
Chapter 10 — Showdown!

Gwi-nam once again held the ball. This time, he was more serious and focused on playing the match. He started with a series of quick dribbles towards the basket. 

Kim Do-Hyun followed, guarding every path towards the basket tightly.

Gwi-nam then changed his pace, performing a quick crossover with the ball dancing between his hands and underneath his legs. The ball danced in Kim Do-Hyun's eyes, Gwi-nam maneuvered to his right, but a quick spin move to the left outmaneuvered him.

As Gwi-nam dribbled near the basket, a sense of dread filled him. The ball was released, but an outstretched hand from his back slapped it away. Frozen, Gwi-nam turned to see Kim Do-Hyun towering over him.

"You persistent bitch!"

Gwi-nam was annoyed for not being able to score a goal.

"Indeed I am."

Kim Do-Hyun went to grab the ball and took his position.

The game resumed, Kim Do-Hyun possessing the ball this time. He started his offensive play with a slow dribbling pace as Gwi-nam closely guarded him.

Still annoyed from not being able to score earlier, Gwi-nam forcefully tried to take possession of the ball as they paced around the court.

"Give it to me!"


As they exchanged move intensely to the onlookers—

Gwi-nam managed to 'accidentally' elbow Kim Do-Hyun's cheek, who became momentarily dizzy, allowing Gwi-nam to quickly steal the ball.

"That bastard!"

Gyeong-su and the others were furious to see that happening, but they had no evidence to prove if it was intentional or not.

After quickly recovering, Kim Do-hyun went to run after Gwi-nam. 

However, Gwi-nam was already near the basket and managed to finally do a successful lay-up this time.



"Two points!"

Gwi-nam loudly announced his score before glaring at Kim Do-Hyun.

"Once this is over, I'll definitely smash that arrogant face of yours! It's too late to regret now."

Kim Do-Hyun ignored his taunts.

"Do you play with your mouth?" 

Gwi-nam quickly scowled madly.

"You really hit my nerves!"

Kim Do-Hyun quickly maneuvered with the ball, but Gwi-nam continued with a wild play that was discreetly forceful and violent.

Having learned his lesson, Kim Do-Hyun fully showcased his agility and intellect by guiding Gwi-nam's aggressive defense to a certain spot.

"This is it…"

Kim Do-Hyun's pace abruptly changed as they arrived at the spot — he quickly took a jump backward while smoothly throwing the ball.


The ball made a high arc across the air before sailing through the net.



"A fadeaway…!"

Those who were knowledgeable were amazed by such a cool move.


Kim Do-Hyun calmly announced the new score.

The gap widened.

Son Myeong-Hwan frowned deeply after seeing that.

"What are you doing, Gwi-nam! You're letting that bastard win!"

"Just watch!"

As his frustration deepened, Gwi-nam became more obvious about his violent playstyle as he hurled various insults to rattle Kim Do-Hyun's focus.

And when he insulted Kim Do-Hyun's parents, it finally worked.

Only the opposite.

"I'll kill you, Kim↑ Do↓ Hyun↑!"

Gwi-nam muscled his way like a mad bull towards Kim Do-Hyun who was closely guarding him — his intention to deal severe injury to achieve victory was clear as glass.



The firm collision between the two players drew the shock of the onlookers, but Kim Do-Hyun unexpectedly rose above the aggression, leaving Gwi-nam unable to advance forward as he cried out in pain.


Gwi-nam cursed after realizing the ball disappeared from his hand. Not only was it stolen, he also felt himself being injured.

Kim Do-Hyun had swiftly stolen it during their collision.

And he was already racing towards the basket to perform a lay-up.



"Kim Do-Hyun! You're so cool!"

The girls screamed excitedly as he managed to bag another score.

At this moment, Gwi-nam was already trembling from a chaotic mix of wrath, frustration, annoyance, and a sense of looming defeat.

"Hey, keep yourself together. Our game is still ongoing."

Kim Do-Hyun threw the ball towards Gwi-nam.

A provoking smile formed on his face.

Yet it looked eerily dark.

"I still need to completely teach you a lesson for messing with me."

Gwi-nam tightly held the ball as his crazed and maddened eyes scowled at Kim Do-Hyun.

At this moment, his wrath, frustration, and other hideous emotions erupted all at once.

"You bastard!"

Gwi-nam leaped explosively as pure violence showed from his dribbling and movements.

If anyone were to guard him right now on the way to the basket, they would get violently slammed away by the back of his free arm.

However, Kim Do-hyun only sighed as Gwi-nam became much easier to stop and predict now if he finely used his excellent speed and finesse.

As Gwi-nam furiously neared—

Kim Do-Hyun moved forward and delicately reached his arm towards Gwi-nam.

—And the ball was stolen.


Gwi-nam immediately froze upon feeling the ball getting stolen so smoothly.

Kim Do-Hyun stood menacingly before the dazed Gwi-nam.

"Give it back…"

Gwi-nam dazedly reached out for the stolen ball.

"Hey. You better not involve the parents in your insults next time."

As Gwi-nam reached out for the ball, Kim Do-Hyun immediately performed a rapid crossover that was incredibly fast and smooth — the ball becoming a blur in Gwi-nam's eyes as it danced on his hands and between his legs.

Kim Do-Hyun then swiftly maneuvers to Gwi-nam's right side, the latter desperately following after, but Kim Do-Hyun abruptly stopped his fast paced dribbling and slowed down to quickly perform a reverse dribble into Gwi-nam's other side in an instant.

"On your knees."

Caught off guard, Gwi-nam fell to the ground on his knees.

"Beg there for forgiveness."

Kim Do-Hyun then dribbled slowly to the basket to score using a simple lay-up.



There was utter silence present in the surroundings.

"I win."

With that proclamation, the silence was broken by countless excited cheers and praises.

"Holy shit! An ankle break!"

The knowledgeable ones were stunned to witness such an incredible moment that showed Kim Do-Hyun's utter dominance over Gwi-nam — whether it was skills, dignity, and looks.

Kim Do-Hyun made history!

"Crazy cool!"

The boys and girls were also thrilled to see such a cool moment. 

Meanwhile, Gwi-nam was left in disbelief and still couldn't accept his pitiful outcome.

"I don't accept this…!"

Gwi-nam tried to rationalize his current situation.

Kim Do-Hyun stared at him pitifully.

"Keep your promise. Don't mess with me again."

"You bastard! Who are you to tell me!?"

Kim Do-hyun sighed. He had thought this bastard was still redeemable, but he was nothing but trash.

"It's not pathetic to lose. What's more pathetic is not admitting your defeat and not keeping your promise."

The onlookers also agreed with the words said by Kim Do-Hyun. They were looking at Gwi-nam for being extremely pathetic.

In school, reputation was everything to students.

To their eyes, Gwin-nam was now nothing but a pathetic loser — extremely worse than being a bully.

Unlike him, Kim Do-Hyun just displayed his maturity and calmness despite the frustrating things Gwi-nam did to him — he was the personification of being cool!

"What are you all looking at!"

Gwi-nam furiously stood out and lashed at them, but soon found himself growing weak from their collective gazes.

Although he felt silent, his cronies were different as they charged furiously at Kim Do-Hyun.

Not only were all of them humiliated, but they also lost a lot of money from their bets!

All because of Kim Do-Hyun!


Su-hyeok and the others quickly went to back up Kim Do-Hyun.

"You guys better stop. It's clear who won fair and square. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Lee Su-Hyeok glanced at them.

"You shut up. What is there to be embarrassed? And don't you ever forget — You used to be one of us! You fucking hypocrite!"

All of the bullies glared furiously at Su-hyeok who betrayed them.

Lee Su-Hyeok couldn't manage to say anything when he heard their words.

Kim Do-hyun was surprised about such a past, but he had to defend his friend who helped him.

"Su-hyeok is better than all of you! He's trying his best to change and redeem his mistakes, but what about you guys? All of you are just pathetic cowards that can't even admit defeat or keep a promise!"

"What did you say!?"

"You son of a bitch!"

The cronies and Kim Do-Hyun's group started to argue verbally.

As the scene turned chaotic and was about to become violent…

"Everyone, let's back out now."

Myeong-Hwan commanded them. His words were absolute. He then said something to Gwi-nam, causing him to reluctantly nod his head.

Gwi-nam then left while now vividly feeling the painful injury he endured after crashing with Kim Do-Hyun. The others also left the place as they knew creating a huge trouble in such a crowded place would spell disaster for them.

Kim Do-Hyun felt this still wasn't the end between them. His case with Gwi-nam might be temporarily solved, but not all of them.

But no matter who it was, Kim Do-Hyun will make sure to have a good life.

For now, he was satisfied to assert a powerful presence to the bullies.

To show them that—

He, Kim Do-Hyun, wasn't someone to mess with.












After the basketball match, Kim Do-Hyun realized he obtained two new achievements.

[The valiant hero has triumphed over the ignominious villain]

[+Common Achievement, +10 AP]

[The hero displayed a dazzling and cool visage to the awe-struck populace]

[+Uncommon Achievement, +20 AP]


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Bully Shamer (Common)]

-Grants Shaming Aura.

(Remark: Your enemies avoid you because you make them look inferior and shameful.)

[Cool Person (Uncommon)

-Grants Cool Aura.

(Remark: Not only good, but also cool!)


"Oh? Two achievements that granted me social-type characteristics."

Kim Do-Hyun was surprised after seeing his new status.


[Hero Status]

[Hero Characteristics]

Social: Devilishly Handsome, Nature Friendly, Good Aura, Cool Aura. Shaming Aura.


"I'm stacking up those auras!"

Kim Do-Hyun couldn't understand those auras, but he felt it was important to gather many of them.

Who knows? 

Those auras might eventually fuse and evolve in the future.











"Do-Hyun! Let's go to a karaoke bar!"

After class ended, Kim Do-Hyun was invited by his friends to visit the nearby karaoke bar to have fun.

Not only his entire friends, there were also girls such as On-jo and In-sak.


Kim Do-Hyun agreed to come along since he wanted to try out singing with friends in a karaoke bar!

He was about to leave, but he noticed their aloof class president was still reading a book on her seat.

"Class president, want to come along with us to the karaoke bar?"


Kim Do-Hyun tapped on her shoulders, causing Nam-ra to get surprised. Turning to face him, she removed her wireless earphones confusedly.

"Wanna go to a karaoke bar with us?"

Kim Do-Hyun invited her again.

Nam-ra looked at Kim Do-Hyun's friends who were waiting outside the classroom.

"No… I have other things to do."

She shook her head.

"I see. Then next time. Bye!"

Kim Do-Hyun waved goodbye before going outside the room.

Nam-ra then wore her earphones again and started to read in solitude…

It was the first time.

That someone invited her out.















"Let's sing!"

After renting a karaoke room, they ordered their desserts and started to sing their favorite songs until their voices cracked.

Apart from singing, they also conversed about the basketball match earlier by praising Kim Do-Hyun's excellent skills and amazing argument skills.

"Actually… I argued online a lot in the past. Maybe that's why I'm quite good."

"You serious!?"

"That's unexpected."

All of them started to laugh teasingly at Kim Do-Hyun.

"Oh! It's your turn to sing, Do-hyun!"

"Come! Show us your skills!"

When it was Kim Do-Hyun's turn, their faces showed excitement as they could finally hear him sing.

Kim Do-Hyun then began singing his favorite Korean song. As he started singing, his friends were immediately astounded as his seductive yet soothing voice tickled their hearts, making them feel pleasantly good.

After he was done, Kim Do-Hyun received a lot of applause and praise.

"Wow, you sing a lot like those kpop idols!"

"Hey, Kim Do-Hyun! Why don't we start a Wetube channel and get rich together!?"

"You crazy fool!"

"Wait, that actually sounds possible with Do-hyun's looks and talents!"



"I'll consider it."

Kim Do-hyun chuckled as he found those words funny.

They spend a few more hours in the karaoke room until their voices are emptied out.















After everything settled down, Kim Do-Hyun was finally able to decide on his club.

It was Taekwondo Club!

The only club that effectively made use of his good physical strength to protect himself at any time by learning how to fight against other people.

This decision was further solidified when Kim Do-Hyun encountered the bullies.

He knew those bullies wouldn't just simply end their enmity with him.

Only by learning how to fight could he confidently teach a lesson to those who mess with him to truly never mess with him again.

The next day when he told his friends about his decisions, they were happy to hear it.

So without wasting any more time, Kim Do-Hyun officially joined the Taekwondo Club.

As a result, he obtained a new achievement related to taekwondo.

[Hero has gone to the Martial Temple to learn one of its sacred martial arts.]

[+Rare Achievement, +30 AP]


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Taekwondo Kid (Rare)]

-Grants Taekwondo Talent.

(Remark: Do I have to repeat again?)


After joining the club, Kim Do-Hyun was often excused from minor subjects such as homeroom to train at the club.

He didn't really care for those subjects as he had already mastered the entire three years of high school level. It was about for him to focus studying on college level materials about biology, medicine, and others related to them.

Sometimes, Kim Do-Hyun also practiced his taekwondo skills when it was lunch time. 

Although there were lessons about taekwondo on the internet, it was better to learn from licensed instructors as they teach more accurately.

Since he already had a good physique, Kim Do-hyun skipped physical training a

nd was directly taught about basic stances and fundamental taekwondo skills.

As a result of his taekwondo talent, Kim Do-Hyun was able to learn those things rapidly like a dried sponge.

After he was familiar with the fundamentals, he would now spar with his clubmates and seniors to gain practical experiences.

In the end, after spending quite a lot of time in the club, Kim Do-Hyun managed to receive compliments from his seniors and coach as he was seen as the best new recruit amongst the newest batch.