
Werewolf: A creature that can transform into a Wolf completely. Their senses are way more heightened than humans. Have super strength and night vision. Werewolves have an extended life span and age very slowly, also heal any wound when they change. A werewolf can infect a human with lupine syndrome if their saliva enters the bloodstream or if they are bitten or scratched. If another supernatural is infected it acts like a poison and they will die, no exceptions.

Pack: Pretty much the equivalent of royalty. There is one Pack can very in numbers and many Mutts.

Alpha: The leader of the Pack and all werewolves.

Alpha Female: An Alphas Mate

Beta: The Alpha's second in command. There usually is two betas one female and one male.

Omega: The lowest rank in a Pack. They tend to get picked on and end up with the worst jobs you could imagine.

Mutt: A werewolf that is not part of the Pack. They are not allowed to hold territory and most of the time are criminals or man-eaters. Not all of them are though.

Trackers: A society that is keen on hunting down werewolves and putting them in compounds for the rest of their lives. You can Identify them by the bloody dagger tattoos they have on their necks.

Compounds: They a pretty much a prison for werewolves.

Lupine syndrome: It is given to a reg when he or she is scratched or bitten by a werewolf, they also could have had a werewolf's saliva enter their bloodstream. It causes the victim to have their innards changed to those of a werewolf, this causes them to have a forced transformation. Most infected people die in the process, but there are a few unlucky ones that survive. They would then be on the run for the rest of there life being hunted down like dogs.

Transformation: The process of turning into a full fledged wolf.

HFD: A device that sets off a high pitched noise that only dogs and werewolves can hear. Hurts worse than a migraine.

Regs: Is the name supernaturals use for humans.

Sorcerer: A all-male race that can do magic like witches but all of theirs are offensive spells. They can learn witch spells but they are extremely difficult for them and aren't as strong as it is for the witches. Can identify witches with eye contact. look human.

Witch: A all female race. There like sorcerers just defense magic users. Same goes for them if they use sorcerer magic, it isn't as powerful as their own. Can identify Sorcerers with eye contact. look human.

Necromancer: A race that can talk, raise and summon the dead.

Half-demons: A half human, half demon race. Their fathers are demons and here mothers are human, always. Depending on which demon the father is their power can vary from teleportation to telekinesis or different elemental powers like that.

Skinwalker: A being like a werewolf but turn into cougars, panthers, or jaguars. Very rarely you can find a skinwalker that can turn into a Bear but mostly skinwalker turn into cats. They have heightened senses but not as strong as werewolves and aren't as strong. Have extreme agility. Bites and scratches along with saliva are normal, unlike the werewolf race.