Chapter 35


Judging on how the guys are reacting now, I feel like I've said something I shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry guys but as much as I want to catch up with you I should really take Anne and Loui home." I informed the guys and they look at each other.

"You guys continue, I'll help her with the guy she's with. Jb, Anne's pretty wasted I think I could use a little bit of help carrying her" Mark tries to ask for help from Jb, which is a bit unusual because Jackson is pretty much his best choice for help because he is nearer.

"You guys don't have to bother. I can handle them both on my own I just need to bring them both down I've my own car anyways." I waved off their attempts to help me because they didn't really have to since I can most likely come up with something to help myself drag two of my drunk friends to my car on my own and I'm pretty sure I can handle this on my own, piece of cake.

I actually didn't want them to get involve in my troubles, I mean just the mere fact that I'm smiling in front of them as if nothing happened and making conversations with them like we are all friends again is making me more uncomfortable than I'm already am.

"Eunjee, Just let Mark hyung bring you home or at least help you with your friends. Jb can also help you with Anne and they can come back here right after" Youngjae suggested

"They don't really have to" I tried pushing again

"No one is going to see us if thats what you're worrying about. We can both just drive your friend to his house then Jb can take anne back to your apartment, that way we can save time" Mark added

"Noona i also think its best that at least one sober guy can accompany you. Mark hyung can help your friend change too. Its would be awkward if you are the one who is going to do it" Bambam explains

"Fine, I wont win against you guys" I walked out of the room and both Jb and Mark followed me.

"We are just trying to help Eunjee. Its really not that big of a deal. Leaving you with two drunk people, that will never be suited for us. We only want you safe as well" Jb tries to console me, he probably notice how uncomfortable I was with the idea of both of them coming with me, not to mention, I'm going with Mark, Alone. How did I even end up in this kind of situation?

"Anne and I shared a car going here but Loui brought his own car here" I informed them both since their planning to drive separately which doesn't make sense at all. Jb took Annes arm and Im pretty sure I saw his eyes twinkling. I mean only a blind man can assume that nothing is going on between my best friend and my ex husbands leader. Come on people, I didn't get to med school with looks alone.

"Well I can take your car and bring Anne home then, You can accompany Mark to his car so he'll know where to bring your friend. I can wait at your apartment until you and Mark gets back." Jb told us and I didn't bother complaining because they'll just probably ignore it also, judging by how Mark is actually helping Jb on this one, I'll just waste my energy fighting with them.

"My code is still the same. I'm pretty sure you know about it" I give Jb my teasing grin before giving him my car keys and coming to Marks side. I helped him carry Loui again. Mark gave me a knowing smile before I diverted my eyes away from his.

'You better get yourself together Eunjee, he is only helping you because thats his nature. Well not really, But you can't fall into his eyes again. His a stranger to you know Eunjee' my good consciousness screams to me but my evil consciousness is literally kicking all control out of me 'His the hot type of stranger though'. If I can just slap myself right here, right now, I would have because I'm that desperate to get out of the situation i'm currently in.

Mark parked his car far from mine so we had to separate with Jb so he can go to my car and bring Anne home and probable take care of her. Mark opens his car and we pushed Loui inside as he was pretty much knocked out. Remind me to scold him tomorrow for being irresponsible and unprofessional. Looking at him now, you wouldn't even think his a surgeon.

"Go wait inside the car, i'll just change my clothes" Mark told me and so I followed. He went behind his car and opens his trunk, I can still see him through his rare view mirror though, so when he took out one of his sweaters and took off his shirt, lets just say I got a very good look of almost everything. I took a big gulped and averted my eyes in front of me, I felt Mark closing his trunk and seconds pass and he was at the drivers side of the car.

He starts the car and put on his belt while I was just there acting all awkward and most probably with the reddest face in the whole world.

"You look flushed are you alright? are you drunk too?" Mark asks me

"Im fine" I wave him off "Im not drunk, I only drank a little" I added and he just nods.

He waits for something and the growing silence between us is really starting to bother me. He looks at me again "Put on your belt first, I cant do that for you now, well not now especially your boyfriend is knocked out behind me" he tells me and my embarrassment just grew from ten to a hundred.

"His not my boyfriend" I silently told him as I put on my seatbelt

"What?" he asks again

"His not my Boyfriend, his more of a brother than a boyfriend" He grew silent after that. He drove off the place and I entered Loui's address to his GPS. I kept shifting in my sit because the weight of awkwardness between us is getting on my nerves.

"How come i've never heard of him before?" Mark suddenly asks me.

"Really you are still curious about him?" he looks at me awkwardly

"Just answer the question" he pushes

"Jb should be the one asking me this questions since Anne's the one involved with him. Well was involved with her and not me. His been away from since the second year of college and today was the day he finally showed up again" I told him and if it wasn't so dark inside his car I would have seen the slight smile forming around his face.

"How did you even know about Jb and Anne?" Mark asks

"We both live under a same roof and our walls are not that thin plus i'm not blind nor do i'm deaf" I explained and Mark just nods his head.

"Its quite fun talking to you like this. Its been awhile how are you this past few months?" He tries again and I again fall into silence. The tone in his voice and the atmosphere we have right now is making me more nervous than I already am.

"I've been fine. How about you?"

"I've been busy" He laughs a bit

"Oh yeah. Congratulations, I heard your concerts are a huge success" I commented

I saw him awkwardly nod and we both fell into silence again. We didn't talk much after that and when we reached Loui's place we both got out of the car and helped my knocked out friend to his apartment. Theres just one thing though, I have no idea what his door password was.

"Yah Lou, we are here. Whats your door password?" I tried shaking Loui but he wasn't budging.

"It looks like his door can be open by keycard or a password. Try his wallet, it must be there somewhere" Mark tells me so I had no choice but to rummage on one of Loui's pockets and there his wallet was, I tried looking for a possible keycard and luckily I found one. I slid the keycard and the door opens.

We managed to put Loui to his bed, I walked to his things which was still in boxes since he just got here, though some of his clothes were folded neatly inside his closet. I took out his things and went to Mark who was helping my friend take off his shirt.

"Here" I gave him the clothes and he helped Loui change into a new set of clothes.

We left Loui's house after we made sure his fine. Mark opens my door to which I said thanks, seconds after Mark was beside me putting on his own seatbelt. I was putting on my own seatbelt when his phone rings and he answers.


I drove Eunjee's car back to their apartment with a sleeping Anne beside me and I must say I feel much comfortable like this. Even if i'm just bringing her home I feel great.

Once I reached their apartment building I went to the passengers side and delicately carried Anne up to their apartment, I entered their code and their door opens. I carried Anne until her room, I didn't dare change her clothes, i'll just wait for Eunjee to do that later once she arrives here.

I went out of her room wand decided to wait for Mark in their living room since it would be so rude to just stare at her while shes asleep inside her room.

Since we didn't get to eat anything yet I'm feeling kind of hungry right now. I called Jinyoung just in case the kids are causing trouble again.

"Yeah?" Jinyoung answers after three rings and I can definitely hear Bambam shouting his guts out to reach the notes of what his singing " Yah! IM TALKING TO YOUR FATHER SHUT UP" Jinyoung shouts and I just laughed

"Did the food arrived already?" i asked them

"Yes! The kids are acting crazy.. are you two coming back already?" Jinyoung asks

"They are always crazy and I'm still here. Mark isn't here yet though" I informed Jinyoung

"Okay then call us if we need to bring you food instead. This place is going to close soon" Jinyoung tells me

"Okay Ill see you then" I told Jinyoung before ending the call.

"Jb?" Anne spoke, I didnt notice her coming out of her room, she must have heard my conversation with Jinyoung. She scrunches her face then scratches her head and she kinda look cute. "What are you doing here? How did I get here? Damn my head hurts" She slowly walks but it was obvious that she is still under the influence of alcohol since shes walking a bit sideways. I rushed to her side but she stops me by raising her hand.

"Well I drove you home. Eunjee's still with Mark they drove your friend home as well" I told her then she just nods before getting herself a bottle of water and drinking it like theres no tomorrow.

"What are still doing here?" she asks which I felt a bit disappointed.

"Im just waiting for Mark" I simply told her and she just ignored me. She throws her bottle of water then walks back to her room. Before she could close her door, she looks to me one last time.

"Im not dreaming right? This is really happening right?" She asks then I just nod. She stops for awhile then walks back to me "Since I still have this courageous feeling inside me, there is something important I wanted to tell you. I actually dont hate you, I miss you but I'm scare of giving you a chance because you suck at this kind of relationship and its really driving me crazy. Im telling you this because I want to be unfair from you just this once. I'm pretty sure i'm just going to forget about all of this tomorrow and I'm pretty sure you'll be just embarrass to tell me personally about this. So I'm taking this chance to tell you that I like you, and its true. I want you to go crazy thinking about it tomorrow because that is how yiu are doing to me, stirring up my emotions and making me look for you everyday of my everylife"

I know what she meant and i am just willing to accept whatever she want me to do.

"Just tell me whatever you want me to do, I'll do it since you are not going to remember about this tomorrow.

Anne processes in her mind what I meant to her and she seems to understand. The next thing that happened took me by surprise, she climbs up to my stomach then secures her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips, I had to catch her midway when she jumped or else she would have fallen ass flat.

"You know what you get with a drunk girl with her crush" She tells me

"You need to go down Anne" I tried telling her and I even walked again back to her room with her around me.

"No i dont want to. Because I want to give you this so you'll know how true I am to you" She suddenly crushes her lips on my own and I just stood there frozen and thinking of ways on how should I react on this kind things.

At first I didn't respond to her kisses because I didnt want to lose my control she's basically trowimg herself to me now, if I wasn't such a gentleman, I would have done things to her already. But she was too persistent she even tried pushing my fave towards her and giving me more access but I didn't and my control is definitely running out.