Chapter 27


"Chief you asked for me?" I entered Chief Parks office as I was instructed. I was doing my rounds awhile ago when I receive his call.

"Ahh! Eunjee, come in come in" Chief Park greets me and offers me to sit in front of him.

"Is there something wrong Chief?" I can't help but ask since he usually calls me if there's something wrong. He smiles at me and waves off my question.

"Nothing is wrong, infact, everything is fine." He gives me a cup of tea that was in front of him "Take a sip of this first and I will tell you the reason why you are here" he instructs and so I took a sip of the tea that he gave me "Do you still remember the reason why you are here Eunjee? In this establishment I mean?" Chief Park asks me. I dont know why his asking but I do know the reason why I was transferred here.

Back when I was still working at Melliot Hospital, my attending Chief told me about JK Hospital and about their selection process, at first I didnt mind even though my Chief told me that I have a good chance to get in if I apply, I never did. I was already happy doing my job back at Melliot until one day I got a call from JK Hospital. JK was already known for being one of the best hospitals around Korea, so when they called I got curious. They wanted me to immediately work with them, they were happy to see how fast my progress was and also because I was recommended by my chief. They wanted me to practice more of my profession to a bigger place and with better equipments. I actually didnt want to accept the offer since I was already doing good back at Melliot plus Anne and my parents home are back there but Anne and the rest of mg collegues encouraged me to go and that led me to where I am today.

"I do remember sir"

"Well you see. The Chairman of this corporation was once a great doctor too. You met President Lim but you haven't met Chairman Lim personally. He was actually the one who hand picked you." Chief Park explained "He wants to meet you Eunjee. Before he became the chairman he was my teacher and this weekend he wants to meet. He asked me to bring you with me. He also know about the things Kang Jin made you do and he wants to talk to you" he smiles at me again as if the fact that the Chairman wants to see me is something to be happy about. " I saw your schedule this weekend, you have time for dinner so I expect you to be there. I'll message you the place, theres no saying no to this request because his the Chairman and he is still your boss. Avoid doing anuy operations that day. If you dont show up, I wont approve all your operations in the future." He sternly points out to me. He might have sensed that Im going to reject the offer so his giving me this kind of treatment. He knows I wont risk the chance to operate, its whats keeping me busy.

"You didnt even give me a chance to say no. Fine i'll go but if his going to treat me like how his grandson treated me then Im out." Chief Park nods at me. He stands up then pats my shoulders.

"Dont worry. His nicer that his grandson."

I hope he really is.


"I miss Coco"

"Me Too" Youngjae agrees

"Come on guys, just a few more weeks and we'll be home" Jb encouraged. We are currently on our last weeks for the world tour. Its been ages since the last time I saw Coco and I'm missing him more and more everyday. Im pretty sure Youngjae feels the same way too. The other are doing their make up and hait while me and Youngjae are playing with our phones.

"Hyung what do you think his doing now?" Youngjae asks



"Making babies" I smirked then Youngjae slaps my chest making me drop my phone to the floor

"My baby is not like you!!!" Youngjae scolded me but I was too focused on my phone that was laying on the floor.

"YAHHHH!! My phoneeee" I screamed to Youngjae but he was already laughing at me "Coco's my baby too" I told him while trying to pin him down.

"Seriously Mark, Coco's just a little puppy, he still doesn't know what sex means!" Jackson said earning him a loud smack from Jinyoung.

"Watch your words" Jinyoung slowly scolded.

"Thats not logical at all. How could I watch my words when my eyes are up here and my mouths down here. I still have a nose in between. Its not like when I say things it magically comes out im bold letter like some subtitles" Jackson complained, but in everyones ear he was definitely trying to pissed off Jinyoung. He was trying so hard to push Jinyoungs button since this tour started but Jinyoung being the calm and understanding parent, he never gives Jackson the satisfaction of succeeding in his weird ways of how to annoy someone.

"Dont push it Jackson. Your jokes are becoming more and more lame than they were before. You should thank God he gave you a good talent and nice face otherwise, i dont know where your jokes would lead you" Jinyoung retorts earning a loud laugh from both me and Youngjae. Jackson tried acting like he was hurt by what Jinyoung said but deep inside we all know that we still hvae each others back.

"You got me on that one but lets be honest. I'm this Hot and Sexy, no matter how lame my jokes are. IGOT7 will always love me and accept me" Jackson cheered making all of us look at him in disbelief. His too confident for his own good.

"Jokes over kids. We need to warm up behind the stage. Lets go." We didnt even notice that we were all done with our hair and make up that if it wasnt for JB calling all of us, we would have forgotten that we are still performing today. I looked at my hair, good thing it wasnt messed up when Youngjae and I were hitting each other.

"Hyung lets go" Bambam called and I followed. We reached the back stage and everyone was already getting ready with their equipments and the guys were already doing their warm ups.

Back here we can already hear the cheers and chants from our fans outside. They've been nothing but supportive ever since we started our tour, they've been so patient and stayed with us since the day we debut up until now.

"Boys, we are about to begin" one of the staff instructed us and so we prepared ourselves for another amazing concert with the people that supports us.

We all gather up and Jb led us to pray for the event and to thank everyone today that made this all possible.

"We've been on tour for how many months now and I know how all of us miss our families and friends. For this concert, lets thank everyone that helped us get to where we are today and lets give it our all. The people outside are our people and we wont disappoint them. Lets give it our all" he tells us all, he extends his hand in front of us "on a count of three" he tells us and we all placed our hands above his hand and with all the staffs behind our backs, JB counted and we all shouted "GOT7" we all clapped and hugged each other as we prepare ourselves to go out and give our all for the fans.

*After Concert*

"That was a great show guys, we all did great" Jinyoung clapped as we bowed and thanked the staffs that we encounter. We were heading back to our dressing rooms to change into something more comfortable than what we're wearing when Jackson suddenly decided that its better to see our fans off, looking all sweaty and messed up than make them leave without hanging with us for a bit. He went outside while I went inside our dressing room to change into my own clothes and so did the others. We were scheduled to fly back to China for our next concert, we still have atleast three more countries to go to. Just a few more weeks before we go back to Korea.

"Hyung, the staff told us to go out and join the rest. The VIP fan meeting are about to start" Youngjae tells me after giving me a bottle of water.

The VIP fan meetings are always arranged by the producers and we don't have any control over it. They'll just ask us after or before concerts if we can meet the fans for a specific number of minutes. This is also our only time to talk to them a little bit more and just bond with them. If I was given a chance to manage this kind of things, I'll probably invite all of IGOT7 and just hang out with them all.

We reached the assigned room for us, the other were already inside and I could already hear some of the female fans shouting and screaming our names. The crowd saw me enter the little stage and as if on qeue, they started cheering for my name.

"Hello guys, did you miss me?" I announce to the crowd in front of me and everyone answered Yes. "I miss you all too" I waved to all of them and they all gave me their amazing happy smiles. The kind of smile that washes away all my tiredness and all my negative emotions away.

"Now that all the guys are here, we can start our fan meeting now. Please line up to this side, starting from fan number one. Please follow your designated numbers accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation" One of the producers instructed. The fans followed and so we occupied the sits lined up for us.

"Oppa!!" the first fan approached me waving at me. She gives me her gifts and her albums for me to sign "Thank you for coming here. I enjoyed your concert so much" she tells me

"Thank you for supporting us. What is your name?"

"My name is Andie, I hope you like my gifts" she explains

"I'm pretty sure I will, Thanks for coming." I shook her hand and she squeezed it really hard, well most of our fans do that and I'm used to it.

The rest of the event went on smoothly and later on we found ourselves sold out with exhaustion.


"Babe I'm going out again. I'll see you when I get back" I informed Anne as she was doing her own thing inside our living room. Since she started working here she's been staying with me making sure that I do my job and daily routines.

"Wow. Why are you so dressed up and pretty? Are you going on a date?" She winks at me making me cringe.

"If you consider meeting your boss a date, not to mention a sixty to seventy's kind of boss, then fine. But in my defense I'm wearing this because his my boss and also my chief is coming and if he sees me not being mindful of what I wear during this meeting then he might just kill me" I told my bestfriend while I put on my stilettos and fixing my dress again.

"Well, if his a sexy hot mess sixty year old grandpa then why not date him. He'll die soon anyways." she teases me making me glare at her.

"You are weirder than I thought. Anyways, don't mess up the apartment while Im gone. Call me if you need anything" I told her and she waves bye to me. I went to my car and drove to the place where chief Park texted me.

My phone rings and I didn't dare look who it was until I answered the phone through my bluetooth ear piece.

"Yes? Kim Eunjee speaking" I answered

"NOONA!!!! ITS BEEN AWHILE! WE MISS YOUUU SO MUCH!" My eyes grew wide when i heard the persons voice so I looked at my phone to confirm if my guessed right. I saw Bambam's name but Yugyeom was the one speaking to me, I know for sure because I'm used to their voices up until now. Even with months of no communication with them, I still know what they sound like.

"Yuggy, its been awhile" I awkwardly answered.

"YAH!!!! Is that Eunjee you're talking to? Let me have that phone now!! EUNJEEEE!! I misss you so much. Lets meet up soon please. How have you been doing? Ah I want to see you right now. Where are you? Are you home?" I heard Youngjaes voice at the background and I cant help but smile on how worried he is to me.

"Did I hear someone say Eunjee? Where is she?" I heard Jinyoungs voice and I can just imagine how his looking right now.

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me you're going to call Eunjee? is she still on?" This time it was Jackson asking questions.

"Noona all the guys are here getting curious about you. Can we see you when we get back in Korea?" Yugyeom asks

"Hey guys, I miss you all too. Its been awhile since the last time I saw you so I don't think it would be a problem to meet up when you get back. Just message me if your back in Korea" I told them and I heard them all cheer.

"Yah! Eunjee, you better be taking care of yourself there. If we see you looking like a mess I'm going to pamper you like a queen. Understand?" Jackson lectured making me smile even more. This guys would always find a way to make me smile. Even with the gap we have with each other, they still treat me the same.

"Then should I make myself a mess before you come back. That way, I can get a lot of pampering from you guys" I laughed.

"Its nice hearing you laugh again noona. We haven't heard your laugh nor see you  smile up until now. Its nice to hear" Bambam said.

"Well, I still have something to do. Its nice hearing your voices too guys. I do miss you so you better do great on your concerts. I'll see you soon guys. Bye" they all said good bye and then the call ended. Thinking about what Bambam said, the last time they saw me was when I was still in a train wreck, I was sad and messed up. They left thinking of me as someone whose broken and shattered, I didn't even say good bye to them before they left to do their concert.

I didn't want to separate my life from them but back then, its the only choice I have so I can forget everything about him. I'm sure they were affected as well, everyone around us were pretty much affected. I'm fine now and it looks like his also fine now. I can finally see the guys like how I normally do.

Forgetting about the depressing parts of my life, I finally reached the place where I'm going to meet Chairman Lim and Chief Park. It was a big hotel and when I reached the hotel lobby, the valet driver run to my side and opened my doors for me, I was still processing what was happening so it took me longer to come out of my car and let the driver drive my car to the back of the hotel. I was left at the lobby still looking to my car being taken, if it wasn't for the other staffs inviting me in I wouldn't have moved from where I was standing.

"Good Evening miss. Are here to see someone?" the staff inside the hotel asked me and so I showed them the message Chief Park sent to me awhile ago. The staff read the message and bows at me direction "This way miss" she leads me the way and so I followed her behind. She leads me to the topmost floor and guides me towards one of the rooms. "They are already inside miss" She tells me and bows before leaving. I feel awkward looking at the door in front of me, this feels wrong, what if someone sees me getting inside someones room, that would be really awkward. So without thinking twice I called chief Park just to make sure I'm in a right place. It didn't take long for Chief Park to answer his phone.

"Chief, I'm sorry but I'm currently outside the room you sent me." I told him and not long enough the door opens and a staff member welcomes me inside.  The room isn't what I think it is, it was a private room with bartenders and chefs inside. Chief Park and President Lim was seated together with someone I assume the Chairman. I approached the table and Chief Park saw me first.

"Ah, you are finally here. Chairman Lim this is the junior I was talking about, shes really good when it comes to her job." he stands up and introduces me to Chairman Lim. I bowed down in front of him and looks at him.

"Im Kim Eunjee, its nice to meet you sir" I told him and he smiled at me pointing the chair for me to sit on.

President Lim looks at me but he doesn't say anything. He continuously ate his food and the conversation between Chairman Lim and Chief Park consumed the rest of the dinner.

"Miss Kim, I believed that you can still do more on your field of work, I saw your  work records and they were astonishing." Chairman Lim commends me and all I could do was wave my hands in defense.

"I'm just doing my job sir. You don't need to praise me for my work" I told him sincerely which made him laugh.

"You really are good Miss Kim. I believe Chief Park has told you that I wanted to meet you" He tells me and I nod making Chief Park nod to me in agreement "The real reason why I wanted to meet you is because I wanted to ask you personally to lead a team that can manage emergency and trauma patients with accuracy and precision. If you are able to achieve this, we'll become number one in all over Korea. I know I wont be disappointed because you are talented. You have the skills to make things impossible to possible." he tells me with so much aspiration in his eyes "In exchange, if you agree on my proposal, you'll have all the freedom you want, I wont go against any of your decisions, whatever you think is right for your team I will agree and support you all the way. I trust you enough. Also, I will personally give everything that your team will need as long as you make them the best in korea." he continues

"You are made for this Eunjee, I know you can manage this well more than anyone else" Chief Park added

"But its too sudden, I mean, its just been months since I started working at JK, its wouldn't be nice for everyone to see and also, I can still learn a lot of things, and I still need to be trained. I cant handle that kind of job right now" I honestly told them. This new job they are giving me is not something I can just do in a whim.

"Then think about it first, if you cant do it now, then you might be interested in joining one of our small hospitals for now. They need your kind of expertise and if you are good enough and if you decide that you can do it, then give me a call." Chairman Lim handed me his business card then stands up together with Chief Park. "I should go first, Call me if you decide on my offer. Also if you decide to go and check out the hospital I told you about. Just inform Chief Park here and he'll personally process everything." He smiles at me before leaving. He left me with President Lim who didn't even say a single word during  dinner and during the talk we had with his grand father. Its as if he doesn't care about whats happening.

He can be weird when he wants to be and right now, he looks like a different person.