"Do you love her?" I had to ask because liking and loving are two different things. Loving can make you move a lot of mountains and can also make you do a lot of sacrifices so if you love the person even if you two are not together as long as she or he is happy, you are happy because that is loving.
"I don't know. I do like her, very much. If i can keep her I would but I cant be selfish, I cant stand seeing her sad because of me" He tells me as he takes another swig of his drink.
to be continued.....
Jb looks like me back when I was the one confused of how I really feel with Eunjee. I took another gulp of my own drink, "If you like her that much why didn't you just stay by her side? If shes too important to you why are you crying here and not running back to her?" I asked him but as an idol like him I already know the answer and i'm pretty sure his not the type of guy that leaves someone for no important reason.
"Im pretty sure you did the same when you were in my situation," he reminds me to which I just smiled to "You know the reason why. I can't risk being discovered and I can't ruin Anne's career too. And she already told me she can't keep doing this kind of relationship with me" He explains
"Thats sad but if your really like her that much, then you need to learn how to fight just to be with her. Don't make the same mistakes I did, she is still here and shes not living. You have all the time in the universe and I'm very sure that she still feels the same way about you. Shes just in pain now but if she really sees you trying, you'll soften her up for sure" I told him like i'm very sure what im saying would work, I mean look at me, I'm still hang up with the person I needed to let go even though I know how much I love her, I still didnt have the courage to fight for her. Who am I to even tell him what to do?
"Look believe in what your heart tells you to do, if you're sad because Anne and you are not going according to plan then find a way for it to work. I cant give you some crap about what you're doing right when I clearly see its not. Leaving her and going according to what she wants and what you think is right, thats just bullshit. Yes we are idols but we deserve to be happy you know, I know you are thinking that this might affect our group but trust me the guys inside would definitely tell you the same thing. I mean I know they would because you guys clearly showed me how stupid I was to just sit around and let Eunjee decide what happens between us. You guys keep reminding me everyday and trust me its really annoying from time to time. I don't want you to feel the same thing I did, if you don't do anything now, you're going to regret it. I mean you have me as an example, so don't follow. Do what you love, be with the people that make you smile, because our life as an Idol can one day end and if that happens, you at least have someone beside you." because of what happened to me couple of months ago, it taught me a lot of things and I know that what I learned, Jb can achieve as well. He needs to trust us more that we are going to understand him no matter what he choses to do, he may be responsible with all of us but he is still someone who deserves to be happy. Anne is not someone to be ashamed off, shes pretty good with her work, well this is all base on how Jb talks about her when we have time to talk about some stuff. Im pretty sure it doesn't matter how other would react about their relationship as long as for the both of them, they are honest and true then for me its fine. I didn't have this kind of thoughts when I was with Eunjee but if I had this kind of thinking then I might have done something that would help the both of us push through.
"For someone who got a divorce, you spoke big things." He teases me and I just laughed, he takes another swig of his drinks, crushing it after emptying the whole thing "This sadness will surely pass as long as I keep myself busy. Thats how you did it right? making yourself busy to avoid feeling the emptiness inside you" he throws at me, when I didn't answer he just looks at me and studies my face "You don't have to deny it you know. We all knew you were trying so hard to look okay."
I smiled at his words "If you don't want to look at me then you better do something with that problem of yours" I pushed him but I know Jb his as hard headed as me, the only good things about him being hard headed is he can sometime be reasonable.
"For now let me think about things first, maybe we both need some time to think things through" Jb informs me. He looks at his time and stands up " We should probably go back now, the guys might notice us gone by now" and just like that his back to being Jb the Got7's leader
"Are you sure you're ready to go back now? You might cry your eyes out once your all alone at your room?" I asked him but he just gave me his signature smirk before moving forward leaving me behind, I ran to his side and teased him. "Do you want me to tuck you in before you go to sleep? you might need someone to accompany you?" I teased him just to make the mood between us lighter
"Shut up, you're pushing it too much" He smiles
"Well, once you get to my level you'll learn how to do this things to other to distract you from your own pain" I showed him how painful I was feeling inside by acting it out and he just pushes me to move forward.
"It was really a mistake telling you about how I feel. Aigoo" he tells me and I was just laughing "But I want to thank you. You telling me to do something about this makes sense and I think i'll need to think about it." He adds while we were walking.
"Don't mention it, just promise me something" I paused and faced him making him stop walking "Don't put this all on you shoulders. No matter what you chase, we will support you. You can trust us to that" I assured him and he gave me a smile.
"Thanks hyung" He tells me, he doesn't usually call me that since we've gotten so close to each other but from time to time he calls me hyung.
"Dont bother lets just go" I pushed him inside our dorm building and we both ended the night, more like day, laughing.
*next day*
I was walking around the hospital when I noticed people staring at me, i thought it was just my imagination but people kept staring at me like theres something stuck on my head that says look at me people but im pretty sure my head in clean so I kept looking at my scrubs and coat if something was spilled on it but there nothing.
I entered the emergency room feeling bothered by some people staring at me, some of the nurses on duty might have sensed my worried look that they started asking me of I was okay.
"Do I have something on my face or like something on my back?" I asked them but they all said no. I need my interns now, they surely know something that I don't about this. "Where are my interns?" I asked one of the nurses.
"We haven't seen them yet Doc." She informs me.
I took out my phone and dialed Booms number, he wasn't answering it just kept ringing. Next I dialed Annies number and just like Boom it just kept ringing. I tried calling Yuyu but then I remembered that she wasn't scheduled today. I tried calling the two again but they weren't answering their phones.
I walked of the emergency room seeing as theres no pending patient, I went to the doctors lounge and there, just like mu hunch my interns are sleeping soundly on the table placed at the center. They must have been studying, judging by the food spread around the table and piles of books, lets not forget the energy drinks and cups coffee they have around. This kids are really going to kill themselves with what they are doing to their body.
I knock to the table they were sleeping in, they also have some of their classmates with them so when I knocked loudly they all woke up, shocked even. After being dazed for awhile, when they finally realized who woke them up, they all straightened up and faced me. I eyed them all and they all look like mess.
"Were you all up all night studying?" I asked them all and they all nod at my direction. Boom and Annie were practically trying to avoid having to look at me. I walked towards them and they both tried averting their eyes away from me. I looked at their other classmates and they all look nervous, as if i'm going to eat them alive. "As doctors, you all know by now how much this caffeine in the body can lead you? Its ten in the morning and you are all still asleep here, did you all have a duty last night?" Boom and Annie grins at me and their other classmates raised their hands, answering my question.
"So sorry doc, we forgot that we were on duty today, we all got the night call last night" Annie explained to me.
"All of you were on night call last night? Who was the physicial in charge for you all last night?" I asked them but they all looked each other contemplating whether to answer me or not.
"Aren't your exams coming up?" I raised my voice and they all nodded "What department are you guys from?" I asked their classmates
"Surgery Doc" One of them answered.
"So the doctor in charge last night should come from the surgery department?" They uncomfortably nod. "Fine, since you all work your butts off last night, ill talk to your head myself. You two" I directed my attention to my interns "You can have all this day for you to study for your exams. Also" I grabbed my purse and took out my credit card out "Go and buy yourselves some food, healthy ones I suggest, all this caffeine you took needs to come out. Understand?" I instructed them and Boom was the first one to smile and grabbed my credit card. He was grinning from ear to ear so do the other interns.
"You are the coolest training officer. I'll use this properly noona" Boom proclaims and I just rolled my eyes.
"Thank you doc" The other interns bowed down to me and I just waved my hands at them.
"Just make sure you all work properly after your exams are done." I instructed and they all nodded.
"By the way" I almost forgot the real reason why I was looking for Annie and Boom, good thing I remembered right before they leave and buy themselves some food "Do you guys have any idea why some of the people outside cant stop staring at me? I mean I'm quite sure I have nothing on my face, i asked the staff outside but they don't as well" I asked them
"I dont think its because of that. Weren't you informed?" Boom looks ate me wondering but it was too obvious that I literally have no any idea what they are talking about.
"Informed me what?" Annie bit her lower lips and started walking beside me. She suddenly whispers something in my ear that made my eyes popped "WHAT NOW?!" both my intern looks at me "WHY DIDN't YOU TELL ME SOONER?" I asked them but before they could answer I was already out of the room and running towards the direction of the lobby.
Apparently, one of the posters there was my own face, that why a lot of people kept looking at me. I don't usually walk in or out through the lobby, I just go to the parking space in the basement using the stairs or I can also just walk out of the emergency room and no one would stop me. I don't really care what happens in the lobby as long as it doesn't concern me or my patients, this time I don't have any other choice but go there and see for myself what this hospital made up again.
"Yah! I woke up last night and saw yours and Jb's room empty. Did you two go out last night?" Jackson asks.
We were currently doing our photo shoot for our upcoming concert here in Koreaa and both me and Jackson were the first one to finish, we still have a lot of things to do but we atleast have some time to do what we like while we are back here.
"Yeah, I bought something from the convenient store, Jb was just in the park so" I told him but we all know Jackson he doesn't stop as long as he doesn't here the answer he wants.
"Did you two have some heart to heart talk?" he teases but I didnt answer "Like you know. Did you tow hang out on your own then leave us behind?" He asks again making me look at him with annoyance showing in my face.
"Come on Mark, work with me here. Give me the dits or i'm going to shout here and tell them all how you two left us last night without asking us to come with you!" He semi shouts but I didnt really care
" Whats the point of asking you? when leaving you was pretty much my plan!" I told him and he started acting hurt.
"You hurt me Mark." He tells me
"Dramatic Wang" I teased him but he just ignores me.
"Hyung, the producers want you back to the set" Bambam told me as he enters the room.
"Why? We were done with our shots." Jackson said
"I don't know. Maybe they want Mark hyung with Jinyoung instead of you" Bambam teases
"Shut up, maybe they just thought it would be unfair to our fans if they see me and Mark together." Jackson answers back
"Why would that be unfair for them?" Bambam asks
"Because we are both overflowing with hotness" Jackson screams then laughs ridiculously, I too did laugh because his laugh is very funny. I left the boys together and walked back to the set, one of our make up artists saw me first and rushed to me to retouch my make up, luckily i didn't erase my make up yet after I did my shots with Jackson.
"There your done" Noona said after finishing. Jinyoung was taking his solo shots, he was supposed to be paired up with Yugyeom but I guess they decided to change that.
I waited for Jinyoung to finish his solo shots and when his finally done. The production manager asked me to present myself in front of the director and so I did.
"Director, i'm ready" I bowed and he gave me a small smile.
"Sorry we had to make another shot with you, You'll be joining Jinyoung and Yugyeom for their shots." He tells me and I bowed in understanding.
Yugyeom and Jinyoung were already in front playing with some of the props prepared by the staff for this pictorial. Our theme this time is a little bit different than what we used to do. Its quite manly and it suites our group really well.
"Hyung, we should stuff Jinyoung hyung with lots of feather" Yugyeom whispers to my ear
"Are we pranking him now?" I asked and he nods
"Yah! What are you two up to now?" Jingyoung asks
Now I need to admit this, Jinyoung can be really scary when he wants to be. Even with me being older than him, he is still more mature than me. When he gets really serious about something, he can get pretty scary and that is just something that bothers me every time we think of pranking him. But Yugyeom, well his another story, he can piss Jinyoung anytime of the day, its like he is enjoying pushing Jinyoungs buttons.
"Nothing" Yugyeom and I both answered
"Behave you two" he tells us both like a mother he was.
"Okay, if you three are ready lets do your shots now, just like when doing your solo shot, lets do that as a group" the director instructs us and so we did our usual poses first then Yugyeom suddenly nudges me then points me to Jinyoung
"Now" He tells me and we both stuff Jinyoung with all the props we got here and we laughed so hard that even the staff members were laughing because Jinyoung expression and shock face was priceless. I think the director didn't stop taking the shots because we can still see the camera rolling and the photographer capturing the moments
"You two are dead" Jinyoung shout and we both run in circles trying to escape Jinyoungs wrath.
After hundreds of death threats from Jinyoung and tons of pleading words from me and Yugyeom the director finally told us that we are done, well not really done because Jinyoung insisted on redoing the other shots that he looks like a mad man, he director didn't disagree though so we had to do that and then we were done.
"You guys took longer and messier than expected" Jackson tells us as we enter the room where we are assigned to.
"Well, ask this two why we had to redo all our shots" Jinyoung answers and it was Yugyeom and I's turn to burst out laughing and Jinyoung once again chases us around the room.
"Yah! You're messing up the room, take it outside you three" our manager scolds us and we all fall to our sits like three little good boys.
"Noona, you should scold them more often, just look how cute they all look like when they're scared." Jackson tries smooching us but we all diverted our faces away from him.
After our manager left us, we change into our normal clothes and erased all our make up before washing our face. By the time I was done cleaning myself, Jb and Youngjae came in.
"Finally!!" Bambam shouted since we were all waiting for everyone to finish. We wanted to grab some food together since its been awhile since we last ate together in Korea.
"You should change first and clean up, I'll wait for you guys at my car" I told them, we decided to ditch our group van and bring mine and Jacksons car today so we can hang out after without worrying about our managers driving us back home. We know they are tired too so we at least want them the rest of the day to themselves.
"Hyung wait up, Im coming with you" Bambam tells me
"ME TOO" and so did Jinyoung
We all went down to my car after saying our good byes and thanks to the stuff and the production team. I opened my car and the guys went to the backseat earning them a glare from me.
"Don't even for a second think that you two are making me your driver. One of you should sit in front" I told them and Jinyoung moved to the passenger side and sits there.
to be continued.....