
The sun is setting on the horizon, two figures stares the view from a cliff waiting for somebody to arrive. They were waiting for at least an hour and a half, looking around for nearby transport aircraft to arrive. A huge built man, in his forties and wearing a scarf in his head is getting impatient. He went near a cave to rest his legs of the hour worth of waiting. The other guy a skinny man, pale and covered in tattoo. He continued to stand in the same position ignored the guy that was resting.

"How long are we going to wait?" The huge man asked his companion.

"They could be close at least, show some patience." The skinny man replied.

The huge man rests his back to the wall behind him, he stare at the night sky where the stars started to shine overhead.

"Pretty as ever!" He said.

Moments later a noise from the sound of jet engines are heard from the distance. It is the sound of the transport they are waiting.

"They are here!" The skinny man said and calls the attention of his companion.

The huge man stands and gives out a big smile. "Finally my plans shall bear into fruition!"

He approaches his friend and went to the transport as it lands nearby. Moments later the door of the transport opens and five men and a woman disembarks.

"They seem to be the ones we are waiting for." The huge man said.

The skinny man welcomes their visitors and introduces himself to them and said, "Welcome to our domain ma'am Dorin. I am your humble guide Veskus, this is our leader Vorlamarn. We are the ones who reached out to you for..."

"Save the chatter you wimp!" The woman said ignoring him.

The woman a slender built person, white hair and has a scar in her cheek. She looks attentively to the huge man in front of her.

"You surely ain't dumb are ya?" The woman asked the huge man.

Hearing this the huge man bursts out in laughter and compliments the woman, "You are quite a jest, woman. I like you!"

"Men are not my type especially, beasts!" She replies to the man's compliment to her.

The huge man replied with laughter and leads them the way to his hideout.


Two days later since our mission on the Savanah region. We have found nothing much of value. No intelligence or anything worth just puzzles and questions in what really transpired. There were no traces about the perpetrators. The traces are all covered up and clues are just nonexistent.

I am currently at our main camp in Tripoli, New Reignton. I am off duty and there's nowhere I could go for my leave. I went strolling nearby camp and there's nothing much to see. It is nothing like in the dome where you have friends and people talking to you everyday. Life may be boring but at least I am living by my own means.

"Kid, where did you put that artifact?" An armorer asked me while holding the famed blade "Koutetsu".

"You mean this?" I showed him of the blade that is in my hand.

"No, not that, the Zweihander. Oh, wait, where did you get that?" The armorer asked me.

"Just a keepsake from my uncle." I lied.

"Oh, yeah that's the famed blade Koutesu or at least a replica." He said.

"What do you mean a replica?" I asked.

The armorer took the blade from me and unsheathes the blade. "It is common knowledge that Koutetsu blades are being forged due to its fame."

"What? I never know of that!" I asked in return.

"Kid, there's more you should know of your items before you get scammed." The armorer said taking a magnifying glass from his table.

"This blade talk about the skills of the wielder, hmmm..."

I observed the armorer doing his appraisal on my item.

"So, is it authentic?" I asked him.

"Nope, not a chance!" The armorer said.

"That's a bummer!" I replied disappointingly.

"At least you can use it. It is made by modern materials like reinforced steel and synthetic materials." He continued, "Nobody uses artifacts in battle. With this blade of yours, a replica may be but what you have here is a potent weapon. You just need mastery in using the blade."

He said and returned the weapon to me.

"I took the blade and moved along. There's nothing more interesting to see." I went to see my friend Bruno in the cafeteria where he always hang around.

While walking towards the corridor I could see the sun setting in the horizon. It's blood red color that paints its surroundings is somewhat not new to me. Even nature has bored me, I guess I'd better do something or my mind will just rust away.

Entering the cafeteria there were a lot of people who were dining. Most of them are new recruits and are busy chattering while eating at their tables. I was looking for Bruno scanning for the only obese black guy that usually sits in the corner.

"Ah, there he is!" I exclaimed and moved towards his seat.

When I arrived he hurriedly takes the empty seat and said, "Seat taken!"

"C'mon bro, you can't do this!" I said to him.

"What do you want?" Bruno asked me.

"I just want to talk." I said to him.

"We have nothing to talk." He said and continued eating his meal.

"This time only, please!" I pleaded.

"Very well!" Bruno gives me the empty seat.

I sit at the opposite side where he was sitting and began to speak.

"Give me something interesting..."

Before I could finish he interrupted and said.

"You want a job? The last time I gave you one you messed up!" Bruno said.

"I won't this time, I swear!" I pleaded once again since I badly need to have an extra cash.

"I cannot grant you any requests this time!" He said and asked me to leave.

"Please grant me a chance this time, friend, I really need..." He interrupted me again and signaled me to go.

"Geez!" I grumbled and left him.

"Bruno is having a bad day today." A friend of mine said before I could grab the door to exit the cafeteria.

"Oh, it's you Tatiana." I replied to the slim woman in her early twenties.

She is wearing the standard khaki jacket issued by the legion, sporting a short black hair. She is at least five feet tall and is leaning towards the wall.

"Want to hear a story?" She said to me and invited me to follow her to her quarters to talk.

"S-sure!" I replied and followed her.

"Talk only!" She said thinking that I may have ideas.

"You're not exactly my type." I replied.

"I'd take that as a compliment." She said and stopped when we reached the door of her quarters.

"I would like you to promise that whatever I'd say to you this night should be kept a secret between the two of us. No one must know of this!" She said and invited me to her room.

Inside she offered me a glass of brandy, took a glass of her own and began sipping from the glass.

"What are we going to talk about?" I asked her.

The atmosphere of the room suddenly changed when she took off her scarf and unbuttoned the upper part of her jacket, exposing a little bit of her chest.

"I am interested to know more about you young man." She said to me and sat near me.

I felt a little bit uneasy as I am not accustomed to having a woman close to me.

"You're cute!" She chuckles seeing my face and heads towards the mainframe computer in front of us.

I can see her figure in front of me. Her curves can really be enticing and I must admit I am a bit attracted towards it.

"Do you wish to spend time here with me young man?" She asked me.

I shake my head out of embarrassment. "Damn, she knows how to tease." I said in my mind.

"You still do not know how to handle a woman don't you?" She said to me and turns the monitor on.

She sat at the rightmost part of the room to give me a clear view of the monitor. The screen played some scenes an incident that was covered on the news last week. An attack on the harbor where some of our brothers and sisters and arms were killed. In the footage I happen to see something that flickered and then she paused the recording.

"I believe you seen that flicker." She said.

"Yes, I did... what is that about?" I asked.

"A new weapon perhaps, I believe we lost at least seven Legionnaires that time. Four grunts, two technicals and one medic to those monsters." She said and turns on the lights.

"What shall I do about it?" I asked her.

"Study it, I shall give you the full footage in your mail." She said opens the door of her room.

"Okay, if that is what you wish..." I said and stands up from my seat.

"Remember this footage is classified information. I only give you access to this because I know you can figure out how to defeat the nemesis." She reminds me as I approached the door.

"If I cannot?" I asked in return.

"Maybe we should spend a time together so that you may have the motivation to do your job. How about it, me as your first?" She said sultrily, posed with her right hand in her waist.

"Is she trying to seduce me?" I asked myself with my face turned red.

"You are indeed a cute young man!" She said and closed the door.

I do not know what she really intended me to do with the footage. I hope this is not trouble that is brewing before us. With this new weapon unveiled before my eyes, I think we will have trouble in our future missions.


Meanwhile few miles away from the camp. Veskus, the skinny man talks to his master about an eerie light he saw earlier. His master, Markus became worried that it may be an assassin that have their sights on him.

Seeing her worried friend. Dorin tried to calm the two down by saying, "Do not worry, they are friends!"

She said and ordered the people outside that have camouflaged themselves to deactivate it. "You need not to worry people. These are my friends, they are willing to assist us in this endeavor."

Eleven figures appeared out of thin air revealing themselves to be women wearing a sophisticated suits made from special materials.

"These people shall help us in our task. I hope you get along, with my "Sisters"!