Please Don’t Force Us to Take Further Action

The receptionist had changed and was no longer the sweet warm lady whom she had met the last time, thus, Ning Meng explained, "I'm Huo Beichen's wife."

The receptionist nodded. "I know, but without any prior appointment, you cannot go up. Why don't you give Mr. Huo a call?"

Ning Meng sighed. It looked like she could not give him a surprise anymore. She took out her phone and gave him a call. It was ringing for quite a while, but he still had not picked up. Ning Meng paused before going back to the receptionist.

"It seems like he's busy, he's not picking up."

She then sent him a text: [Lord Chen?]

Huo Beichen did not respond, and Ning Meng sighed again.

"Miss, can you just let me go up?"

Her relationship with Huo Beichen has changed after all.