Capturing a boat

Leaving the hotel at such a time, you would usually find the corridors completely empty as if they were being used for the shooting of a horror movie.

This time, however, it wasn't just Axel and Meili who had the intention of leaving so soon.

Instead, almost every single group of cultivators that were staying at the hotel were already down in the lobby getting ready to leave as soon as possible.

Upon seeing Axel and Meili though, none of them except Sasha and Lanying bothered taking a second look.

With one of them not being a cultivator, and the other one being a cultivator higher than all of them in strength, everyone just thought that they were leaving the hotel at this time for some special reason which didn't have anything to do with what all of them wanted.

Looking around as the entire place was filled with palpable tension, Axel who already wasn't thinking straight almost started feeling intimidated by the atmosphere.

Luckily though he soon recovered his senses and brushed it off.

Walking outside the hotel while thinking that he should only focus on his mission right now and leave the rest for the future, Axel asked Meili, "Is everything ready?"

Nodding her head, Meili who also went into strict business mode said, "Yes. A boat is waiting for us near Aswan, we'll go to Philae through using the boat and sneak past the security."

Having arranged for this because it would be impossible to take Meili along with him using the regular methods, Axel surprisingly took the keys from Meili and got inside the car.

Not saying anything and only narrowing her eyes at this, Meili got in the seat beside him as Axel easily pulled the car out of parking and began driving by putting the GPS to use.

Driving at the fastest possible speed on the almost deserted streets, Axel and Meili quickly reached their destination.

Without wasting any time since those who arrived first had the best chance of succeeding, the two of them got into the small fishing boat and drove off immediately.

This time though it was Meili who sailed the boat since Axel didn't know how to do so.

Sailing half of their distance easily, the two who realized that their journey was going way too smoothly quickly turned off the boat's engine and the light as well.

After all, not too far from them was what looked like a patrol boat looking for any boats that were aiming to go to Philae.

As a place which was only accessible through a boat ride, anyone that wanted to go to it needed to use a boat.

But, since the government had banned all rides to Philae for the day, and there was never any fishing activity inside it, being spotted right now meant that they were cultivators who wanted to steal the goddess that belonged to their nation.

The government did announce that it wouldn't send their cultivators above the Master Realm, but it said nothing about allowing the cultivators in the Master Realm and below to enter Philae.

So, only if they were capable and lucky enough to sneak onto the island, the cultivators would obtain an opportunity to compete and try to win.

Due to this, while most of them chose to take a boat ride, there wasn't any shortage in the cultivators who wanted to parachute down from planes as well.

Turning so silent that their existences seemed to fuse with the deadly silent sound of the sea itself, Axel and Meili watched as the boat travelled in whatever it's designated path was.

As soon as is it did so however, another boat arrived right in time to cover the area and not leave it unguarded.

Seeing this anyone would have to admit that the government was taking all measures to make sure that it was them who would win in the end.

Having already expected for such a thing, Meili presented the two available options.

"We can either try to dive deep and hide from the patrols, or try to steal the patrol boat itself and use it to sneak into Philae."

Considering how long it would take for them to dive deep enough to evade all possible cultivators patrolling inside the sea as well, the two of them knew that this wasn't a viable option unless they wanted to reach Philae tomorrow.

Therefore, they could only take over one of the patrol boats and try to blend in as one of the cultivators working for the Egyptian government.

To do this however they'd need one of them to continue sailing the boat while the other one silently got rid of all the cultivators on it so that they would end up being found.


Once they made a decision, the two of them jumped into the water without any hesitation and swam to the location where they saw the previous boats pass from.

There they waited for the next boat to arrive and as soon as the patrol boat was right beside them, the duo only needed to not their heads silently towards each other to start.

Using their inhuman strength to hold onto the boat and jump into it, Axel who found that there were only two cultivators on the boat with the both of them being in the Master Realm quickly caught them by their necks while Meili took the steering and made sure the boat travelled in its path.