Mr. and Mrs. Huo

Ning Meng and Huo Beichen looked at one another after witnessing Qi Shan swallowing the cake. Seeing a smile curving up on Huo Beichen's face, Ning Meng couldn't help but ask the poor assistant, "Qi Shan… how's the taste of the cake?"

After giving it some thought, Qi Shan elaborated, "The cake's butter had a peculiar taste to it. Is this a new flavor?"


Ning Meng stared at the man, wondering if she should tell him the truth. Well, should she? Or should she not? 

However, upon seeing Ning Meng's conflicted expression, Qi Shan seemed to have misread the missus' intention. "Oh, come on, it was just a slice of cake! Fine, if you're that upset about it… I'll buy another 10 slices of the same flavor to make it up to you."

Ning Meng shook her head. "Oh, no. There's no need to."

This poor kid… Ning Meng decided to keep it to herself and not tell him the truth. This… was the kinder option to go with, given the circumstances.