The Burning Rage on My Soul

At the hospital.

Su Ye was lying unconscious on a bed in the emergency room.

His surgeon stood before Huo Beichen, giving him a brief report on the situation. "We have successfully dug out 8 bullets from his body. 2 bullets were about 2 centimeters from his heart, making them the hardest to remove. If these 2 bullets had hit a few more degrees to the left, he would have been dead by now."

Seeing that Huo Beichen, Qi Shan, and Fei Bai's faces were as pale as a white sheet, Ning Meng could not help but sigh. "When will he regain consciousness?"

The surgeon turned toward her. "It's difficult to determine that. He's lost too much blood. This would make him fairly weak tomorrow. Besides, one of the bones in his right leg has been crushed. Even if he wakes up, we'll need him to stay here for rehab for half a year. We don't know if he'll be able to recover fully, but we'll do our best."

Ning Meng nodded her head.