"You're shitting me," Vince said.

"No, honest," Mindy said, "I was always chaperoned

before. My folks wouldn't let me be alone with guys."

"Jesus!" Vince exclaimed. "that's incredible! Well,

baby, you got a lot of wasted time to make up for, and

I'm just the guy to help you out."

He spent the rest of the evening proving it.

Mindy shivered lustily as she thought back on that

evening. Her pussy-cream came in hot helpless spurts,

drenching her fingers as she stroked her seething

pussy. She whimpered with excitement when she

remembered Vince's next move on that first date. He'd

moved fast and taken her by surprise, fondling her tits

through her thin silk blouse as he kept right on

kissing her, sliding that incredibly talented tongue

deep into her mouth.

She'd gasped and blushed when he suddenly pulled her

blouse up out of her jeans, revealing the firmly packed

cups of her little lacy bra. His hands closed over the

cups, hot and confident, and he began to squeeze her

firm, young tits. To Mindy's astonishment, her nipples

instantly went rigid, poking into his palms.

"Vince! Wait!" she gasped, "I never even held hands

with a guy before."

"Don't you like what we're doing?" he grinned.

"I... I don't know," she stammered.

"Well, take a second and think about it," he advised.

"Don't knock it till you know what it's like."

Mindy took his advice. She'd protested automatically,

because that was how she'd been trained. Her mother had

warned her again and again not to let boys touch her,

yet she'd never explained what was wrong with it. Now

Mindy shut her mother's lecturing voice out of her head

and concentrated on the sensations she was getting as

Vince stroked and squeezed her sensitive young tits.

"Mmmmmm," she murmured, "that feels nice."

"It sure does, baby," he smiled, "and it'll feel even

nicer if I take your bra off."

Mindy gawked at him. Vince just gave her another of

those devastating sexy grins as he reached around her,

unhooked her bra, and pushed the tiny garment up,

uncovering her gorgeous tits. Vince stared hungrily at

the flawless creamy globes and at her stiff little pink

nipples. Mindy could tell he was very aroused at the

sight of her naked breasts.

He grabbed for them, his hands hot and eager. Mindy

gasped and slumped back against the seat of the car,

shivering with sensations she'd never experienced

before. While Vince played with her tits, she creamed

right through her panties, and her belly did lusty

flip-flops. He worked his thumbs expertly over her

nipples, making them even more rigid and engorged, and

she moaned with delight.

"We really shouldn't be doing this," she said weakly.

"How come?" he grinned. "Don't you like it?"

That was the same question he'd asked before. It had

never occurred to her. All she knew was that her folks

would be very angry if they caught her doing these

things with a boy. But did she like it? Now that she

thought about it, yes, she liked it very much. She

didn't want Vince to stop fondling her sensitive tits.

So why were her parents against something that felt so


"Mmmmmm, yes I do! It feels great," she murmured,

looking dreamily up into his handsome face.

"It's going to feel a lot better, baby. We're just

getting started." he told her. "Why don't we get more

comfortable? I know a real private spot."

He tugged her shirt down over her tits but didn't

fasten her bra. Mindy followed him in a daze as he

grabbed a blanket, left the car, and followed a path

through the woods. They came to a very secluded

clearing, and Vince spread out the blanket, pulled her

down on it, and started kissing her hotly.

Mindy just melted when he darted his tongue into her

mouth and cupped and squeezed her bare tits. Her pussy

was on fire, even though she didn't understand why. She

just knew she couldn't stop creaming, couldn't stop her

moaning and wriggling. Finally Vince broke off the

steamy kisses and came up for air. There was a hot

glazed look in his eyes as he reached for the zipper of

her jeans and started tugging it open.

"No, Vince. wait," Mindy squeaked, "what are you


"I wanta see your pussy," he said, as if it was the

most natural and reasonable request in the world.

She didn't know what to say to that. Her parents would

have an answer, for sure, but was it her answer? She

knew she wanted him to go on touching her and arousing

her, but how far was "too far"? While she puzzled over

these questions, Vince deftly removed her jeans and

panties in one smooth tug, leaving her naked from the

waist down. Her blouse was pushed up over her tits,

exposing her completely to his lustful gaze.

His eyes glowed with hunger as he studied her slender,

naked young body. He stroked the soft little triangle

of sparse fur covering her virgin cunt, and she blushed

hotly. Still, she didn't want him to stop. She blushed

even deeper when he gently but firmly spread her legs

and studied the cream-soaked pink flesh of her tight-

lipped little slit. That was where she played with

herself when she got those funny restless feelings.

Her mother had warned her not to do that, either. She'd

been told never to touch herself "down there" except to

bathe. But she'd done it anyway. It just seemed the

natural thing to do when she felt hot between her

thighs. Now Vince was touching her there, and it felt

even more exciting than when she played with herself.

He trailed a stiff finger from the top of her cunt-slit

all the way back to the tiny puckered mouth of her

asshole. Back and forth went that finger, teasing and

arousing her, making her cream in helpless spurts.

He grinned and rubbed the pearly juice all over her

swollen slit, as Mindy writhed and whimpered with


"Ooooo, Vince, that feels so gooooood!" she cried.

"It's gonna get even better," he promised.

He folded back the soft-furred lips of her pussy and

exposed the tiny hooded lump of flesh that always gave

her so much pleasure. That was the secret button she

rubbed when she needed to get off. He went right for

it, grasping it between his thumb and forefinger,

kneading it. Mindy sobbed with pleasure and soaked his

fingers with uncontrollable discharges of hot pussy-


"Unnnhhhhh, yesssss," she gurgled, "please keep doing

that, Vince, it feels so good."

"Sure, baby," he crooned, "I'll get you off."

Mindy didn't know what that expression meant.

Eventually Vince would teach her a whole new

vocabulary, but that night she knew hardly any words at

all. She just let him do what he wanted, knowing it

would feel great.

He kneaded her clit steadily and quickly between his

fingers, giving her a continuous buzz of sweet hot

sensation. Mindy closed her eyes in ecstasy and clawed

the blanket.

"Ohhhhh, yes, yessss," she moaned. "Rub me there,

Vince, don't stop."

Mindy felt the hot pleasure building steadily in her

pussy, and it made her sob and writhe and moan. Her

cream was flowing out non-stop now, soaking her pussy

and Vince's fingers. She screwed her eyes tightly

closed, shutting out every other sensation, as she

sailed to the very brink of orgasm. A minute or so

later she felt a violent explosion of pleasure

radiating out from her clit and shaking her whole body.

She bucked uncontrollably.

It was much more powerful than the feelings she'd been

giving herself, so powerful that she wrenched away from

Vince and rolled around on the blanket, convulsing

helplessly. It was quite some time before she went

still. Then she opened her eyes and looked wonderingly

at Vince, who was grinning down at her.

"What was that?" she panted. "What happened to me?"

"You came, baby," he chuckled. "You know, a climax...

an orgasm... and a big one by the look of it. Did you

enjoy it?

"Are you kidding?" she exclaimed. "I loved it!"

"Want me to give you another one?" he leered.

"Oh, wow, yes!" Mindy cried. "I'd love that, Vince."

"Okay, but I'm gonna do it kinda differently this

time," he said.

Mindy nodded impatiently. She didn't care how he did

it, as long as it happened again. That first orgasm had

been terrific, but it had also made her greedy for

more. This time she wasn't bashful or hesitant about

opening her legs for him. He made his thick middle

finger stiff and started inserting it right into her

virgin cunt.

"OHMYGOD!" she gasped.

"Ever had anything in there before?" he asked, his

voice husky with hotness.

"N-no," Mindy said.

He nodded, and she could tell it really turned him on

to know he was the first guy to feel inside her untried

cunt. His finger felt big and stiff to her, but she

liked the sensation of having her pussy filled and

crammed. Vince eased his finger up her cream-slick

little tunnel as far as it would go, and Mindy soaked

the probing digit finger with another hot flood of


Then he started finger-fucking her, and she was in

ecstasy. This was something she'd never tried on

herself. She always fooled around with her clit,

rubbing it or kneading it till the itchy, horny

feelings wet away, but she'd never tried putting

anything into her cunt, not even her own fingers.

Instinctively she began to hunch her hips up at his

swiftly pumping finger, seeking deeper penetration and

more of that delicious friction on her clit.

"Ohhhhhh, wow, yeah," she moaned. "I love that, Vince.

I love your finger in me!"

"I can think of something you're gonna love even more

up that hot little hole baby," he said hoarsely.

Mindy didn't know exactly what he meant, and besides,

she hardly heard him, she was so caught up in the

intense pleasure she was getting from his thick,

pistoning finger. She closed her eyes and ignored

everything else. The pleasure grew and grew in her

pussy, till she was sobbing with it and clawing the

blanket and soaking Vince's finger with huge sizzling

spurts of cream.

"Oh god, I can't take much more," she whimpered. "I

just have to cum."

"This oughta do it for you," Vince said, finger-fucking

her even faster.

He was right. His swiftly jerking finger took her right

over the edge into another body-rocking orgasm.

"Oh YEAH!! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" she screamed.

Again she rolled around in total bliss and lost track

of time. She knew perfectly well that her parents

wouldn't approve of what this boy was doing to her, but

by now she didn't care. No way could she turn down

pleasure like this. She was already hooked on it. She

loved everything Vince had done so far... and she

wanted more!

She opened her eyes and gasped. Vince was kneeling

between her legs, as before, but this time he didn't

have any pants on. Mindy had never seen a cock before,

at least not a grownup one, and she just couldn't help

staring. She'd helped bathe her kid brothers when they

were tiny, but their little cocks were dwarfed by

Vince's thick eight-inch column of rock-hard meat.

"Get acquainted with it, honey," he chuckled, taking

her hand and placing it on his cock.

Dazedly she began playing with his prick, squeezing it

and fondling it. It was so soft, yet at the same time

so incredibly hard! The hole at the tip leaked hot

sticky cream onto her fingers. Vince's nostrils flared

as he watched her, and his cock made lusty lurches and

twitches. Then he gently moved her hand away and lay

down on top of her, sinking between her thighs.

"I'm gonna get you off again," he told her, "but this

time I'm gonna use my cock, baby. You're gonna love


Mindy felt his huge, hard erection pushing its way up

her virgin cunt. She wasn't scared. Everything Vince

had done to her so far had felt marvelous, and she knew

this would be great, too. His cock was much thicker

than his finger and the fit was extremely tight. It was

so exciting to have his big hard cock throbbing inside

her cunt. Mindy's pussy creamed all over the huge

shaft, making his way slicker and easier. Vince groaned

in delight as he stuffed her full of his stiff prick,

butting up against her hymen after getting his cock

into her tight little pussy only halfway.

"This might hurt a bit, baby," warned Vince as he

pulled out for the thrust that she knew would end her


"Do it!" she groaned, eager to feel his huge cock in

her tight little pussy all the way. "Put it right in

and fuck me!"

"Ohhh, baby!" Vince grunted and slammed his cock hard

into her cunt.

There was a slight resistance and then a popping,

tearing feeling followed by sudden sharp pain. Mindy

cried out, but the pain was gone almost before her

scream stopped echoing in the secluded clearing. Vince

began to move very slowly in her, getting her used to

the entire length of his thick prick inside her tightly

stretched little hole.

Soon the pain was replaced with increasingly more

delicious feelings of pleasure, and Mindy began lifting

her ass off the blanket, fucking him back.

"You like it?" he asked hoarsely.

"Uhhhhhhh, yes, Vince!" Mindy gurgled, "It hurt a bit

at first, but it feels wonderful now. I think. I'm

gonna like this best of all."

"I sure hope do, sweetheart," he grinned lewdly.

"'Cause I'm gonna want to fuck your tight, hot, little

hole a lot more... that's for damn sure!"

Mindy sure hoped so too. The feeling of his big, hard

cock filling and stretching her tiny pussy was the most

incredibly pleasurable feeling she'd felt in her entire

life. She'd loved what he did to her before with his

fingers and lips and tongue, but best of all she loved

his cock.

From the first time they fucked, she was hooked on it,

unable to get enough of it. Vince brought her along

carefully, fucking her at first in slow sensuous

strokes, then fucking her faster and harder as her

tight little cunt relaxed and expanded.

Soon they were fucking at full speed, clawing at each

other, snarling and growling their pleasure. Their

bodies slapped loudly together, and Mindy gurgled in

ecstasy each time Vince's hard cock slammed into her.

She arched her back and hunched her ass up off the

blanket so that his rigid shaft rubbed her clit, giving

her blast after blast of intense pleasure.

"Oooooo, Vince, I love it," she sobbed. "I just love

it. Fuck me! Fuck me forever!"

Vince cupped her churning ass and fucked into her with

lightning speed, finally carried away by his own wild

arousal. Mindy felt her third orgasm of the evening

exploding from the depths of her cunt, and she clung to

him and sobbed in bliss as the delicious spasms shook

her. Vince was right behind her, bellowing and

shuddering, slamming his twitching cock deep up inside

her, flooding her cunt with jets of molten cum.

"Awwwww, Christ, I'm cumming, baby!" he roared.

"Yes, give it to me, cream me, unnggghhh!" Mindy


After that they'd fucked like bunnies on every date.

They just couldn't get enough of each other. But summer

vacation tore them apart. Vince had to go home to a

regular summer job, and Mindy's parents demanded that

she spend the time with them. Going without Vince's

regular hot fucking was just killing her.

Feverishly she rubbed her horny pussy, but it just

wasn't the same as when Vince did it. She missed his

cock. She missed it so badly, she could have screamed.

Her fingers couldn't do the job. They weren't the size

or the shape of his big, thick prick. Mindy moaned with

frustration and looked around the room, searching for

something that resembled a cock.

She spied a basket of fruit her mother had left in the

room for snacks. A fat long banana seemed to fit the

bill. Mindy snatched it up and pressed the pointed tip

to the creaming mouth of her famished twat.

She began pushing the banana into herself, panting and

moaning as it stretched and crammed her horny cunt just

like Vince's big cock.

"Oooooo, fuck! Shit, yesssss," she hissed.

Vince had taught her to talk dirty when they made love,

and now she just couldn't help it, any more than she

could help her hot heavy creaming as she eased the

thick banana into her hungry little fuckhole. She

closed her eyes and pretended she was taking her

boyfriend's big rock-hard cock. Her excitement reached

fever pitch as she shoved the banana home.

"Ohhhhh, honey, yesssss," she sobbed, "Stick it in me,

fuck me with it, Vince. I need it so bad, honey."

Mindy started plunging the firm thick fruit up and down

in her juice-slick pussy-hole, as she felt blast after

blast of pleasure, just as she did when Vince fucked

her. She could tell she was going to be really fond of

bananas this summer. She worked the thing faster and

faster as her lust reached boiling point. It made an

obscene sucking noise, reaming the thick hot cream from

her greedily clinging little cunt.

It felt fantastic, yet she still wanted Vince. The

banana might save her sanity, but it wouldn't cure her

boredom. Only Vince could do that. She needed his hard

male body writhing against hers, his throbbing hot cock

cramming her cunt. Nothing would satisfy her totally

except Vince or at least a man. But there wasn't any

other man handy.

"Do it to me. honey, fuck me good," she whimpered.

Mindy had never been turned on by any of the guys in

her little home town, and the only other males around

were her father and her two younger brothers. So, for

the rest of her long vacation she'd just have to use

bananas and fantasies. She jerked the banana as hard

and fast as she could in her frantically horny cunt,

pretending it was her boyfriend's pile-driving cock.

"Oh god, I'm almost there," she sobbed. "Fuck me hard,

baby! Fuck me as hard as you can! Ooohhhhh, Jesus!

Fuck! Ohhhhh! UHHHNGGH!!"

She felt the delicious explosion in the depths of her

cunt, and it flashed out to burn through her whole

body. She rolled around on the bed whimpering and

moaning with ecstasy, frantically fucking herself with

the glistening banana.

"Oh yeah, screw me you motherfucker, you're doing it,

I'm cumming!" she howled. "Unnhhh, shit, I'm cumming so


The body-wracking orgasm was the first she'd had in a

week, her first relief since the last time she and

Vince had fucked. It lasted a long time, and it left

her limp and gasping. She finally rolled onto her back

and withdrew the cream-soaked banana from her

temporarily satisfied twat, giving it a wistful look.

"Well, pal," she sighed, "I guess it's just you and me

for the next six weeks."

Mindy rolled off the bed, slipped into a light

bathrobe, and headed for the shower. She was so hot and

sweaty after bringing herself off, she really needed to

cool off and get clean. But to her annoyance, the

bathroom door was closed and she could hear the shower

running inside.

One of her brothers, no doubt. Eddie and Roy were

always hogging the bathroom. Mindy didn't understand

how guys could spend such a long time in there. It

wasn't as if they had to put on make-up or fool with

elaborate hair-dos or anything like that. She decided

it was time to satisfy her curiosity, so she knelt and

peered through the keyhole.

"OHMYGOD!" she gasped.

It was her 19-year-old brother Eddie, and he was

jacking off. He cleverly had the shower running, so no

one would be suspicious as to what he was doing in

there, but he wasn't taking a shower. Eddie was

standing outside the stall, fully clothed except that

his jeans and shorts were down around his ankles. He

was standing before the sink, and in the sink he'd

propped a big color photo of a naked woman. He was

staring at the picture and pumping his cock like crazy.

Mindy stifled a giggle. She'd really caught ol' Eddie

this time. Totally unaware that he had an audience, he

was ogling that naughty photo and beating his meat, his

face flushed and contorted with lusty pleasure. Mom and

dad would just shit if they could see their nice,

obedient, well-behaved son right now. Eddie was such a

model of good behavior... except when nobody was


The young woman in the photo had tits like watermelons,

and she had her legs wide open, showing the glistening

pink flesh of her gash. She was stroking her slit,

playing with herself, and her half-closed eyes seemed

to look right at the reader. So Eddie was jacking off

while he watched the girl beat off. Very kinky.

Kind of arousing, too, Mindy thought. Even though she'd

just gotten herself off powerfully with the banana, she

felt herself getting horny again as she watched her kid

brother jerk himself off. Eddie wasn't badly hung,

either, she noticed. His teenage prick was almost as

thick and long as Vince's. The last time she'd seen it

he was a little boy, but it definitely wasn't a little-

boy cock any more. It was man-size.

Mindy stared at her brother's big, rigid boner and felt

her pussy moisten with arousal. That was what she

really craved and longed for, a nice hard cock. It was

hell going without one, and it was just unthinkable

that she'd have to wait three months before getting

laid again.

Here was a gorgeous hard-on that was being totally

wasted, and it looked like Eddie was just as hard up as

she was when it came to finding a partner. Her mother

had confided in her that Eddie was between girlfriends,

so he obviously didn't have anyone to help him relieve

his sexual tension. All he had was his own fist, and it

was pumping like crazy as he studied the naughty

picture and let his horny young fantasies run wild.

Mindy was sure he was dreaming of fucking that big-

titted girl in the picture. No doubt he was fantasizing

that he was hammering his rock-hard cock in her horny

little cunt and making her squeal with pleasure... just

as Mindy had done when she pretended that the long firm

banana was her boyfriend's cock.

Too bad she and her brother had to make do with

fantasies. Both of them were ready and eager to make a

partner very happy, but no partner was available. Eddie

pumped his prick with lightning speed, and even through

the closed door Mindy could hear his deep, harsh

panting and moaning as he worked himself toward a

desperately needed orgasm.