The great man, Benjamin Fenderson

This man was any other ordinary man that you would find on your streets. A man that would be roaming around, fascinated by his new surroundings. This man was none other than the president of the National Homeless Association of Young Men Under Twenty-Eight Years of Age. His name was Benjamin Fenderson. One may have thought that he was just another homeless man, roaming the streets. But no. He came from Australia after his wife's divorce from long ago. Oh yes, we all know that a divorce can make one be upset with their life, but this man took it in a different direction. He moved to the United States and set his home on the streets. He'd always been skilled street-wise. This is the story of the man who became the dude on the street's master french style cuisine anchovy perfectionist.

It started out as a divorce.

"Ah, heck off, Marge," the words that pushed her over the edge. Conveniently enough, his wife was named Marge. She was a humble woman. Red flowing hair that she had received from her loving parents, who spoiled her but kept their rules in line. She had lived a happy life with them and given an ample amount of money when she left to find her own way in life.

After cruising in the cities for a rather short period of time, she ran into the man she had many feelings for... but alas it didn't last long for her. It ended in sadness and distraught. She had done what her parents had not wanted. She married the wrong man and it ended in heartbreak and dismay. That would soon be the end of their love life, which is how Ben had landed on the streets.