Feed Me


Tian Cai shot a look at the Divine Pig, Zhu Shensheng.

"He-He thinks I'm his dad?"

Shensheng hissed, "Big Brother, why!? Sister found Little Genius first and is already looking to him to be her future disciple."

The bunny licked Tian Cai's face several times.

Even though the fuzzy bunny was licking him, Tian Cai was somewhat relieved. He was reminded of the first time he met Zhu Shensheng.

Wasn't she humping his thigh much, much more worse? But why would this little guy think this 48 year old man-child was his father?

"Arrrrrrggh! You killed my brothers!" roared a voice from outside the main gates.

"Humph! That Di Bao didn't die!?" snorted Zhao Wen.


Together, Zhao Wen and Zhao Jia moved as one.

Zhao Qiang roared, "Kill anyone still alive!!!"

He jumped forward followed by Qin Rong.

Bai Guang snarled chasing after.

Shensheng snorted, "Fools they're all dead!"

Confused, Tian Cai asked, "Teacher but that voice?"

The Divine Pig motioned with her snout. "Humph! Look, your mother returns."

Indeed, Zhao Wen and Zhao Jia strode back through the main gate. Zhao Wen was holding Di Bao's head by his hair. Instead of a clean cut, there were precise cubed edges on his neck.

Zhao Wen snorted, "Just like a Di Clan person, full of hot air even after death!"

A Zhao Clan guard dissappointingly said, "Brother is it I, or does it seem we never get a chance to fight? Everytime we draw our weapons, something always intervenes."

"Humph! These Di Clan bastards dare think they can just walk into our Zhao Clan uninvited? Glory to Zhao Clan!"




Nonchalantly, the bunny's ears twitched a bit as it licked a paw.

Sighing with relief, Tian Cai attempted to put the Bunny down, but it hissed softly. Tian Cai froze, sweat drenching his torso spontaneously. In fact, he was trying to control his legs from shaking.

Shensheng chortled, "Big Brother, Sister almost forgot how you always make an entrance. Just like the old days, you sliced those imbeciles right up."

Tian Cai eyes popped wide open. Just like the old days?

Clearing his throat, he said, "Mighty Divine King, Zhao Tian Cai greets you."

"Dada," purred the bunny.

Inwardly Tian Cai groaned. How could this be?

"Teacher why is his Lordship referring to me as aFather?"

Shensheng peered off into the distance with her snout raised high. If one were to see her from a distance, they would say she was an unfathomable and noble Queen.

"Big Brother just forcibly descended. Typically, us Divine Beings must reincarnate in order to enter the lower realms. For Big Brother to forcibly descend portends a severe necessity. Carefully we must watch...the future may hold unexpected danger," said Shensheng.

"Does this mean forcibly descending comes at a cost?"

"Indeed Little Genius is correct. Big Brother's past memories are locked...it may be centuries before he recovers his full self. Until then, he's in an infantile state. As such, he somehow noticed you and immediately believed you to be his father."

Tian Cai rolled his eyes. In what world this any of this make sense?

Handing Di Bao's head to a guard, she said, "Take this to the ancestral hall, let the souls of our ancestors find comfort in this little bastard's death."

Zhao Jia slipped next to Zhao Wen. "Wen'er, what about this bunny?"

Before Zhao Wen could reply, Tian Cai replied, "Mom, this Little Lord is somewhat attached. Just now, Son attempted to put him down and he was immediately agitated."

Zhao Wen eyes narrowed, her hands twitching. Wasn't this situation similar to when she met Tian Cai's Masters? She found such powerlessness extremely frustrating. Turning to Mu Huizhong, she said, "Huiqing, do you have any means?"

Mu Huizhong's eyes were streaming tears with her finger nails bleeding from her clenched fists.

Master! Beloved Maid swears she'll free you. Why! Why was this killer rabbit also not in the records?

Silently, Mu Huizhong shook her head in negative in response to Zhao Wen's question.

Tian Cai heart wrenched as he looked at Mu Huizhong. Considering how she had protected his family, hadn't he gone too far with his anger. Seeing her now, he hoarsely whispered, "In-law forgives Huiqing!"

Mu Huizhong trembled and turned her face away.

"Big Brother, since you are here, Sister invites you to stay with her next door. Later, Sister will introduce her disciple Ling Fan."

The bunny looked away.

Shensheng snorted, "Sister understands, Big Brother has already found a place."

Tian Cai shot a look at the pig. "Teacher, what do you mean?"

Sighing, Shensheng replied, "Ah, Big Brother has taken a liking to your Zhao Clan manor. Teacher must rely on Little Genius to host her Big Brother."


The deadliest most lethal rabbit in the universe wants to stay at my house!?

"Cai'er, in a moment, Mom will strike and.."

Gritting his teeth, Tian Cai said, "Mom, this Little Lord, believes me to be his father. It absolutely will not hurt son."



Softly, Zhao Wen said, "You be honest...are your words true?"

"Mhm," nodded Tian Cai.

Everyone released tremendous sighs of relief.

"Mom, son believes he should return to his courtyard. No one should look for me without reason. Senior Ling, earlier my Big Brother Zhao Ding was the one that saved Sister Ling. Being a top expert he acted secretly and without notice. Both of us hope she recovers quickly."

Nodding to everyone, Tian Cai turned and left.


Mu Huizhong together with Gray and Small Shadows, followed Tian Cai.

Zhao Chen quickly came up. "Daughter, Grandson he'll be safe right?"

Zhao Wen winced. "We can only trust his word."

Zhao Jia patted Zhao Wen's shoulder. "Wen'er just how many Guardian Beasts does our clan have? Are they being bred in some secret realm and the entrance happens to be our Zhao Clan Manor?"

Zhao Qiang strode up. Earlier, Qin Rong followed Patriarch Ling as he returned home to care for Ling Fan. Scratching his head, Zhao Qiang said, "Little Sister, although today witnessed the killing of so many Di Clan youths, Brother is disappointed he wasn't able to do any fighting. Is that really the Godkiller? Wasn't he supposed to be a Nether Hell King Beast?"

Zhao Wen sighed, "Let's continue the discussion in Grandmother's courtyard. Please invite Lord Uncle."

Everyone stiffened.

While they were heading to Zhao Jia's courtyard, Tian Cai just arrived to his.

Shensheng chortled, "Big Brother welcome to Little Genius's courtyard. Although its not as comfortable as Disciple's abode, it does have its charm. Big Brother lately, Sister has been training Little Junjie. How about you observe and offer any pointers?"

Junjie froze. He just imagine Shensheng fat rump smooshing him into a pancake. He was about to run when the bunny suddenly jumped down and sniffed a bit at Junjie. After a breath it looked up and clicked its teeth at Zhu Shensheng.

Tian Cai was surprised by being suddenly freed. So much so, he was about to rely on the best innate skill he had from his previous life....Running away from danger, without thinking and without ever stopping. Briefly, he smiled while reminiscing. Wasn't that also the only time he ever lost weight? In fact, he had almost erased one single roll of fat on his stomach. Ha! That was one of his proudest moments as Rey.

Seeing the Bunny's look, Shensheng jolted. "Big Brother, it-it can't be? Our Junjie carries a royal bloodline!? He actually will be a Heavenly Swallowing Boar King? Impossible!!"

In the next moment, Tian Cai's face blackened.

Like a blur, the bunny had hopped onto his shoulders.

It purred and nibbled on Tian Cai's ear.

"Little Genius it looks like Big Brother is Hungry. You should hurry and find some food for him."

Tian Cai's eyes rolled.

Now I have to find it food?

Just then, Alchemist Liu appeared with a basket of dark leafy greens and carrots.

Before she knew it, the bunny swooshed over and knocked her to the side. Alchemist Liu yelped and found herself rolling about uncontrollably. Grunting, she jumped up to her feet.

Pointing, she was about to yell profanities when Gray Shadow covered her mouth. Whispering she said, "That's our Zhao Clan's Guardian Beast Godkiller. He just wiped out Five Empyreans...you really wanna die?"

Alchemist Liu stiffened and visibly paled.

At this time, Tian Cai actually turned about and was about to start running when red beams flashed out.

In the distance a wall collapsed to the ground.


"Dada feed me."

Seeing the remains of the wall, Alchemist started shaking, sweat drenching her robes.

"Sister Gray Shadow, just now you..you saved this Alchemist!"

Tian Cai grimaced.

"Little Genius hurry and feed Big Brother. He's known for growing irritable when hungry. In his infantile state, Big Brother's emotions are even more sensitive."

Tian Cai turned about with a bright big smile etched across his face. "Little Lord, haha. Dada is more than happy to feed your handsome noble being."

"Little Genius, to properly feed Big Brother you'll need to personally hand feed him. Big Brother will only eat food from a parent."

All types of veins popped and twitched across Tian Cai's face. Reluctantly, he sat down next to the basket and picked out a carrot.

"Little Lord, try this carrot picked from Dada's personal garden," said Tian Cai.

Chomp! Slurp!

The carrot disappeared instantly.

Tian Cai's eyes popped open.

The rabbit can eat!

Shensheng sauntered over. Snorting, she said, "Little Genius, you need to be more careful with your hands. Big Brother is known for bitting off a limb or two of his servants."

Tian Cai looked about dejectedly.

Why! Why! Why me!