Is Missus Coming Home Today?

After sending that message, there were no more replies from Qi Shan for quite some time.


Qi Shan: [Whuuuut?! How dare you steal my boss' present for the girl?!]


The corner of Ning Meng's mouth twitched as she read this reply. For the love of God, how had this kid grown up to be so dense? Ignoring the message, Ning Meng put her phone away.

Qi Shan, who was still shocked by what he had seen, continued hacking the various companies that were trying to sabotage Lemon Entertainment and Ning Meng. He had deleted every compromising photograph and video that he had come across while keeping an eye on the internet with an advanced algorithm. If there was anything that he had missed earlier, his computer would detect it in seconds.

Qi Shan picked up his phone and gave Su Ye a call.

As soon as Su Ye picked up, Qi Shan furiously opened his mouth. "Did you see what that stupid woman said to me in the Group? How could she do such..."