What’s the World Coming To?

Li Dao was startled by how anxious his assistant was, and he immediately took the phone from him to have a look. It was the police's announcement on Weibo.

He could barely believe his eyes. "How… how could this be?"

Their TV drama had been able to gain so much free popularity due to leveraging Ning Meng's scandal, and yet now, it was revealed to be a ruse?!

Li Dao quickly stood up and brought his assistant to the rest area. After knocking on Su Tiantian's door a few times, the prideful actress's voice could be heard from inside. "Who is it?! What?! Am I not allowed to rest for just an hour? How am I supposed to be well-rested for work later?!"

Hearing this, Li Dao pushed the door open, not waiting for her to invite them in.

Su Tiantian glared at him in disgust. "What now?"

After reading the Weibo post that Li Dao's assistant showed her, Su Tiantian gasped in shock. "What?! How could this be?!"