The mysterious entity?

Alvis awoke with his body with burn scars beyond belief. His body on the verge of breaking, and he wasn't even successful in growing another level!

*DING* (SYSTEM has finally restored thanks to host's continual energy input!)

' Energy? Wait. This entire time... You were taking my spiritual energy! No wonder I've made no progress! You better be useful.' Alvis thought to himself as if the system would respond

(SYSTEM: Host has 500 available path points, he may use them in the shop, lottery, mutation system, weaponry, or soul bonding. Host can acquire more by working hard, helping others work hard, or altering destiny itself.)

"Altering destiny? Don't be ridiculous! Helping others? Why should I help others when everyone else is useless! I am my only hope and I alone will grow. System, open the shop!" Alvis said angrily








" System open the Manuals "


(SYSTEM: Due to host already choosing his cultivation method, we will only show the revised versions of the "Damaged Grand Dao Opening", Host may be able to cultivate more methods in the future.)


(Grand Dao Opening Revised : 250)

(Grand Dao Electrics : 700)

(Grand Dao of Death : 1500)

(Grand Dao of Immortality: 3000)

(Complete Grand Dao: 50000)

(Purchase another method slot: 10000)

' Hmmm seems like I can only afford the basic revised version. System purchase it!'


(SYSTEM: Host has successfully purchased "Grand Dao Opening Revised" Current balance is 250 Path Points! Showing hosts current status!)

Name: Alvis Elvira

Title: Coldhearted Trash

Realm: N/A

Body Realm: Flesh Refining 3

Cultivation Method(s): Grand Dao Opening Revised

Skills: N\A

Mutation(s): N/A

Power rating: 3


'Too weak? I guess I just need to work harder. Now that I can finally cultivate I need to start as soon as possible!'

Alvis didn't realize his mom has just come home from the store for him and has been trying to talk to him!

" Alvis!!! For the last time, come out!" his mother said frustratingly

" Yes mother!!"

Alvis thought his mother was just like the rest, even if she did buy things for him, in the end it was for her to gain. She just wanted his strength.

" Here honey I got you this pill! It's much better than the previous ones!" His mother said with a large grin


(SYSTEM: System has detected low level poison, host should be in caution)

' Poison?! Has my mom been poisoning me all my life? My own mother? I can't believe this! I must find out more! But first I need to act natural'

" Thanks mom I really appreciate it, and I will remember this.. forever."

Alvis said with a slight smirk on his face

inwardly he felt as if his heart was stabbed

" Anytime sweety just remember to work hard!" His mom said with a smile that could outshine the sun if she had wanted it to

His mom then left the house and Alvis went back to his room and sat on top of his bed to start cultivating. Of course, after he threw the pill out his window.

The heavenly energy around him instantly got sucked in, at a rate 25x faster than before! He couldn't believe his eyes!

" It's too much! I haven't even stepped into cultivation yet!"

Alvis was in immense pain, his veins pulsating and his pupils turning into red stars, instantly he broke through to Mortal Refining 3, passing out in the process.


In a sect far away

A man was kneeling down and crying. Tears of happiness. Blood was all over the man as he was feeling euphoric

" FINALLY!!! I have done it! I have killed the sect leader! Now I am the leader. I will start my path of conquest! But first, I must slowly secretly integrate this sect into the path of demonic cultivation. The Relentless Sky Realm will be mine!" Said a black robed hooded man with a malicious smile

' My only regret is that I never got to see the prophecy play out... I guess this is it. Might as well leave a last 'gift' to him ' The dying sect leader thought to himself

Instantly a white beam shot out from the sect leader's body, hitting the unknown man. But nothing seemed to happen

" Nice try geezer, But the time for Fengs rise is now!"