
Author Note: I've decided to add elements of the webtoon version to the movie version of All Of Us Are Dead.


Chapter 7 — Hyosan High School!

A week later.

After stepping out of the shower, Kim Do-Hyun confronted his reflection in the mirror.

As a result of his dedicated workouts, his appearance no longer appeared mere skin and bones. His body gained weight and started to grow defined muscles all over his contours.

And with the intake of proper nutrition, he was able to grow taller and increase his weight from being malnourished.

If he continued with his workouts, it wouldn't take long to acquire his dream physique; a chiseled chest, sculpted shoulders, and a tapered waist that harmoniously blends with a broad and powerful back, as well as a toned abdomen, muscular arms, and sculpted legs. 


[Hero Status]

-Kim Do-Hyun-

Age: 16

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Blood Type: A

Height: 182 cm (6'0″)

Personality: Orderly Neutral

[Hero Characteristics]

Social: Devilishly Handsome, Nature Friendly, Good Aura.

Body: Good Fitness, Healthy, Good Immunity. 

Brain: Good Learner, Excellent Memory (Web Knowledge).

Talent: Cleaning Talent, Cooking Talent.

[Hero Skills]

Cleaning Skill (Intermediate), Cooking Skill (Intermediate), Fitness Skill (Intermediate), Study Skill (Intermediate).


This was the current status and overall progress of Kim Do-Hyun.

The Fitness Skill was created after researching extensively to create his ideal workout program. As for the Study Skill, it was created by studying different study methods to study more efficiently.

All of his skills advanced to intermediate level after he learned and experienced more things about those skills.

His greatest skill was the Cooking Skill that has improved significantly; now able to create a variety of delicious Korean Cuisine.

And this was the current progress of his [Hall Of Achievement]:


[Hall Of Achievement]

[My Brain Is Like A USB (Unique)]

- Grants Enhanced Memory.

[Not Afraid To Get Sick (Unique)]

-Grants Enhanced Immune System.

[Clean Freak (Common)]

-Grants Cleaning Talent.

(Remarks: The owner of this achievement can easily learn cleaning skills and use those skills more effectively than others)

[Cleansed Body (Rare)]

-Grants a cleansed physique.

(Remarks: Even if you get dirty outside, you won't smell bad for eternity. No to harmful pollution!)

[Touch Grass (Uncommon)]

-Grants affinity with nature.

(Remarks: You're friends with nature.)

[Let Me Cook! (Uncommon)]

-Grants cooking talent.

(Remarks: The food you make is always nutritious or good for the body, but this can't guarantee the taste!)

[Good Hairstyle (Common)]

-Grants Good Hair.

(Remarks: Your mane will always be in the perfect condition. No need for wax or hairspray.)

[Your Good Neighbor (Common)]

-Grants a good person aura.

(Remarks: People will trust your words more easily.)

[Fitness Routine (Repeatable)]

-Grants All-Round Training Improvement.

(Remarks: Training Activities improves the overall capabilities of the body.)

[Seeker Of Books! (Uncommon)]

-Grants affinity with books.

(Remark: Right Books will always come for you. As such, you are able to easily understand and remember the books you've read.)

[Study Intern (Repeatable)]

—Grants Study Efficiency Boost.

(Remark: Your study efficiency will get temporarily boosted when studying. )


All in all, Kim Do-Hyun was satisfied by his progress.

Kim Do-Hyun started to wear his school uniform.

He first wore a white long-sleeved button-up shirt. Then it was layered by a sleeveless dark green vest with his own name tag above a circular badge — the school badge of Hyosan High School.

The lower half of his school uniform consisted of a black belt and gray plain trousers with white rubber shoes.

He then wore his accessories; a vintage silver watch and a locket necklace that contained a photo of his family.

Lastly, he styled his messy hairstyle to look neat.

Now that he wore his school uniform and glasses, Kim Do-Hyun appeared sharp and intelligent to the eyes.

It was time for school!

















"Guys—! Guys—! Big news!"

A girl hurriedly ran over to Class 2-5 to deliver exciting news.

"What news, In-sak?"

Her classmates from Class 2-5 grew interested about the news.

"There's a new transfer student in our class!"


After hearing that news, they started to make surprised noises except for the silent types.

For the boys—

"Ahhhh. I wish the transfer student is a girl….!"

"We're thinking the same thing!"

"I want her to be pretty! Like really pretty and pure!"

"And single!"


As their imagination began running wild, there were some guys who didn't really care if it was a girl or not.

"I already have noona who shot my heart with her arrow of love…"

A big guy sighed as he thought of the cool senior from the archery club.



The big guy's best friend smacked his head, causing the others to laugh light-heartedly.

Meanwhile, Lee Su-Hyeok and Lee Cheong-San were glancing at two particular girls.

The former was glancing at an aloof girl reading a book, while the latter was looking at his childhood friend napping on the dest.

As for the girls side—

They were the same.

"I hope the transfer student is a handsome guy."

"Omg. I really hope so. There's so few handsome guys in our class!"

"I know right!"

The boys snorted after hearing their words that were directed at them.

"With those looks, you girls still dare for handsome guys!?" 

"You son of a bitch! How dare you speak crap to us!"

"So you can trashtalk us, but not to you girls!?"

"That's right! You don't."


The boys side and girls side started to furiously argue and fight.

"On-jo, are you still asleep?" Yoon In-Sak went to her best friend who was lying on the desk.

"No… It's too noisy to even sleep." On-jo tiredly said while still not lifting her head from the desk.

It was then —

"Our teacher is here!"


All of them began to quickly sit on their respective seats.


The sliding wooden door opened as the homeroom teacher walked inside.


The teacher said to them and went behind the lectern.

"We have a new student today. Welcome him nicely."


Knock! Knock!

A gentle knocking sound came from the classroom door.

"Come in."

There were many eyes glancing curiously towards the door.

As it opened, someone confidently walked inside the classroom.

At that exact moment, time seemed to slow down for the girls.

"...Holy Shit!"

All eyes widened.

Mouth agape.

Surprised. Excitement. Happiness.

Those surge of overflowing emotions caused them to smile as they started to fix their appearances by reflex.

"So handsome!"

Majority of them held a single thought — A prince charming arrived.











Hyosan High School.

Kim Do-Hyun was finally gonna attend it starting today. As he entered the school entrance, he received many dazed gazes but he was clueless to them.

Even if he knew, he would've just thought they were curious because he was a new student.

"The teacher said I need to go to the teacher's office first."

On his way to the office, Kim Do-Hyun wore his wireless earphones and played his favorite playlist.

Since his phone had unlimited storage capacity, he was able to download a lot of music without a problem. 

His current playlist consisted of music from various languages, but he preferred old American songs and Korean songs that he grew to love.

Kim Do-Hyun soon arrived at the teacher's office and met his homeroom teacher.

"Nice to meet you."

He politely greeted his new homeroom teacher.

"It's nice to meet you too. Don't hesitate to ask me for any problem, okay?"


The two of them went to their classroom — Class 2-5.

"I'll go first, okay? Just knock on the door after a minute has passed."

"I understand."

He waited for a minute before knocking on the door.

"Come in."

Kim Do-Hyun opened the door and went inside the classroom. He managed to remain unfazed by the various curious gazes he received.

"Introduce yourself."

The teacher whispered beside Kim Do-Hyun.

He nodded slightly before taking a deep breath.

"Hello, I am Kim Do-Hyun. It's nice to meet everyone."

Kim Do-Hyun finished his short and simple introduction.

Meanwhile, his voice left them wanting to hear more.

Too sweet!

And so pleasant!

His soothing voice seemed to massage their ears softly and tenderly.

The teacher sensed he already finished the introduction, so she took the lead again.

"Guys, Do-hyun will be your new classmate. Make sure to be good to him!"


Majority of them were speechlessly observing Kim Do-Hyun.

"My goodness…"

"Is this real…"

"So handsome!"

"Mom, don't wake me up if I'm dreaming…"

Tall. Handsome. Smart.

Those modifiers entered the minds of many girls and boys.

"Hyo-ryung, I think I found the one."

Ji-min held her childhood friend's hand in disbelief.

"Ji-min, me too…" 

Seo Hyo-Ryung was also in the same state as everyone else.

The boys were also stunned and amazed by the guy before their eyes that resembled handsome idols and models.

Even Cheong-San was quite surprised to see a familiar guy!

He was his new friend from the apartment complex—Kim Do-Hyun!

"Hey, On-jo! Wake up!" 

On-jo was awakened by her excited best friend.


She slowly rose up before being shocked to find a familiar guy in front of them.

"Kim Do-Hyun!"

On-jo exclaimed in surprise, causing the others to look at her.

Kim Do-Hyun glanced at her.

"Hi, On-jo."

He then looked at Cheong-san.

"You too, Cheong-san."

The two of them could only nod their heads.

"Oh, I didn't know you knew some of my students. That's great."


Kim Do-Hyun smiled.

And his unique smile captured the hearts of every girl.

"Wow, compared to Bare-Su, this guy is on another level." In-sak remarked while looking mesmerized.

Kim Do-Hyun smiled at his new classmates before feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket to signal a new achievement.

"Do-hyun, sit on the empty seat on the last row over there. Next to the window."


He lightly bowed to the teacher before going to his seat.

"Nam-ra, take care of Do-Hyun as the class president."


He passed by the girl who responded stoically.

"Hello, class president."

Kim Do-Hyun greeted the class president, but was met by a silent nod as she continued to read his book.

"That bitch. How could she act so cold to Do-hyun when she's the class president of the class?"

"She's not our class president. Her mother just bought that position for her."

The girls started to whisper behind the back of the class president.

Kim Do-Hyun was able to hear them. It seemed like there was some gossip in their classroom.

As he thought about It, he finally sat down on his seat.


He greeted his seatmate next to him. She was a girl wearing an oversized black jacket over her uniform. Her hair was tied in a messy bun.

Kim Do-Hyun noticed she looked sick and pale. Most importantly, she seemed nervous and cautious.

The girl tiredly nodded at him.

"You okay?" 

"I'm fine."

But she seemed to have some problems with her stomach.

"I got a thing that might help you." 

Kim Do-Hyun rummaged through his bag before pulling out hot compresses that he used for muscle pain when working out. He also took an essential oil inhaler he sometimes used when studying for too long.


"Ah… thank you."

Although hesitant, she eventually accepted it as if the pain and discomfort was too much.

"No problem. Feel better now?"


Kim Do-Hyun then felt another vibration from his phone.

However, he couldn't easily take out his phone during class.

"Guys, pass your phones to me before we begin. You too, Do-yun."

Kim Do-Hyun froze after hearing those unexpected words.

'Fuck! (Shibal!).'

There's a no-phone policy!???


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