
Chapter 2 - Strive For Change

Kim Do-Hyun was now confident to start his new life from scratch.

A life better than before. 

The Achievement App was his unexpected companion to help on his journey.

"I need to take a shower first."

A foul and pungent smell was coming from him because of his body and clothes that haven't been washed for days.

There was a word that could perfectly describe him right now.

–A beggar.

Kim Do-Hyun entered the apartment again as he was afraid of being seen in this pitiful state by his neighbors.

He then froze upon seeing his entire apartment with the lights on.

"I lived a pitiful life."

There was garbage and mess scattered everywhere. Most of them were trash from packages of instant ramen, soda bottles, and junk foods.

A literal graveyard of trash.

Kim Do-Hyun was sure there were nasty cockroaches swimming amongst the pile of trash.

"I need to tidy things up before showering."

He soon started his cleaning session after finding some cleaning materials and tools inside the storage room.

It took him approximately a few hours of hard labor to clean his apartment to an acceptable level.

The hardest part was eradicating the cockroaches from the difficult nooks and crevices. 

In the end, Kim Do-Hyun was left panting laboriously while sweating heavily. It caused his smell to grow even more unbearable.

["Hero has dutifully cleansed his sacred abode from the apostles of filth!"]

["+Common Achievement, +10 AP"]

A sacred voice resounded from his phone to notify him of a new achievement.

Kim Do-Hyun immediately went to open the app.


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Clean Freak(Common)]

-Grants excellent cleaning talent.

(Remarks: The owner of this achievement can easily learn cleaning skills and use those skills more effectively than others)


"Amazing. This will definitely help me a lot when cleaning in the future."

Kim Do-Hyun was excited about this achievement.

Any cleaning task in the future would become much easier!

And it might also be applicable in various situations…

"Wait. Can this achievement work when cleaning my body and doing laundry?"

An interesting question. 

Kim Do-Hyun went to experiment with his new idea. It might allow him to learn more about the extent of the app's power.

He entered the shower and started to thoroughly cleanse his body from the filth and grime that stuck deeply into his skin. His hair was also sticky and full of disgusting dead skin cells. It was the same for his yellowish teeth that haven't been brushed properly.

Normally, It would've taken a lot of time and effort to properly clean them, but he was able to clean himself much better and quicker than he thought.

After several minutes in the shower, Kim Do-Hyun finally felt himself satisfactorily clean without any nasty smell lingering around him.

["Hero has cleansed his body from the filth and impurities plaguing him"]

["+Rare Achievement, +30 AP"]

A new achievement, but it was a rare quality this time.




It seems even the achievements have a ranking hierarchy amongst them.

After obtaining the rare achievement, Kim Do-Hyun started to exhale a huge amount of thick black fog several times. Once the black air were completely purged out, he felt his body becoming lighter and full of vibrant energy.


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Cleansed Body(Rare)]

-Grants a cleansed physique.

(Remarks: Even if you get dirty outside, you won't smell bad for eternity. No to harmful pollution!)


"The remark is brief. I feel like there is more secret behind this rare achievement…"

After cleaning the entire apartment and showering successfully, Kim Do-Hyun was feeling mentally exhausted despite his body having regained some energy.

He decided to sleep and rest now before doing the rest tomorrow.




[Cleansed Body Activating…]







[Cleansing: 56%...]











[Cleansing: 100%]










[Cleansing Complete]










Kim Do-Hyun woke up from his deep sleep while feeling his entire body full of refreshing energy.

Normally, he would wake up still quite exhausted and sleepy in the past.

The reason he hated waking up early in the morning.

But now…

"Strange. I feel light as a feather! My mind also feels completely refreshed!"

Kim Do-Hyun felt like he slept like a baby today.

He never knew true sleep was this great and powerful!

His eyes then fell over his skin which now had a healthy tone unlike its previous pale tone yesterday.

Kim Do-Hyun's skin felt really smooth and glowed to the eyes.

And when Kim Do-Hyun gazed at the mirror, he saw a handsome man staring back at him. 

A glowing face with clear skin devoid of acne, silky black hair, a rosy healthy complexion, red glossy lips, and vibrant clear eyes.

Was that still me?

Although he was still skinny, he didn't look unhealthy and pitiful anymore. He now resembled his old self who was still not bullied. 

My vision also improved slightly, but I still need to wear my glasses.

And speaking of looks…

"I really look like the Korean Actor 'Lee Do-Hyun'."

A Korean I saw play on a Korean Drama called 18 Again.

Kim Do-Hyun went to check his [Hero Status] to know more about the changes.


[Hero Status]

[Hero Characteristics]

Social: Devilish Handsome (Unlocked) Fitness: Weak, Healthy(Cleansed), Strong Immune System.

Brain: Good learner, Excellent Memory.

Talent: Cleaning Talent.

[Hero Skills]

Cleaning Skills (Beginner)


There were new things added to the [Hero Status].

The characteristic 'Devilishly Handsome' was now unlocked after the cleansing of his body.

Kim Do-Hyun was still physically weak, but his body now transformed overnight to become very healthy.

"So 'Cleanses Body' works like a miracle detoxification…"

It basically removed every toxin and pollutant that had accumulated within his body.

"Unlike my life as Kimber, I am definitely healthy here."

Kim Do-Hyun chuckled bitterly.

However, it felt great to have a guarantee he would live a healthy life.

This benefit alone made Kim Do-Hyun very eager to explore more about the potential of the app.
















Kim Do-Hyun decided to start creating an outline for his future plan to have a successful life without leaving any regret behind.

Of course, he included the Achievement App as an important component in his plan.

For the meantime, Kim Do-Hyun needed to accomplish a few simple tasks.

Those tasks included exploring more about the app, creating friendly relationships with his neighbors, exercising his body, and attending school again.

All of those tasks might also lead to a potential acquisition of achievements.

In games, most achievements are generally acquired by socializing with people.

Kim Do-Hyun thought of socializing with his neighbors, but then realized a crucial problem.

Although he had moved in this place for a week now, he hadn't even greeted his neighbors properly.

Kim Do-Hyun was a shut-in.

The nearest neighbors of Kim Do-Hyun was the household with a single father and daughter.

The father was a firefighter while the daughter was a high school student called Nam On-Jo.

After them was the family who ran a restaurant named by their son called Lee Cheong-San.

Kim Do-Hyun knew this chicken restaurant because he frequently ordered their tasty fried chicken wings.

He also sometimes heard Cheong-san and On-jo quarrel outside, so he guessed they must be close friends.

As for why he mentioned them, it was because they attended the high school Kim Do-Hyun wanted to enroll in.

Hyosan High School.


And a Degree.

These were the most important tools to guarantee survival and success in the harsh society of South Korea.

And the two were even more important for Kim Do-Hyun in order to achieve his dreams from two lives.

Kimber wanted to become the Best Biologist in the entire world.

And the old Kim Do-Hyun wanted to become the Best Medical Doctor to save lives.

Kim Do-Hyun planned to take small determined steps t

o reach those passionate dreams.

However, he still wanted to enjoy school life to the best. Maybe even explore some hobbies.

Kim Do-Hyun was desperate to not leave behind any regret.

He wasn't able to live to his best in his two lives.

That's why he won't let it happen the third time!