See You in the Qualifying Match!

After signing the contract, Ning Meng called out to God. "Come on, God. Let's go."

Nodding his head, God trailed behind her. 

Lu Jiahao, meanwhile, was glaring at them with red eyes.

Their family had put in a lot of effort in establishing this E-sports Club resulting in them earning themselves a huge fortune, and yet, this was not lucrative enough when compared to God's contract—his fee was 15,000,000 Yuan, plus he got to enjoy a 50% share of anything he earned for CM. This included the prizes that he had won from tournaments and championships, endorsement for brands, and even live stream earnings! 50% of the shares! 

... Hold on. That also meant that God could earn at least 20,000,000 Yuan in just a year!

He was just a newbie and yet, he was going to get that much money?!

Seeing the two of them almost at the door, Lu Jiahao could not hold in the extreme jealousy and envy that was burning in his heart and yelled out, "You'll regret this!"