Time Anomaly

Before returning to the Clan, Tian Cai had hurriedly purchased the memory jades he needed.

Wasn't this a really good day. Earlier, I leisurely toured the City with Big Sis. I finally found coffee. I got the memory jades for little brother. Today's the best!

Tian Cai stole a quick look at Bai Guang.

Big Sis is so pretty!

His action was noticed by Mu Huizhong. Looking at Bai Guang, the sadness in her green eyes deepened.

In this happy state, Tian Cai entered the Zhao Clan Manor with his entourage. Upon which, he discovered, life in the Zhao Clan was already upended.

Zhao Qiang was on his knees before a sitting down Zhao Jia. She had a flaming ruler in her hand. Behind his Granny, Zhao Wen stood with a blazing white sword.

"Qiang'er you return home and the first thing you do is destroy half of Savant's Grace Plaza. You wanna die!?" roared Granny.

"Big Brother, do you know what that's gonna cost?" hissed Zhao Wen.

Tian Cai stood startled.

When had he ever seen Granny and Mom so angry?

Suddenly, a guard rushed in carrying a scroll. "Reporting!! Matriarch, the City Lord has sent over a bill."

Another guard rushed in. "Reporting, the Black Bank just sent a letter. They are offering loans at 25% to cover the costs of repairs."

Taking the scroll, Zhao Wen read the bill. With visible distortions on her face, she smacked the bill onto Zhao Qiang's face.

"100 Hundred Million Spirit Stones!!!" she roared.

"Haa Haa! Merely 100 Hundred Million Spirit Stones. Sis, Glory and Honor have no price. All will know the might and power of our Zhao Clan."

Zhao Jia's eyes bugged out. Raising her Ruler she was about to jump on Zhao Qiang when Zhao Chen raged into the fray. A flaming foot kicked Zhao Qiang's torso and he grunted taking the full brunt of the force.

"Haaa, Father indeed you have grown stronger. But my body is even stronger than before. Aiya! What's that smell!?"

Zhao Chen's face blackened.

How could he tell his own son, the origins of his smelly father.

Tian Cai came forward, not quite sure what to make of the situation. "Granny, Grandfather, Mom...Tian Cai has returned."

"Cai'er this this Black Sheep is your Uncle Qiang!"

"Child, its good you brought Miss Mu Huizhong home," said Zhao Jia. Somehow, when stepping forward, she shifted and her ruler appeared to just slightly graze Zhao Qiang."


Screaming, the man was blasted back into the far wall.

"Welcome to our Zhao Clan. Wen'er you play host with Miss Mu inside." She spat on the ruler and it blazed brightly an incandescent blue. "Grandmother needs to do some disciplining."

Zhao Qiang stumbled from out of the rubble of the wall.

"Granny, Grandson was wrong!!"


Granny flashed and appeared above Zhao Qiang. He screamed as the ruler firmly imprinted his face into ground.

"This Old Lady is going to bleed all 100 Million spirit stones outta your body."

As the shrill screams continued, Zhao Wen quickly put away her sword and said, "Daughter-in-Law, its good that you've come back. Cai'er is truly lucky to have such a graceful fairy. Please come inside for some tea."

Using both hands, she gently pushed Mu Huizhong and Tian Cai into the main hall.

Behind them, Zhao Jia said, "Chen'er stop holding Mother back. This Old Lady needs to break his legs."

"Mother no, Qiang'er is my only son. OW, my ear!"

"You dare stop Mother from disciplining."

"Granny, please don't hurt father! Ow, my nose!"

"Let this Granny imprint both your faces into the Heavenly Punishing Wall. Aiya! Son, you stink worse than yesterday!"

Zhao Wen quickly closed the doors to shut out the ruckus.

Smiling she said, "Daughter-in-Law, our household is never boring. Life with us will be quite lively."

Suddenly, it dawned on Tian Cai that something wasn't right. "Mom, did-did you just call Miss Mu daughter-in-law?"

"Mhm. Earlier, everyone witnessed as you proposed to her and she accepted."

"I proposed to her?" Tian Cai started recalling the day's earlier events and the harder he remembered, the paler his face became.

"You-You wanna go home with me??"

"This Young Master will take care of you for eternity."

"We are now Husband and Wife."

"Woman! Don't-Don't ever leave my side!"

Tian Cai looked up in shock.

What the hell did I just do?

Seeing his distraught face, Zhao Wen chuckled. Patting his head, she said, "Silly, Miss Mu was sent by the Ninth Heaven's Yun Clan."

"Yun Clan?"

"Mhm. Yun Hao's clan to be exact."

Pointing to Mu Huizhong, he exclaimed, "You're from that fogy's clan?"

"Cai'er best be careful. Mostly like, she's an Empyrean like Mom."


"Hubby, wife is known as the Golden Path Empyrean."

Zhao Wen hissed, "You're a formations expert!?"

"What-What does the Yun Clan want with me?" asked Tian Cai.

"These past five years, the Yun Clan has been searching for Master Yun Hao. The flame in his spirit lamp still burns brightly. From this we know he was still alive. Using a secret technique, Patriarch detected Husband's blood resonance with Yun Hao. Thus it was deduced that not only was he alive, he also fathered a son. Patriarch also surmised that Yun Hao was gravely injured and is recovering in secret. Patriarch tasked me to secretly, provide support to Master Yun Hao and to protect Zhao Tian Cai with my life. When he is of age, I am to bring Husband back to the Clan. Us being betrothed, is a cover story."

"Betrothed Cover Story?"

Tian Cai rubbed his temples. The day had started so beautifully. Now, now he was betrothed!?

Zhao Wen mulled a bit, "Miss Mu, I surmise you have a way to contact the Patriarch?"

Startled by the question, Mu Huizhong said, "Er-yes-but-but it may take some time."

"How do I say this? Miss Mu, before entering seclusion, Yun Hao declared he would renounce both his Sect and his Clan."

Mu Huizhong pupils dilated.

This-This wasn't in the records either.

Continuing, Zhao Wen said, "His renunciation was out of his desire to protect his Sect and Clan. You must know, his enemy is extremely powerful. This was the reason, he asked me to raise Cai'er as a son of the Zhao Clan."

"This-This news requires contemplation. How about you let me send back word. Until then, I will continue my current mission. Will it hurt to have another Empyrean protecting Hubby?"

"You-You still want to stay as my betrothed?" asked Tian Cai.

"Hubby, you must know Yun Hao is considered the greatest talent of the Yun Clan. Naturally, his son would be considered a future pillar of the clan."

"Cai'er, let Miss Mu stay. Eventually, we would've had to contact the Yun Clan. As you know there are greater forces in play."

"Mom, er-er how can a 5 year old have a wife?"

"Weren't you the one to bring her home?"

In the distance, faint screams filtered through the walls.

"Grandmother please! Not the Wall, don't smash my head into the wall. I already have a scar."

"Qiang'er what's this have to with this Granny? Wasn't Wen'er the one who gifted you that scar?"


"OOWWW! Mother, why are you smashing my face first? Weren't you punishing Qiang'er first!?"

"Cuz you stink! I want to be done with you first. Then slowly, slowly I'll show Qiang'er how to spend 100 Million Spirit Stones."

Tian Cai looked at Zhao Wen. "Mom-Mom you cut uncle's face?"

"Cai'er, Mother can relate the story to you later. Right now there's the issue of the 100 Million Spirit Stones. If we fail to pay up, the City Lord will have the right to confiscate the Manor and all our properties. At that time, we won't have the ability to keep with the payments to the Black Bank."

"Mother-in-Law, Patriarch Yun sent Hubby a Star Bank card as a gift."

Zhao Wen trembled, "That-That would be the fabled jade card of Ninth Heaven's Star Bank?"

"Yes, I believe it has 50,000 Star Spirit Stones."

Zhao Wen jolted. Quickly she calculated with her finger, "That's 700 Million Spirit Stones. Cai'er, your-your rich!!"

Faster than anyone could blink, Tian Cai swiped the card and placed it in his Mother's hands.

"Mom, we-we are rich."

Zhao Wen's eyes softened, "Son, Mother loves you best."

"Mother, since Miss Mu will be staying, where do we house her?"

Like magic, the Star Bank Card was miraculously put away. Zhao Wen chuckled, "Silly, she'll be staying in your courtyard."

Tian Cai was about to voice his dissent, when Mu Huizhong said, "Hubby, if you escort Wife to your abode, she'll prepare a medium roast pour-over coffee for you. It's perfect to enjoy as an afternoon pick-me-up."

"Wife-Wife knows me best," declared Tian Cai.

Mu Huizhong giggled as he started to push her out of the hall. She patted his head gently. Her action caught Zhao Wen in surprise.

Her eyes, they're so sad..the way she pats his head..what am I seeing?

Hubby, the 5 year old you is-is so adorable. Huizhong missed you.

Arriving at his Manor, Tian Cai wasn't sure what to do. He stood in silence, twirling his fingers.

Mu Huizhong giggled. "Hubby, I'll take the room closest to you. This way if anyone attacks, I'll be right there to defend you. I'll put away my things then immediately start brewing your favorite cup of joe."

A servant came running up. "Youngest Master. Earlier, Matriarch forgot to ask if you were able to purchase the memory jades?"

"Ah that! Yes-Yes here they are," he responded handing them over.

Bowing, the servant said, "This one will immediately bring them to the Matriarch."

Gray and Small Shadow walked into the courtyard. Both were extremely disheveled.

Jolting in surprise, Tian Cai asked, "What happened to you two?"


"Little Brother it was nightmare. Everyone forgot that you can't leave Bai Guang and Qin Rong alone. If they're together, they need to be constantly monitored," said Small Shadow.

Turning to Gray Shadow, he asked, "Sister, what happened."

"Those two are unbearable. As soon as you left, Bai Guang went berserk. Immediately, she claimed Qin Rong disrespected you earlier. In response, Qin Rong claimed Bai Guang was unqualified to protect you."

"Little Brother, it took all Five Shadows to hold those two down. Luckily, when both put on their gloves and were about to get serious, Father was able to knock them out. Now both are resting in their abodes under tight watch."

Tian Cai sighed, "With Uncle's Qiang's return, it appears our peaceful days are over."

Gray and Small Shadows both looked strangely at Tian Cai.

What peaceful days? Hasn't a foul beast been attacking us for the greater part of a week? Didn't Matriarch just destroy half the Ling Clan manor?

Mu Huizhong appeared with rolled up sleeves and an apron. Carefully, she placed a steaming hot coffee in front of Tian Cai.

"Hubby, Wife hopes you like it," demurely said Mu Huizhong.

Sipping, Tian Cai sighed in bliss.

"Hubby, I have this sweet biscuit. It goes quite well with coffee."

Seeing the biscuit, Tian Cai's heart shook.

Isn't-Isn't this biscotti?

Dipping it into the coffee, he chomped down in delight.

With misty eyes, he turned to Mu Huizhong and said, "Woman, Young Master will protect you forever."

The two siblings stared gobsmacked.

Their Little Brother was already enjoying married life?

Covering her mouth, Mu Huizhong giggled. Turning to the two shadows, her tone abruptly changed.

"Humph! I see you two are treating this manor as your own. Earlier, upon inspecting your rooms, what did I find? Dirt-Dirt-Dirt-Dirt!" huffed Mu Huizhong with crazy eyes.

"In this household you WILL keep your rooms so clean, your innards come out white. Clothes you want washed, they better be in baskets sorted in whites, colors, and darks. Meals, when I say the food is ready—its ready. Not sooner, not later. At the table, your hands better be clean. Let me make this clear, my Hubby always eats first."

"Beauty, your pour-over technique is heavenly," commented Tian Cai, clearly oblivious to his surroundings."

"How about wife, massage your legs? Earlier you walked all about the city. Wife is sure you are tired."

"Mhm...Beauty knows me best."

Gray Shadow was about to jump Mu Huizhong when Tian Cai's next words froze her solid.

"Beauty please be gentle. Tian Cai knows, that with your Empyrean might you may break my bones. Truthfully though, I would die happy after finally drinking coffee."

"Mhm. Coffee is the blood. Coffee is the life." said Mu Huizhong.

Both Gray and Small Shadow hissed.

She's an Empyrean!?

"Beauty, we-we think so much alike. How can your hands be so gentle?"

Later in the evening, while Tian Cai studied in the forbidden area, Shensheng appeared.

"Divine Pig, Zhu Shensheng, I've been expecting you," said Mu Huizhong.

"You-You can sense this Queen," snorted a surprised Shensheng, who materialized from the void.

"Although, my formations can't prevent you from coming nor going, they can at least detect you," responded Mu Shensheng.

"Earlier I detected your killing intent targeting my Disciple. Now, I find you hovering about my student. You really must want to die?"

Ignoring her, Mu Huizhong pushed forward coffee and a pile of biscotti.

"What's this? Are you waving a carrot?"

"Kaffe and sweet biscuits, a midnight snack," replied Mu Huizhong.

"This is that mysterious Kaffe. Disciple is always asking about it."

"It's an overly sweetened version," commented Mu Huizhong.

Sniffing, Shensheng, "Sweetened you say? Well, this Queen can always snack."

Upon taking her first sip, Shensheng squealed, "TASTY!! SLURRRRPPRP! MORE! MORE! SLURRRRPPRP!"

"No more, were all out for the day."

"NOOOOOOOO!" snorted Shensheng.

"Not possible. You think my supply is endless? I have this Kaffe because it exists in the future, however not in this time period."

"Time Anomaly! You-You take this Queen to the future right now."

"Humph! You clearly mistake me for some Time Divinity. The distortions you sense, these are the remnants of Master's power."

"Just exactly what are you to Zhao Tian Cai," grunted Shensheng.

"He is my master...In the future, I am his only maid."

"Maid? Future? What Happened?"

"700 years from now, Master will be assaulted by various Grand Empyreans. In order to save me, Master performed a forbidden technique. A time storm appeared and I was drawn in. Not only am I lost in time, I continually shift to various time periods in the past. I-I have no control where I go nor when I shift."

"Imbecile! Forbidden means forbidden. Wait, this didn't just occur, you-you've been lost for centuries."

"Truly you are the Divine Pig Queen of the Cosmos. To be exact, its been 241 years," Extreme sadness deepened the color in Mu Huizhong's eyes.

"For this brief interlude, while I'm here, I'll never leave Master's side. The things that break his heart, I will remedy. Ling Fan must die."

Shensheng's eyes constricted, "So it's true, you want to kill Ling Fan."

"Zhu Shensheng, If I must, I will fight you to the death. That little hussy must die before she causes irrevocable harm to my Master."

"Let this Queen hear the reason. Perhaps, should you provide more Kaffe and sweet biscuits, we can workout a deal."

"You and Ling Fan don't exist in the future. Some 300 hundred years from now, the both of you disappear. Master spends the rest of his life searching for her. Finally, he decides that the only path is to ascend and continue the search in the Cosmos."

"He's attempting to ascend before he completes his fate...Forbidden Forbidden Forbidden!" angrily squealed Shensheng.

"Now that you know, I Mu Huizhong will kill that hussy tonite!" The woman's clothes fluttered as she started releasing her Empyrean Domain.

"Humph! You think this Queen will allow you do as you will...Divine Defecator!"

Instantly, Mu Huizhong keeled over clutching her stomach. With a red face, she desperately was looking for the nearest bush. A deep shadow fell upon her and in horror, she looked up into the blazing eyes of Zhu Shensheng.

"Dare try to kill this Queen's disciple. Courting death you are!"

Shensheng was about to smash Mu Huizhong's head open like a melon, when Tian Cai's small frame jumped before her. Intertwining his fingers, he flexed his elbows as he popped his neck.

"You-You dare attack my Woman!" he roared, furiously pointing a finger at Shensheng.

"Your Woman!? Little Genius, you're-you're married?" asked the Divine Pig?