Little Tiantian Misses You

It was already late at night. 

The inside of the car was so quiet that if you dropped a needle, you would hear it touching the floor.

Ning Meng slowly turned her head stiffly and saw the burning passion in the man's eyes—it was like a silent invitation from him.

Oh, no. Actually, he had indeed opened his mouth and invited her in earlier.

Ning Meng's eyes glittered in fervor as her face blushed bright red.

Lowered her head, a hint of shyness lingered in her beautiful eyes. Seeing her look so uncomfortably bashful in her seat, Huo Beichen gazed at her even more passionately.

His was so foxy and seductive. After struggling to find the right words, Huo Beichen finally opened his mouth to make another excuse.

"Come on. At least come and meet Little Tiantian, will you? It misses you so much..."

After pondering for some time, Ning Meng finally nodded her head. "Then, let's go?"