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'Finished? Why am I finished?'

How low could Qi Shan's EQ go!

Zhen Shanmei seemed to not know how to answer him. After two whole minutes, she replied: [I'm asking if you've finished eating your dinner.]

Qi Shan: [And?]

Zhen Shanmei: [Do you eat beef jerky?]

Qi Shan: [??]

Qi Shan: [Why would I not eat beef jerky?]

Zhen Shanmei: [… I'm asking if you eat beef jerky! My mum made some, so I've packed up a bit for you to bring it home tomorrow.]

Qi Shan: [Oh, oh, I don't really eat junk food, but since your mum made it, I'll eat it.]

Zhen Shanmei: [Argh, you sound so reluctant. Forget about it.]

Qi Shan: [Hey, no, I'm not feeling reluctant at all!]

Ning Meng kept chuckling upon reading their conversation. It was not easy for her to finally stop laughing until she noticed that Huo Beichen was looking at her. She passed her phone over to Huo Beichen.