Good Haircut!

Chapter 4 - A Good Haircut Makes The Man!

After completing his jogging session, Kim Do-Hyun took a refreshing shower to clean his sweat.

He then went to the nearest supermarket to buy groceries and essential items to maintain a quality life — from personal care products, fitness products, and cleaning products.

As for his dietary plan, he carefully selected foods abundant in vital nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. While his grasp of nutritional concepts remained rudimentary, he planned to delve deeper into the subject of making the most optimal food program.

Now loaded with supplies that could last him for a while, Kim Do-Hyun made his way home, the hefty bundles of groceries transforming his journey into a form of exercise. En route, he bought some nice items and snacks suitable as friendly gifts.

After arriving home, Kim Do-Hyun began to orderly arrange and sort the groceries into their proper places.

He then searched his phone for a place that offered an excellent cooking class.

"I should find a place with good reviews from the aunties."

Kim Do-Hyun managed to find a place that met his requirements. He immediately registered as there was a spot available for the class.

The class begins tomorrow.

Since it was still tomorrow, Kim Do-Hyun watched simple cooking tutorials on Wetube to prepare his lunch.

Intriguingly, despite prolonged usage, his phone's battery remained stuck at 50%, impervious to the conventional charging attempts. 

"I'll experiment with it after cooking my lunch…"

Kim Do-Hyun started to cook his lunch after memorizing the cooking steps on the videos.

He planned to cook a dish called vegetable chicken soup with plain white rice.

Methodically following the memorized steps, Kim Do-Hyun succeeded in crafting a dish that, to his pleasant surprise, looked visually pleasing to the eyes.


He then tasted his first ever dish.

"The taste is okay…"

A great start for a complete novice like Kim Do-Hyun.

["Hero has successfully cooked a sacred dish for the first time"]

["+Uncommon Achievement,+ 20 AP"]

Kim Do-Hyun went to check the new uncommon achievement.


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Let Me Cook! (Uncommon)]

-Grants cooking talent.

(Remarks: The food you make is always nutritious or good for the body, but this can't guarantee the taste!)


"What's with this remark…"

There was a certain saying.

A good medicine always tastes bitter.

Kim Do-Hyun hopefully thought it was not like that.

It felt somehow ominous.

"Hmm, this cooking achievement is similar to the cleaning achievement."


[Hero Status]

[Hero Characteristics]

Talent: Cleaning Talent, Cooking Talent.

[Hero Skills]

Cleaning Skills (Beginner), Cooking Skills (Beginner).


There was now a cooking talent on the talent-type characteristic. It was the same for the cooking skills on the skill lists.

"Forget it. I need to eat my food first before it gets cold."

Kim Do-Hyun indulged in his vegetable chicken soup, experiencing its warmth and relaxing effects.

After eating until he was full, Kim Do-Hyun pondered his next move with the looming cooking class on the horizon. 

The state of his unkempt hair then drew his attention.

"I need to cut my hair nice. Can't look bad in front of the aunties…" 

His next step was an imminent visit to a salon shop to fix his current haircut.

"But I can't forget my experiment with the phone. It takes utmost priority."

Kim Do-Hyun checked the physical transformation of his phone first.

He tried to drop the phone, but there was no damage even when he tested its durability from the different levels of the apartment complex.

"Even a drop from the rooftop or a sledgehammer doesn't work. This… My phone is now tougher than the legendary Nokia."

The Samsung brand of the phone also vanished. It was now replaced by an alien brand called 'Divine'.

Not just the unbreakable durability, the phone also exhibited other advancements such as an unlimited battery and infinite storage capacity. It was also the same for its RAM and ROM.

"Is this powered by a mini-nuclear core or something?" 

Aside from those, its CPU also became very advanced to the point the phone's processing speed simply became overwhelming. 

Even the phone's visual display and camera defied contemporary standards.

The quality of the displayed and captured pictures or videos were extremely clear where the pores of people from the background could be visibly seen if you zoomed closely to their skin.

"This is the black technology phone every photographer dreams of…"

Kim Do-Hyun carefully held his phone that was now alien to him.












"This should be the best salon shop in the neighborhood…"

Kim Do-Hyun arrived at a salon shop while being guided by a map and customer reviews on his extraordinary phone.

As he entered the sleek establishment, he envisioned shedding his messy long hair for a more polished look.


A lady walked towards him while inwardly feeling pleasant to serve such a handsome customer.

"Dear customer, what service would you like?"

"I'm here for a haircut."

Kim Do-Hyun explained as he touched his long messy hair.

"Anything else? Would you like a hair treatment or dye your hair?"

"No, just a haircut."

"I understand. Please take a seat over here."

Kim Do-Hyun went to take a seat at the haircut station. On the salon chair, he removed his glasses and placed them away.

"What haircut would you like?"


He didn't really know much about good haircuts or hairstyles nowadays, so he took a safe approach.

"Please give me a haircut you think will suit me the best. Preferably, I would like it to look neat and nice."


She observed Kim Do-Hyun's face and hair before smiling confidently.

"Believe in me! Noona will make you as handsome as popular idols."

"I'll believe in you."

Kim Do-Hyun chuckled with a smile.

Seeing such a sweet smile, the lady grew determined to transform his hair.

The haircut soon began.

"You have good hair."

The stylish complimented his smooth hair that had its own natural healthy shine.

A sign of a good hair.

"Someone took good care of it."

Kim Do-Hyun replied vaguely as he couldn't really talk about the app.

"Someone? You must have a girlfriend. But it's no surprise seeing your good looks."

"No, I don't have one."

"Ah, really?"

She was quite surprised.


"Then feel free to come here anytime. Noon is always available for you."

The stylish winked at him.


Kim Do-Hyun could only laugh at her chatty antics.

As time passed…


His haircut was finally over.

Kim Do-Hyun dazedly gazed at his own reflection in the mirror.

The stylist, with precision and skill, had transformed his long messy black hair into a trendy neat haircut. 

She even took the time to style his hair to make him appear more attractive.

Kim Do-Hyun couldn't help but feel a newfound confidence. The neat haircut complimented his features very well, making him look cleaner and sharper than ever.

"The styling is free of charge. I did it because I realized it would greatly enhance your face."

"Thank you, noona."

Kim Do-Hyun sincerely appreciated her words.

"Want me to teach you how to style your hair differently?"

"Yes, I have no problem."

"Okay, but you must promise to become a regular here. Hehe."

"I will."

Kim Do-Hyun spent more minutes inside the salon to learn more about the art of styling his hair.













"Bye, come back again!"

As he left the salon, his mind was full of unique ways to style his hair.

["The heroic mane of the hero has been blessed by great charm"]

["+Common Achievement, +10 AP"]


"Oh, this is quite unexpected."

Kim Do-Hyun curiously went to check his new achievement.


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Good Hairstyle (Common)]

-Grants Good Hair.

(Remarks: Your mane will always be in the perfect condition. No need for wax or hairspray.)


"Sounds great. I can now style my hair anytime and anywhere."

Such a convenient achievement that made use of his newly learned art.

Kim Do-Hyun went back home while receiving many gazes.

"A clothing shop…"

He encountered a branded clothing shop along the way. When he stared at his own clothes in the reflection of the windows, he realized a problem.

"My clothes are bad."

But his fashion sense was dull.

Kim Do-Hyun just decided to return home while considering the use of other people to decide on his clothes.













"Hello, I'm Kim Do-Hyun who has recently moved into this apartment complex. Although it might be late, please receive this small gift as a formal greeting for my neighbors."

"Oh, thank you. You're such a nice young man."

Kim Do-Hyun received a compliment from the lady who ran the chicken restaurant.

"It's nothing. By the way, the chickens from your restaurant are really delicious!"

"Haha, is that so? I'll give you a discount if you eat there again."

"Thank you! I'll visit the others, so please take care!"

Kim Do-Hyun went to visit his next neighbor.

Mrs. Lee returned back inside her apartment while laughing joyfully.

"He's such a great young man. Not only handsome, but also know how to be nice and respectful. Cheong-san should be friends with guys like him."

Mr. Lee commented light-heartedly besides his lovely wife.

"You're right."

Mrs. Lee easily agreed.

Kim Do-Hyun did the same for the next apartment room which was also the place where Nam On-jo resided.

"A gift? You didn't have to…" 

It was On-jo's firefighter father who received him.

"Ah, it's fine. This is just how I've been taught since I was little."

Those words were not lies. He was taught to act polite and respectful even in both of his two lives.

"I see, thank you then. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to talk to me or my daughter. We'll help you."

"I'll gladly do so."

On-jo's father then smiled at me.

"I hope my daughter could act like you."

Kim Do-Hyun smiled at that.

"I'll try to befriend her."

"Is that so? Thank you."

After this conversation, Kim Do-Hyun went to give a gift to the rest of the apartment units on his floor. 

Although the gifts were small and not that extravagant, the neighbors gladly received them with a smile.

Any kind of kindness is appreciated after all.

On his way back to his unit, Kim Do-Hyun heard his phone notification.

["The warm kindness of hero has earned the deep affection of his neighbors"]

["+Common Achievement, +10 AP"]


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Your Good Neighbor (Common)]

-Grants a good person aura.

(Remarks: People will trust your words more easily.)


"Nice, another good achievement!" 

There was a clear disparity between a suspicious person versus a good person.

And that disparity can make a huge difference.

Kim Do-Hyun happily hummed on his way back home.



[Hero Status]

[Hero Characteristics]

Social: Devilishly Handsome, Nature Friendly, Good Aura.
