Chapter 1


I tried to catch my breath as I entered the shade of the station. My forehead down to my neck was full of sweats.

Someone might think that I was that kind of weirdo who randomly panting like a dog while reading a pocket-sized novel.

To be honest, I don't really care. The air and the sun were unforgiving outside. The sunray bathed everything outside and turned them into oversaturated wold.

Even looking outside was really hard, so blinding! Now I understand why the Shut-ins hate to go outside, especially in this season. It's in the middle of summer after all.

I bought Padoru Sweat from a nearby vending machine.

"Pwaah.... Yep, Isotonic drink. Just as refreshing as the ads advertised them."

Now that my body is all refreshed, all I have to do is.....waiting. Waiting for the train to come.

I thought that I was late to catch the train, that's why I ran to this station at full speed.

"Today, I learned to never forget to change my alarm clock's battery."

I sat down at the bench near the vending machine. The view in front of me right now was somewhat depressing.

Please don't think that there is someone with a depressed aura standing next to the rail and thinking about killing himself. No, no, this is not that kind of story.

On the contrary of a dark aura, it was actually a bright, glimmering, and shining aura. In the middle of summer, when people are enjoying their youth in a world full of sparkle and red roses, I, Haruto, had to attend complimentary classes.

To catch up on the lesson I skipped that resulted in below-average points in my exam. Wow, how exciting my life is. Yes, right now I, unfortunately, am wearing my school uniform. While everyone in this station mostly wears their go-to-traveling clothes.

The expression was set in their faces about how they will spend the entire summer break or something like that. No wonder the station was much more packed than usual.

Am I bitter? Oh, sure I am. I'm not afraid to admit it.

"I really, really, really want to experience youth!!!!"

I unconsciously said that out loud and crushed my drink. I looked at my surroundings, and people were staring at me.

I had to bow and apologize in public like those corrupt politicians.


Well, beggars can't be a chooser really. The complimentary class was my own wrongdoing. You see, it's because...


Seriously? An announcement? Right when I started to tell my monologue and background for this story. Okay, go ahead.

[ We are sorry to inform you the train toward X-City will arrive 30 minutes slower.]

After waiting for 30 minutes, the train finally arrived. I stood up and walked towards the train as the train slowed down.

Suddenly, someone bumped to me. That very moment, I knew that it was a girl who bumped to me.

"I-I'm sorry."

She stammered! As a man, I should respond with elegance. But, before I could respond, she had already left.


She keeps walking, maybe she can't hear me with this many people. I noticed something on the ground. It's a cute handkerchief. It must be her. I put the handkerchief inside my pocket and entered the train before it shut its door.

Just as expected, the train is packed with people. From my perspective as someone who lived here for a long time, there was never something like this, or at least packed like this.

Usually, my eyes can see most of the things inside the train. Now, even my sight is limited to the door of the train.

The view behind the window slowly changes, from the view of one city to another city. That's all I could say, the same concrete jungle that I couldn't but to ignore.

What I can't ignore is the push that comes from the crowd behind me. They really had to push people in this train like some sort of sardines in a can. Even sardines in a can has so much room for them, not to mention the sauces. Oh, humanity, how far have you degraded yourself.

The push was still there even after I turned my brain into a half-assed philosophist brain. My body pushed even further to the door of the train, and I can't help but go with the flow.


What? I just heard a sweet-sounding voice like those I've listened in late-night anime. I noticed that there was a girl squeezed between me and the train door.

Oh my Goodness, what kind of situation is this!? I can see her sweet face and...My god, I can't help but smell something good.

Like a smell that instantly sparking joy to my heart, the one that makes me feel like a butterfly in a plain full of colorful flowers.


And this sensation, the pair of hope and dream softly pushing into my chest. Then, my senses told me something about the girl in front of me. Though I didn't see quite clear, I could tell that her face turned red in discomfort, adding to that her body shivered from fear and anxiety.

I immediately put both my hands to the door and pushed back to make some distance between my body and her body. It's not much, but at least there was room for privacy. Hmm...did I just kabedon her?


It appeared that she was surprised by what I do. She slowly looked up to me, and our eyes met.

My dear sweet, sweet, lord, thank you for creating such a beautiful creature

My dear sweet, sweet, lord, thank you for creating such a beautiful creature. Her eyes were round, big, and bluish in a proportional and cute face. While her hair was pretty much like a cotton candy that covers up her forehead down to her neck.


My heart starts to beat really fast as I averted my eyes, and from what I sensed, she too averted her eyes. Now I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. Do I say something in this kind of situation? I don't know! It's my first time in my life being so close to a girl.

Personally, I don't mind being with a girl like this for a long time, especially when I can smell the sweet fragrance that came out of her.

My thought came back as the train suddenly hit the brake. Naturally, there was the unintentional force that pushed towards the girl that I had to endure.

But, to be completely honest, my hand started to get numb, and I don't think I can hold it any longer.

She looked up to me again, and she saw my struggling face. I hope I don't make any weird face. Damn, how uncool. Train, What is wrong with you?

Well, this kind of situation usually happened when there were a technical problem or suici-

No, I told you this is not that kind of dark story. Keep that in mind. Suddenly I heard her voice.

"Umm...a-are you okay?"

My heart beat even faster upon hearing her voice. It resonated so much within my heart, for some reason. Or it was just me not used to talking with a girl.

"It's okay. I-I'm fine."

Our eyes met again, and we both averted our eyes in embarrassment. I can't explain why, but that was a moment of pure bliss. The numb and pain in my arms somehow lessened. The rest of the trip was filled with an unknown atmosphere between us.

It was definitely awkward, but I like it.

Finally, the train arrived at the X-City station. I don't know if it was a short or long journey. Somehow the time moved so slowly, and yet it ended so fast. The door opened and the passenger burst out of the packed train. Including the girl and me.

She made her distance from me as she walked to the exit. Once again, I can see her face as she turned to me for a moment. She bowed so gracefully, then disappeared.

Ah, I forgot to tell her that I had her handkerchief. Somehow, in this kind of situation, people really are mysterious creatures. They just appeared, and sometimes they just disappeared.

Among all the people walking, minding their own business, I stared at the words written at the bottom of the handkerchief, Ryoko Saki.

"Saki, what a beautiful girl."

Here I am....falling in love...with a girl I just met.