A Father’s Love is as High as a Mountain

Ning Meng pushed the door open and saw Ning Wentao standing there talking to Manager Huang from the Public Relations Department. When he saw her, Ning Wentao put up a wronged face. "Meng Meng, you've come just in time. Tell him, when have I ever done it in less than five hours?"


Ning Meng massaged her temples. "Dad, now is not the time to talk about these things. Manager Huang, what's your take on this PR crisis?"

Manager Huang smiled. "No worries. CEO Ning's office has CCTVs installed. We just need to release the related footages as a counterattack. We're now discussing the liquidated damages that Liu Ying has to pay."

Papa Ning still could not understand what was going on when he saw Manager Huang explaining things in a relaxed manner. Ning Meng breathed a sigh of relief and her eyes turned cold. "Of course, we need to set the highest amount possible! We even need to sue her for this and make her compensate us for ruining our reputation!"