The Only Person Who Still Remembers Sis Is Me!

Looking at the warm and friendly atmosphere inside, the cold, cautious look in his eyes softened as he responded to Ning Ke's plea. "No."

Ning Ke raised her voice. "Su Ye! Not you too?! How could you be so cold-hearted? Have you all forgotten about my sister?!" 

Then, her voice trembled as she continued. "Turning 'Ride With the Wind' into an anime was one of her last wishes... if you're not going to help me, I'll go and beg Huo Beichen myself!"

Su Ye retorted coldly. "If you can find him, why are you calling me, then?"

There was a long pause of silence from the other side of the phone. It was clear that Ning Ke was surprised to see that Su Ye had seen through her bluff.

A moment later, the tone in her voice had softened. "Come on, don't be so cold. Please help me... you'll help me, right?"

"I think you're just using your sister as an excuse to come and mess with my boss and the missus' relationship."