The Unlucky Qi Shan

Huo Beichen's line of sight brushed over his phone and he seemed slightly stunned when he saw the message that had just come in. Ning Meng also glanced at his phone after noticing his peculiar reaction. When she saw the message, her sensitivity peaked as she remembered the latest Weibo post from NingMeng521. This N person had to be her.

She pretended to nonchalantly ask, "Who's that?"

Huo Beichen mulled over the situation and replied, "Not familiar."

Ning Meng did not know how to respond to his words. His response was quite interesting and unique. How was he able to be so cold and iron-clad toward his ex-girlfriend? This made her feel… That he was super cute! Feeling rather satisfied, Ning Meng decided to forgive him.

Qi Shan, who had had a bit too much to drink, had mustered even more courage than usual and asked, "Boss, what dare did you draw? Have you done it?"