiful eyes.

Before she could say anything, the man shifted closer and inched his head toward her. 

Ning Meng could feel her body tense up as he inched closer. Her heart was beating so fast that it felt as though it was going to burst out from her chest. She pressed her hands on her chest as her body trembled, trying to calm herself down.

Deep down in her fast-pounding heart, she could feel a great surge of embarrassment and... some anticipation for his advances...


Suddenly, at the very moment when things were going to heat up, her phone rang. 


She quickly sat up straight, her face burning hot.