Chapter Twenty- Six


*One month after Mark left*

I still remember his everything about him, his smile, his eyes, his laughter, his weird jokes, his pranks, his lips, his everything. I cant forget him that easy, I cant even look at my phone without expecting a call or a text from him.

After receiving his message I tried calling him and I even talked to his parents hoping he'll talk to me again but all my hopes were in vain. The guys were not as easy to as they were before. They keep contacting me but they were being so secretive when it comes to Mark. Minhyuk-oppa so as Changsub-oppa would often come and visit me but whenever I asked them about Mark they'll immediately change the topic. After weeks of trying to find out how his doing I simply gave up. I didnt have any will to fight anymore. I still have a jerk to worry about, this past few weeks his been nothing but grumpy old ass. I feel kind of sorry to his assistant, whenever i refuse to see him his assistant gets scolded. Thats how he makes my life miserable this days, if he cant get through me he keeps bothering the people around me. His making me crazy.

My doorbell rang breaking my train of thoughts, this days ive been staying at the companies apartment since its mucb convenient to me and the old house holds a lot of Marks memories.

Who could be ringing my doorbell at this time? Today was one of my day off's so I was just planning to spend it resting and just being lazy. I checked the monitor who it was but the person was not looking through the camera but he or she was wearing a hoodie jacket. I opened my door slightly and thats when I saw who was at the other side.

"Took you long enough. How could you not tell me you've move out of your own house. If I hadnt called JB I wouldnt know wheres your new apartment is" Anne pushed me inside dragging her suitcase with her, i was too busy being shocked by my bestfriend coming inside my apartment and bombarding me with awfully a lot of questions. "Yah! We've been talking this past few weeks but you failed to mention to me that you move out of your house then move here, also why didnt you tell me about the divorce. I thought we couldnt have secrets from each other" she keeps ranting and some of the words she said seems inaudible to me. I didnt waste anymore time but just approached and hugged her.

"Sorry, I didnt tell you" i pat her back "but i wasnt really an easy topic to discuss. Sorry for making you worry" I started sobbing because i finally have someone who feels like home again.

"Aigoo. This child. Im here now. You dont need to be sorry. Everything is going to be alright. I'm here now" Anne hugs me tight not letting me escape her homey comfort. I keep pouring out all my feeling to Anne, all mu heart aches, my longing and regrets. We didnt speak much but we both understand what I want to say. She keeps whispering comforting words while I kept sobbing to her shoulders.


*2 Weeks after Mark left*

I was walking back home when a familiar figure comes into view. I know its been a month but as long as I see people related to her i keep remembering her. I was succeeding in my quest of avoiding her every move to comminicate with me but seeing this person now is making it hard for me.

"Yo!" Minhyuk-hyung raised his hand in greeting.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him opening my parents house doors.

"I wanted to see how you were doing. Plus I came to watch the softball games with my brother. So you dont have to feel so burden that I came all the way here just to see you." He said. I invited him inside, both my parents are back at my sisters so I was currently staying alone here. Well, i wont be for long anyways. My parents do come here from time to time to check on me, even bringing me food. They've been so worried since they received the word of my divorce with Eunjee, they wanted me to fixed it and its just so cruel to see them wonder what went wrong.

"Im fine. Nothing has changed since the last time we talked." I took out some water bottle from the fridge and gave one to Minhyuk-hyung.

"The last time we talked you didnt look so good though" He pointed out

"Well im fine now. You dont have to worry. Just make sure that you keep your promise. Anyways starting next week the other guys will be here so I wont have to think of other things but our world tour" I told him. He watches me as I try to cover up the fact me I am really not okay, in fact I feel like a mess. I might not admit it but I do miss Eunjee and its taking a lot of control not to go and call her.

"Why are you hiding like this? Why dont you fight for her?" Hyung asked

"This is me fighting for her" I pushed. " We cant be together. I need to find another way to save her hyung" I cleared my intentions to him. "Besides if im no longer her husband she'll be able to free herself a bit" I added

"What are you talking about?"

"Just know that I know what im doing and Eunjee, she'll be fine after all of this" i explained. "You all just need to trust us both" he gives me a nod but i can through his eyes that he was not satisfied to where this thing between Eunjee and I are going.

"Make sure not to get lost when all this things come to an end" he instructs and i just smiled.


*still a month after Mark left*

"There" Anne hands me some tissue after "clean yourself first" she instructs me so I took the tissue and cleared out all my tears. She keeps watching me judging if she can ask me or if she can talk to me about what's happening with my life. I know how my best friend thinks and judging by the way she's looking at me right now, she's thinking of ways to ask me without making me cry more.

"Just ask Anne, I'm fine now" she sighs

"What happened? Did he do something for your two to end up like this?"

Telling her everything won't change anything about my situation but she might be able to help me, she is still my best friend and my only family so she deserves to know my reasons at least.

"Mark and I broke up because our relationship might cause his career or mine." I told her, her eyebrows raised but before she could interrupt me with her unsaid question I continued my explanation "my boss wanted me well more of pressuring me to follow his every orders or else he'll release my secret marriage with Mark to the media. In order to protect Mark I agreed to all his demands, I even move in this apartment and took extra hours at the hospital. Of course Mark would find it weird. On the night that I decided to break up with him, he somehow encountered Kang Jin right before he came back to their dorms, I was there as well because one of his members were sick. Kang Jin told Mark about our deal so Mark wanted to hear my own side of the story, that's when I told him everything. You should have seen his face when I told him everything. The last thing I remember was him walking alone I the dark, I wanted to reach and stay with him but I couldn't. I don't have the power to go against Kant Jin. His all around me now."

"His despicable. Don't worry I'm staying with you now. After I heard about your divorce with Mark I asked my boss to move me here so I could stay with you. I'll make sure that guy doesn't ruin you again. Nobody messes up with my bestfriend" Anne hugs me as I found another set of tears pouring out of my eyes. How I miss this feeling... "Now, I don't really care if your divorce with Mark gets approved or whatever, but I am still a good legal consultant. If your boss doesn't do something about his behavior I might just inflict with something to worry instead. He needs a serious beating" she fumes and I just smiled at how protective she is towards me.

"Thank you for being here. I missed you" I hugged her again so did she.


*months after*

"So once again, thank you so much guys for making time and join us this morning. Now i know you guys have been busy since you started your world tour. Is there one particular moment during your performance that you would like to change?" The host asked us and just like everyday since this past few months we were ready to answer her question because we were trained and taught to say the righr words during this shows.

"Well... Maybe for me, i want to give more of myself to the fans. Like more time with them" Youngjae tried to explain

"I actually agree with Youngjae but in a sense where I want to interact more with the fans during our performance." I added to Youngjaes comment. The other guys agreed as well

"Im pretty sure your fans would love that" the host laughed so we did as well "Now i know guys that you've been on tour since a month ago but before that you guys actually had to stay in LA for a months to train and perfect your performances. Is that all true?" She asks and the guys turned to me to answer

"Yes we did. We needed to come up with something great so we wouldn't dissappoint our fans" i answered less and accurate because i dont like explaining my self more. I'm trying to avoid more publicity.

"So for a month you guys were just in LA doing all your practices and preparations then after that your official tour started. Do you miss korea now? I mean you've all been away from your homeland for quite some time now. Do you still have time to visit home?" The host wondered making us all look to each other. It was Jacksons time to answer this kind of questions because his really good in explaining how we truly feel otherwise some of our fans might not understand.

"We miss Korea, especially the weather and our families back home. But we also love what we are doing. We want to reach more of our fans and we want to give them hope. Its satisfying to see our fans cheering and smiling and just being so happy whenever they see us." Jackson answered and we all said our agreements

"We miss Korea but we love our agasses more" Bambam continued making the host the rest of the guys laugh.

"Im sure a lot of your fans are feeling really happy right now. This is the last question I want you guys to answer this with all honestly" she faces us all holding her queu card near her chest, we all nod to her and she read the question "If you could wish for something right now, what would it be?" The hosts ask

"See my family!" Jackson answered

"Same with Jackson, I want to see my family and spend some time with them. " Jb said

"For now I want to wish for our fans to enjoy the rest of our concert" Bambam added

"For me I want to use this wish to see someone again. We haven't seen her in awhile so I wish that when we go back to Korea, we'll see her again" Youngjae answered and everyone looks at him, including me.

We all knew who he meant by 'her' his been very pushy about it lately. He keeps saying that he misses her and all those stuff. I dont know if his goal was to get a reaction from me, which im not really planning to give.

"If you dont mind me asking? Is this person a friend or someone else?" The host asked and we all grew silent. No one was willing to answer the question because we all know it might lead us to some problems.

"Shes family" Yugyeom answered cutting all the tension building up inside the set. Its still not easy for me to remember or to even think about her. Its been months and I honestly dont have any idea whats happening with her life right now. I'm not even sure if she is still in Korea.

"So that is all for today, I hope you guys enjoy our episode today. This is once again Timmy reporting live. Until our next episode. Do support Got7 on their upcoming concerts here. Thank you guys and Good Night" the host ended the show and we heard a loud clap from the producers making us all bow to them to thank them for today.

We met our manager in one of the dressing rooms and he gave us our things to change into since the one we are wearing now is a bit uncomfortable. We've been on and off cam since yesterday for our promotion. We are all exhausted but we all know that we still need to practice our stunts.

"We'll go grab dinner first them we'll go straight to one of the studios here. You guys can take a nap during the drive. I'll wake you guys once we are there" Our manager told us seeing as we all look like we could use some time to rest.

We got to the van and I immediately chose to sit behid so I could sleep comfortably. Yugyeom sat next to me and so did Bambam, we grew silent inside the car and when our manager drove away we all went into deep slumber.