Meng Meng Was Furious!

Upon entering the room, Ning Meng saw God curled up, his body on his bed without his blanket. His face was as pale as the white sheets.

Furrowing her brows, Ning Meng ordered, "Step Hen, let's bring him to the hospital!"

Having given up on telling the missus his real name, Stephen carried the weakened feeble boy in his arms and walked out of the room.

As soon as they reached the door, they heard a laidback frisky voice ring out. "Hey, stop. What are you people doing here? You're intruding my private property, you know?"

Stepping forward, Ning Meng could see a young man in his 20's downstairs, marching toward the stairs with the villa's security in tow. He turned toward the security guards and yelled, "Chase these people out! Which one of you losers let them in? Not only that, but you're even allowing them to forcefully remove members of our E-sports Club? Are you retards?! Why am I hiring you if all of you don't do anything about this?!"