Sis Meng Is on Fire with Her Roasting

Su Tiantian knew that she could not beat Ning Meng in an argument. The latter was so agile and smooth with her words that she knew she would vomit blood by just listening to a few of her sentences. Thus, she refused to speak. Cao Xuehua, on the other hand, did not want Ning Meng to dominate the scene.

"Meng Meng, you need to focus on solid evidence when you speak. If you do not have any evidence, let Tiantian go home!"

Ning Meng laughed out. "I think there is a grave injustice against Su Tiantian in this matter."

Cao Xuehua and Su Tiantian were slightly stunned upon hearing these words. Had Ning Meng decided to switch sides today?

Even Ning Wentao hesitated. "Oh? You don't think that she's the culprit?"