Chapter 30


I was having a blast with Minhyuk, we'd been talking a lot and just catching up. We didn't even noticed the time and if it wasn't for Minhyuk's phone ringing we wouldn't know what time it was already.

"Yeah?" Minhyuk answers his phone and I just kept quiet, waiting for his conversation with whoever he is talking to, end. "What are you talking about?" I got curious what the other person was telling him because his look suddenly became sour. "Just a second, I'll check. I'll call you back once I see the pictures myself" He ends the call then swipes his phone back to its home screen.

"Is everything okay?" I asked but he just kept on scrolling his phone. He stops scrolling then looks at me first before letting me see what he was looking seconds ago.

It was a picture of me and Minhyuk, we were laughing and the picture shows my side of the face and Minhyuks face. I read the caption and all the mean comments, it is obvious that all of them came from Minhyuks fans.

"I'm sorry" I told Minhyuk which made him stop from reading the rest of the comments and looks at me "I was the one who invited you here, I didn't consider the thought of someone recognizing you here. The picture was taken here and i'm pretty sure it was one of the ladies seated around our back awhile ago. I'm so sorry. " And they say a picture is worth a thousand words and we had a couple, I know that his company will definitely make him say something about this issue, I can't even think of any solution that could help him save his career.

"Hey, its fine. Let me call my members first then we'll come up with something" He tells me then dials his members number. "Hey, we saw the photo" he pauses "Yeah, we are still here. Are you back at the dorms?" he asks "Okay, i'm bringing her there first" He ends the call.

"Where are we going?"

"Studio with the guys" He simply tells me and places a bunch of cash on the table.

"Wait? its supposed to be my treat" I didn'twait for his response and went to the counter to pay for our meal. Did I ever tell you how awesome technology is this days, I can just simply put my phone on anything and I'll be able to pay for whatever I want. After paying, Minhyuk was already in his glasses and mask on.

"I brought my own car here, just lead me and i'll just follow you behind" He nods and we both got out of the place.

Minhyuk was in front of me and I was following his car going to their studio, where the other guys are. My phone started ringing and it was Anne, she doesn't call me unless there is something wrong.

"Hey" I put my phone on speaker because I forgot to bring my bluetooth earphones.

"Why didn't you tell me you were out with Minhyuk today? And what is this crap going around about you? You better be honest with me or else I will strangle you later and make you spill everything" She yells and I had to lower my speaker volume to avoid becoming deaf after this conversation

"Can you please calm down first and let me explain?" I paused for awhile and I heard her breathe a sigh and so I continued "I only invited him out today, you know that we weren't talking for how many months and I was so bored being alone at the apartment so I decided to go out and invited him. We were at the cafe you talked about and the place was definitely secluded so we both didn't realize that someone could see him there" I told her and I just can imagine how confuse she looks right now.

"So there is nothing going on between you and him?"

"Nothing, we just got back to being friends again." I answered

"So where are you now?"

"I'm going to see his members now. We need to come up with something to counter this issue. This can affect their careers so I had to be there as well. It was my fault anyways. If I hadn't invited him out, then he wouldn't have to deal with this issue. "

"Text me the address, i'll go there, i'm almost out anyways so I can also help you" she tells me

"Okay. I'll text it to you when we get there. Bye" She hangs up on me and I continued driving behind Minhyuks car.


"We should call Eunjee and ask her about this photos, that way we can also help her" Jinyoung suggested.

"Or we can call our BTOB friends" Jackson suggested as well.

All their suggestions were to appease me, I know that because they've been looking at me since we saw the photo and I know how much they care for me. After I told our manager to find out everything about this issue, they started talking about a lot of things. We all wanted to help but we also don't know the real story but also at this point, I actually don't care whats true and not. I only want to protect her no matter what the reason may be.

" Flight going to Korea is now ready for boarding, please proceed to you designated gate. Thank you" The airport staff announces and I was the first one to get up and carry my bag.

We all boarded the plane after a few minutes of waiting, since we were a priority, they allowed us to enter the aircraft first. Our company payed for all our plane expenses so we always get to ride in business class, also this is to avoid paparazzi's causing disturbance during the ride.  I was seated together with Jackson and Jb, since the sits are wide, it wasn't really uncomfortable to sit with them.

After about a few more minutes we finally heard the cabin crew instructing us to sit up and tighten our belt for we were about to ascend and fly back to Korea.

"Hey, are you really fine?" Jackson asks me and Jb was also looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"I'm fine. I honestly just want to protect her now. I don't care about the reason, but she was genuinely laughing and smiling at that picture. I just want her to be happy just like that" I answered while looking out in the window. The city looks bright and how I wish I could take it with me and keep it for me to show it to her someday.

"We'll help her. She's our friend too." Jb comforted me with his words and I know that he only speaks of truth. I know all my member are there to support me no matter what and I know they'll do the same with Eunjee.

*skipping the flight part and proceeding to the landing part*

I saw the Welcome back to Korea sign and I know for sure that I'm already home.

"The air smells nice" Younjae commented

"Its sure does. I missed this" Jb added

"Lets go home first. We have work first thing in the morning so we'll need all the rest we can get." Our managers told us and so we all took our bags and managed to escape the fans that waited for our arrival because our van was already waiting to take us back to our dorms.

After getting to our dorms, since it was still early and we are all under jet lag, we were able to unpack our things and do some of our normal chores at home. By the time I was done I was so tired but I still dared myself to call and speak to my parents, just letting them know that I got background safe. They still don't know about Eunjees issue and I want to keep it that way so they wont get so worried.

I checked my naver account and Eunjee and Minhyuks scandal is still number one on most search, luckily they still haven't figure out Eunjee's identification. If they find out who she is in real life then it's not going to be easy to cover up this issue, they'll surely search more about Eunjee.  I held onto the necklace hanging to my neck, attach to it was my wedding ring, I've been keeping it with me all this time. I just know that deep inside, she still holds the biggest part of my heart and I just can't tell her that now.


By the time we arrived at BTOB's studio, we saw a whole lot of fans waiting and showing their support. Minhyuk led me to their basement where it is much safer to park my car and get inside without anyone seeing us, especially now that we are literally the famous issue of the day.

"Lets go, they are waiting inside" Minhyuk informs me and so I followed him inside the building. "Don't be afraid, it's just the guys and my manager." He smiles at me and I know he is just trying to comfort me because I was already feeling nervous and I'm really worried that he might gain some haters because of me, I know how much his fans lives him but

I also know that there are some fans who are really possessive.

We were in front of a door that says studio 3a, Minhyuk opens the door without knocking and the guys where there eating what seem to be a bunch of chicken and some coke. They heard us enter the studio and Sungjae was the first one to run towards me and hugs me like I'm his lost puppy.

"I've missed you so much. How come you never visited us?" Sungjae whined which was so cute since I'm a bit smaller than him and his acting like a baby right now.

"It's been awhile Eunjee, how have you been? " Changsub was the next person to approach me and he was soon followed by the rest of the guys. They didn't seem worried at all, they were welcoming me warmly and they even offered me to eat with them.

"You guys, I appreciate all you concern back then and I'm really sorry that I didn't have the chance to visit you.

Anyways, I've heard your latest songs and they were good, congratulations" I told them

"Thank you Eunjee" Eunkwang thanked me and all I could do was smile to them.

"Why don't we take a picture now? Then let's post it on our instagram accounts" Ilhoon suggested

"Yeah, also lets put a nice a caption like, friends are more important or that we don't really care what others think anymore" Sungjae suggested. I was getting confused with what they are trying to do, if we are to take picture and post it on our Instagram accounts then the rumor between me and Minhyuk will just get more issues also, if we do what they suggested then they will also have to face the fury of the netizens if they see them hanging out with me. The people might think I'm really dating Minhyuk and that we are here to get his members blessing.

"Guys, we can't really do that. Minhyuk and I can't be seen together. We still haven't figured out what to do with the circulating rumors, if your fans find out who I am, they might go the my workplace or to my apartment just to wait for me to answer their questions. I don't want to cause you guys more trouble." I explained to them and I was expecting for them to agree with me and do what I asked, instead they just laughed out loud even Minhyuk was also laughing.

"What is so funny?"

"Your face was so serious. You don't have to worry about this kind of things, we are used to it already. Also our publicist are on it, so anytime now they'll be able to clear things out. You don't need to stop seeing us, you are our friend and we like hanging out with you" Eunkwang explained to me but there is still one thing that is bothering me.

"Why am I here then? Minhyuk said that we need to come here so we can come up with a plan to extinguish this issue going around, but if your publicist was going to handle them, then why did you want us guys to come here?" I eyed them curiously and they all smiled to me with guilt in their eyes.

"We wanted to see you so we asked Minhyuk to bring you here instead so we'll be able to see you before you get back to your turtle days again," Changsub explained to me, so they only wanted to see me  but what about the issue I have with Minhyuk, if they're people are going to handle this situation then I'm okay with it but how are they going to extinguish this issue?

There are a lot of things going on in my mind but seeing my friends jlaughing and just enjoying their moments together, I didn't want to ruin the mood so I'll just have to worry about them when everything is settled.