She Is Nastily Adorable


Ning Meng turned her head to look at God stiffly. Oh no, she had totally forgotten that this boy was still there!

And... as expected, suddenly, a cold icy aura seemed to seep out from the phone, the man's voice sounding as though he wanted to murder someone. "Who's in your room?"


Ning Meng instinctively tried to come up with an explanation. "Brother... Brother Chen... I've got a good explanation for this..."

"Brother? Oh, that bro?" God, still dazed from waking up, sleepily gave a greeting like an obedient child. "Good evening, bro. How are you~"


Could she just dig a huge hole and die in there?!

No, wait. She had not done anything wrong. There was no need for her to be panicked about or feel guilty over.