Let's Break Up!

Qi Shan was so scared that he could not sleep well for an entire night.

From time to time, he kept flipping his blanket open to check. He wanted to see if his little buddy down there had indeed recovered. And after a while, he was finally overwhelmed with fatigue, and he fell asleep.

2 hours later, Qi Shan jerked awaked from his bed again. He quickly looked at the lower half of his body and... nothing had changed.

He lay back in his bed in disappointment.

It did not work. 

His little brother had not recovered.


His sex life was now totally ruined!

Qi Shan gloomily raised his phone, wanting to send some messages to Su Ye. It was then that he saw some messages in the 'Happy Idiots' chat group.

Zhen Shanmei: [Hey, are you alive? You haven't replied to my messages for an entire day! @Qi Shan]

Ning Meng: [You never know. He could actually be dead.]