Can You Listen to What I Have to Say?

Cause a commotion?

The club had given him an opportunity?

This so-called "opportunity" was to lose sleep over becoming a human bot? The money earned was then given to his stepmother so that she could buy clothes and bags for herself?!

God's heart was wrenched further. His father had always been the same since he was younger… Even though it was clear that Lu Jiahao had snatched the toy from him and they started to fight, Lu Jiahao would throw a tantrum and Papa Lu would reprimand him instead.

"You should give in to your little brother as his older brother."

And then? The crying kid would get rewarded.

Lu Jiahao was always in Papa Lu's embrace, being coaxed, while God could only stand by the side with his body covered in bruises left by Lu Jiahao. He lifted his head and looked at the father he had once respected the most, being clung onto by outsiders…