Brother Has an Idea~

'What kind of annoying blackmail was this!?'

Ning Meng's face blushed red. Usually, these kinds of words would easily slip from her mouth, but this time, for some reason, she was unable to say it out loud. It did not help that he was seriously waiting for her to say this. They looked at each other for a good ten seconds, and finally, Ning Meng yielded.

She had always called him Lord Chen, but since he wanted to demote his own rank…

'Fine! I will call you that!'

Ning Meng coughed and shouted out, "Brother!"

Huo Beichen's smile spread across his face as though he had just achieved victory.

"Your voice is too soft. I can't hear you."


'I really want to toss him into the river, argh!'

Her face twitched as she mustered her courage once more to call out, "My good brother~"

Her voice was hesitantly affectionate. Three out of ten points for gentleness, seven out of ten points for reluctance.