

Su Ye was stunned in a daze of confusion when Qi Shan grabbed his arm, shouting, "No, it can't be! I'm a eunuch now! A eunuch!!!"

"Well, perhaps you're just scaring yourself. It's psychological, you know. The more you think you've lost it, the more it feels that way."

"But... but why did I feel so hot yesterday? It felt as though my skin was burning!"

"Perhaps you turned on the heater too high."


Su Ye glanced at him before asking, "Could it be that... you... have always been..."

"No! Of course my little one can go erect! Just what did you mean by that, huh?!"

"... No. I didn't mean to say anything."

"No, you were clearly hinting that I have always been a man who can't get erect!"


Suddenly, Qi Shan grabbed Su Ye's arm. "I don't care. I've always been able to get erect like a golden spear on a stormy battlefield! You must take responsibility!"
