Love Triangle

Not even blinking, Tian Cai shut the door. "Grandfather, stay absolutely silent or both of us will pay a price we can't afford."

Turning about he paused with a reluctant grimace. In fact, Tian Cai was trying to keep his knees from wobbling. In his mind, he imagined the sharp spikes of the Heavenly Punishing Paddle.

"Child, don't make Granny go in and get you!"

Tian Cai's face blackened and he rushed out.

"Granny, you're here...what a nice surprise," said Tian Cai.

"Say it! Where's your Grandfather?" said Zhao Jia.

Sheepishly, Tian Cai scratched his head. "Granny, great grandson just woke up from a nap and hasn't seen Grandfather since earlier. Uncle Qiang can vouch, Great Grandson even activated the manor's defensive formations to help you out. Aren't I filial?"

Tian Cai batted his eyelashes with puppy dog eyes.

Zhao Jia's eyes narrowed. "Qiang'er can corroborate you're story?"


"Someone! Ask Young Master to join us."

A servant ran out like their buns were lit by fire.

Zhao Jia brought out the Heavenly Punishing Paddle and Tian Cai's eyes constricted.

A sharp thin light gleamed across the spikes.

"Cai'er you may not know, but unlike the other weapons, the Heavenly Punishing Paddle has the ability to grow into a five star weapon. This Granny regularly nourishes the paddle with her own power. Therefore, the weapon's might continuously grows."

Continuously grows!

"Let Granny demonstrate."

With a flick of her wrist, the Heavenly Punishing Paddle grazed a boulder and it exploded into powder."

Tian Cai's eyes twitched, the hair on the back of his neck rising like porcupine needles.

Through smiling teeth, Tian Cai said, "Ha! Granny sure is amazing!"


Zhao Qiang arrived much faster than expected.

"Grandmother, you called for me?"

"Mhm. Cai'er says earlier he utilized his manor's defensive formations to prevent your Father from hiding here. Is this true?"

Zhao Qiang eyed the Heavenly Punishing Paddle. Noticing the gleam, he was thanking the Divinities a thousand times the weapon wasn't the Heavenly Punishing Net.

"Grandmother, indeed Nephew's words are true. Earlier, we were discussing the upcoming duels as well as our excursion to Shadow Hell Forest. Father was enraged that Nephew dared to activate his defensive formations."

Zhao Jia's eyes scrutenized the two a bit. With the heavy tension, the only thing heard was the steady patter of dripping sweat as the two men awaited their fate.

"Cai'er, Granny will believe this time," said Zhao Jia, putting away the Heavenly Punishing Paddle.


Tian Cai let out a humongous sigh of relief.

Zhao Qiang was about to sigh as well, however Zhao Jia pulled out the Heavenly Punishing Stick.

"Grandmother, what's this?" asked Zhao Qiang.

"Granny is having your Heavenly Punishing Net upgraded with five star Black Spider Silk. It's strength should increase two-fold. Later, Granny will call you to test it. For now, we go search your manor?"

"Search my abode?"

"Why else would I bring out the Heavenly Punishing Stick? If Granny finds you hiding your Father...Humph! You're buns will be raw and pink like fresh meat. At the same time, we'll interrogate Long Mei Xing."

Seeing his Uncle's knees start to wobble, Tian Cai whispered, "Relax you know Grandfather isn't hiding at your manor."

However, Tian Cai misinterpred the source of Zhao Qiang's fear.

"With Chen'er frolicking about, who knows you haven't been doing the same. We'll ask Miss Long if you've been an honorable gentleman."

Suddenly, Zhao Qiang fell to his knees.

Zhao Jia's eyes constricted as flame erupted along the surface of the Heavenly Punishing Stick.

Tian Cai hissed, "Uncle you didn't?"

"Grandmother, Grandson begs to marry Long Mei Xing!"

Zhao Jia stumbled back, "Like your Father's Hu Jiao, she's isn't pregnant as well?"

Tian Cai gasped.

Grandfather's Hu Jiao...Pregnant?

"Grandmother, Grandson has only been courting her."

Swoosh! OW!

Zhao Jia grabbed Zhao Qiang by the ear. "Humph! We'll go over now and ask her directly. You better be only courting!!"

Zhao Qiang screamed as she dragged him out of Tian Cai's manor.

Tian Cai looked about, smacking his lips.

My family's not crazy.

Some breaths later, Tian Cai found some food and the promised wine. Knocking on the latrine door, he said, "Grandfather, Granny's left. Grandson has brought refreshments."

With a creak, the door cracked open. "Really, Mother's gone?" asked Zhao Chen.


Kicking the door open, Zhao Chen exclaimed, "Whew!"

With a blur, he grabbed the plate of food and munched like he been stranded in the woods for days.

"Grandfather, who's Hu Jiao?" asked Tian Cai.

Zhao Chen spat the food out . Tian Cai's reflexes kicked in as he ducked by twisting his body away.


Clearing his throat, Zhao Chen said, "Cai'er, Grandfather's sorry. Why are you asking about her?"

"Earlier, Granny dragged Uncle Qiang away. Just now, he asked to marry Long Mei Xing. Granny wanted to make sure he wasn't like you and that Miss Long wasn't expecting like your Hu Jiao."

Shock and embarrassment interchanged in various expressions across Zhao Chen's face. His son was begging to marry Long Mei Xing? His Grandson was asking about his indiscretions. How did things end up this way?

Sighing, Zhao Chen popped the cork off the wine jar and chugged like it was his last drink.

Tian Cai said, "Grandfather, it's alright if you don't want to say. However, Uncle Qiang and Grandson learned an important thing. Granny's been upgrading her heavenly punishing weapons. You wanna get hit now, or later by an even stronger Heavenly Punishing Stick?"

This time, Zhao Chen spat out this wine. "Cai'er can't you slowly tell Grandfather such news?"

Zhao Chen's face was full of dejection.

"Cai'er, Grandfather will tell you later, when he's ready. Now, it's best to hide until we leave for Shadow Hell Forest."

"Very well..Grandfather, please rest in the latrine."

Turning about, Tian Cai smirked. You don't wanna say. Fine, Grandson won't warn you what happens daily in the latrine.

A few breaths later, Tian Cai had changed his robes. He decided to pay a visit to Big Sis. However, first he had a question for his Sister-in-law. Tian Cai wanted to learn more about the Yun Clan. To be exact, he was thinking of looking for Mu Huizhong.

Tian Cai knocked on her door. "Sister-in-law, In-law has come to visit."

Tian Cai waited several minutes with no reply. He entered her chamber and took a cursory look.

His eyebrows curled questionably. On the bed was a body pillow. Normally, Tian Cai wouldn't care. However this one actually had a face sewn onto it and was wearing robes.

Tian Cai suddenly recalled the time in the temple when he secretly caught Sister-in-law praying. Wasn't she talking about her beloved?

Realization dawned on Tian Cai's face. That face on the pillow must be her beloved. She misses him that much!?

Shaking his head, he was about to leave when he caught sight of a desk with scrolls. Stepping over, he picked up a scroll. The title was Marriage Plan. He only read the title and the first line.

'Challenge Hussy to the Death and make her meat paste.'

Tian Cai gasped. Wasn't this the so called Love Triangle?

Hastefully, he placed the scroll down and picked up another. The title was Beloved. Tian Cai couldn't resist and decided to read it.

'Master, you are my Beloved. My heart aches missing you.

Master, how can you not love me more than my older self?'

Again Tian Cai dropped the scroll. Obviously, these scrolls were all too personal. However who was this Master?

Another epiphany lit up across Tian Cai's face. Didn't Fiancé and Sister-in-law have the same master? So the Master was in love with her older sister Mu Huizhong. Fiancé must've left the Yun Clan to give her younger sister a chance and not have to duel her own sibling.

Tian Cai sighed. So that's how it was. Suddenly, he jolted. This Master guy must be a Grand Empyrean. If he still was crazy for Mu Huizhong, wouldn't that mean that man would come looking for Tian Cai!?

Tian Cai rubbed his glabella.

Humph! He may be a Grand Empyrean but in the end wasn't he one against three? Tian Cai only had to revive his masters. Surely, they would end the guy if the fellow came a knocking.

Quickly, Tian Cai left the room. Sure he had the physique of a Martial King, but this was like a blade of grade before a Grand Empyrean. He absolutely, needed to get stronger.

Tian Cai headed to the rear garden. He quickly realized Alchemist Liu wasn't there working. Somewhat bothered it was still better she wasn't around. He stripped and assumed the lotus position.

His Ancestor's cultivation art was called the Grand Soul Sun Art. In order to start cultivating, he needed to first establish a connection with the soul of the sun. This was only possible if a person was born with the Innate Sunlight Body.

According to the Art, he needed to enter a meditative state then attempt to trace the sunlight back to its source. Breathing in through his nose, he consciously felt the sunlight into the pores of his skin. Heat and light appeared to hungrily stream into his body as though his cells were extremely malnourished.

With his eyes closed, Tian Cai was unaware that wisps of light were starting to flare across his skin. After an hour of breathing and absorbing sunlight, Tian Cai felt his cells were full. At this time, he attempted to trace the light back to it's source. Although, the sun was physically high above, this wasn't the source. Unbeknownst, to many, suns had souls and they were hidden deep beneath layers upon layers of plasma.

If resonance was established, then true cultivation could begin. If he was lucky, a seed would be embedded into his dantian. If he nourished It long enough, eventually that same seed would blossom into its own sun.

Slowly as he felt sunlight, he pushed his consciousness further and further into the light. Suddenly, with a rushing roar the light burst and his awareness shot up into the sky.

Was this astral projection?

Before Tian Cai knew it, he was before the edge of the sun. A distant soft voice echoed out.

"Young'un who are you to disturb my sleep?"