City’s Most Wanted

The Zhao Clan gates opened and as Tian Cai's group left, they were greeted by the wind and an area devoid of activity.

Coincidentally, Fat Shadow started whistling while scanning about in all directions.

Bai Guang chuckled, "Ha there must be some festival on the other side of Savant City and all the people are enjoying themselves over there."

Clearing her throat, Gray Shadow said, "Sister Bai must be correct, everyone knows Savant City is a city of joy and has innumerable festivals."

Small Shadow sighed in disappointment, "Father must we go hunt vile demons beast today. Can't our family take a break and enjoy the festival?"

Tian Cai's ears twitched.

Festival? Mayhap we can check things with Big Sis later. The sun is so bright. Earlier didn't Big Sis say I looked handsome and heroic?

A wide smile was brightly cracked across his face. Tian Cai was in a extremely good mood. Bai Guang was in fact holding his hand.

Whereas Mu Huizhong's eyes were flickering as she was thinking of ways to use her ruler to flatten Bai Guang into meat paste.

"Big Sis, perhaps after we settle things for Gu Jin, we can tour the festival later? Little Brother is sure they have lots of good things to eat."

Fat Shadow's eyes bugged as he shot a look at Small Shadow.

Can't you shut your trap just once?

Gray Shadow's hand was trembling. She was itching to backhand him one.

Sister will be good. Sister won't hit her Little Brother.

Suddenly, there was a soft chuckle behind Small Shadow that sent chills down his spine. A shadowy tendril encircled his mouth.

Soundless Shadow said, "Little Brother, you know how desperately we need those demon cores. We Shadows can't hide from duty."

A pale hand firmly patted Small Shadow's shoulder. Small Shadow shuddered. The hand belonged to Death Shadow.

Whispering icily, Death Shadow said, "Little Brother better not ruin the mission. You wanna enjoy a day in my shadow of death?"

Soundless Shadow said, "Why don't you stay quiet, let our Youngest Master enjoy the trip?"

Sweating bullets, Small Shadow nodded furiously.

Entering the market area, again the group found no hint of activity.

Tian Cai sighed in disappointment. "Sister-in-law, In-law was hoping to show you our Savant City's market. In fact, if you saw something to your liking, In-law was going to gift it to you."

Mu Huizhong's eyes softened.

Gift me...Gift me...Gift.

She turned her head away and a single tear of happiness dribbled down her cheek.

Bai Guang chortled, "Hahahaha this must the festival that requires mandatory attendance by the market vendors. Little Brother may not know, but on those days, nobody goes to the market."

Tian Cai frowned with concern. "Big Sis, you think Heavenly Tea Pavilion will be open? We may not be able to get the sweets you like."

Fat Shadow cleared his throat, "Youngest Master, are you planning on stopping at the Heavenly Tea Pavilion? Visiting hours at the Prison end early, so we don't want to be late."

Bai Guang said, "Ha! That Heavenly Tea Pavilion, never closes. Big Sister will just run in quick. As they always provide quick service, it shouldn't be long."

"So it's like this. Uncle, you heard Big Sis, she'll be real quick."

Fat Shadow grumbled.

At the Five Tiger Mercenary Headquarters, Chief Hu and the other Five Tigers sat in conference.

A mercenary ran in. "Reporting, City Lord has alerted us. Zhao Clan has started moving. Zhao Tian Cai is being escorted by Bai Guang and the Five Shadows.

Tiger Two cleared his throat, and asked, "Big Brother, must our group take action?"

Chief Hu sighed. "Didn't we accept City Lord's money? Since we signed the contract we have only enjoyed benefits. So there's no choice. However, us Tigers won't proffer our necks. We'll wait till the last moment and only make motions. Others will see that we attempted action."

On a rooftop not too far from the City Lord's Manor stood Zhao Jia and Zhao Wen.

Smirking, Zhao Wen asked, "Grandmother, how come you never mentioned anything about Old City Lord's advances."

Zhao Jia took a look about and upon confirming no one was looking, she spit.

Zhao Wen chuckled, "You still have that habit?"

Scoffing, Zhao Jia, "What about you?...Just the other day Grandmother caught you picking your nose."


Chuckling, Zhao Jia continued, "You've never had the honor to meet Old City Lord. How to describe him? You must know he's distantly related to the imperial family...and you know how short the royal family tends to be."

Zhao Wen gasped covering her mouth. "You don't mean....?"

"Mhm, Old City Lord is about a foot shorter than Grandmother."

"Oh my!!"

"Luckily, he's still a bit taller than the Emperor," added Zhao Jia.

"Oh my!!"

On the top of the Savant City Prison gates stood Empyrean Zhang An, Warden Su and Lieutenant Chen.

Zhang An was a youthful man who stood proud as reflected by his status.

"Warden, Lieutenant Chen, how goes things? Is everything prepared?"

The Warden, who was missing an arm, spoke, "Lord Zhang, this Warden guarantees our prison guards are ready for your command."

Lieutenant Chen, who was in full battle armor said, "Humph! My 7th Company will honor City Lord with glory. So what if it is the Zhao Clan? In fact, we are well prepared."

Zhang An's eyebrow raised, "Please provide details."

Nodding, Lieutenant Chen replied, "Long ago us City Guards procured reinforced under armor. We no longer fear the Legacy Killer."

Curiously, the Warden glanced at the Lieutenant's lower torso.

No wonder his armor was thicker down below.

Behind the Warden was the Vice Warden.

Whispering, the Warden said, "Spare no cost. Raid whatever budget you can, get us some of that under armor."

The Vice Warden who was missing a leg, nodded furiously. "Lord, this one will heed your command."

Zhao Qiang stood with Zhao Chen on a rooftop halfway from the Zhao Clan Manor and the prison.

Zhao Chen, was sipping the wine that Shadow Six had slipped him earlier.

"Father, you're drinking now?"

"Qiang'er you don't know the horror you father's been facing. Father really needs to relieve some stress."

"Father how bad can it be?"

After taking a sip, Zhao Chen said, "You may not know, but Father's growing hair where he shouldn't. The hair in my right ear is as thick as a tree bush."

Hissing, Zhao Qiang scooted a way from his father.

Ignoring Zhao Qiang's action, Zhao Chen asked, "What's your intentions with Long Mei Xing? Isn't she staying at your manor?"

Zhao Qiang sighed. "Earlier Son wanted to ask nephew If he had a position for her, however that huge misunderstanding with In-law occurred. Afterwards, Son approached Granny and Sister for similar inquiries, however both declined."

"Why not tell her the truth about the evil actions of her husband? Then show her the door. Shouldn't the matter end at that?"

"She has no place to go. Nephew was correct. Miss Long was indeed starving."

"Then we can only wait...perhaps the issue will resolve itself."

In a avenue close to the Zhao Clan Manor, a small army amassed. Leading it were 20 Martial Kings and they were the City Lord's secret forces.

Martial King Lan, the leader, stood proudly. Behind him, a Martial King said, "Finally, our time has come. City Lord recruited us from the Capital specifically to destroy the Zhao Clan. With all the Zhao Empyreans gone, our task should be like plucking feathers."

Martial King Lan nodded upon hearing the man's words. "Heed my command, leave no one alive."

Outside, the Heavenly Tea Pavilion, it had already been 15 minutes since Bai Guang and gone inside.

Fat Shadow said, "Youngest Master, just now I sent in Gray Shadow. They should both be returning shortly."

Indeed, Fat Shadow's words were true as both ladies strode out.

Excitedly, Bai Guang ran over to Tian Cai and stuffed a honey cake into his mouth.

"Little Brother isn't this the best??"

Swallowing a bite, Tian Cai said, "Little Brother likes whatever Big Sis likes."

Mu Huizhong shot laser eyes at Bai Guang.

No Flirting!!!

However, Bai Guang's next words shook her.

"Young Miss Ling Fan was inside. While waiting for my order, Big Sis chatted with her a bit."

Nonchalantly, Mu Huizhong said, "If this seat remembers correctly isn't she the one that's always has a pig following her?"

"Mhm, indeed Young Miss Ling has a pet pig. However, it was not accompanying her today."

Mu Huizhong trembled with excitement.

Hussy's alone without the Divine Pig? OPPORTUNITY!!

"Normally, Big Sis enjoys visiting the Heavenly Tea Pavilion, however..."

Tian Cai's eyes narrowed, "However?"

"That Gu Yang was there and he was looking at places that he shouldn't. If we didn't have business, Big Sis would've blasted a burning hole from his eyes through the back of his head."

Tian Cai stretched his elbows and cracked his neck.

Gray Shadow and Small Shadow hissed.

Little Brother's pissed?

Tian Cai was about to run in and show Gu Yang how to have your eyes gouged out when Fat Shadow interrupted.

"Youngest Master, we need to hurry before visiting hours end."

Several lines of frustration riddled Tian Cai's forehead.

"Fine!! Let's go!!"

Not even ten breaths later, Mu Huizhong suddenly said, "It's my friend Chu Mei! Noble Brother-in-law, Huiqing will stay and chat a bit. Later, she'll meet you at the prison."

Without waiting for a response, Mu Huizhong swooshed off.

Hussy, today is your death anniversary!

Gray Shadow and Small Shadow looked on in disbelief.

Mu Psycho has friends? They must be crazy as well.

They shot glances at each other and came to an agreement. At all costs, they must never allow Little Brother to meet her friends.

Tian Cai said, "It's nice that In-law has friends she can talk to."

Beauty, your younger sister is well liked and not alone.

After another ten breaths, the group had arrived before the prison. Suddenly, behind them, Lieutenant Chen's 7th company barricaded the road.

The prison guards were amassed on top of the prison wall. Zhang An's voice rang out.

"Criminal Zhao Tian Cai! Surrender yourself or die!"

Tian Cai jolted. Turning about he asked, "What's this?"

Bai Guang was whistling and twiddling her fingers. Someone shoved Fat Shadow forward.

Tian Cai gritted his teeth. "Well??"

"Youngest Master it's like this. In reality you aren't under house arrest and serving your sentence at home. In fact you're a wanted criminal...Number 1 on City Lord's most wanted list."