Women's Ingenuity

Zhou Ziyun decided to stay in the city for a while. She wanted to read more from the library and use that to cultivate her mind. Ling Qincheng and Zhou Ziyun were also like best friends reunited and Chen Wentian couldn't pry them apart. They chatted and laughed at every opportunity like two peas in a pod. Zhou Ziyun convinced Lin Qingcheng regarding employee benefits and they started to implement some of the ideas on the prostitution business.

Chen Wentian was surprised to hear a few days later that they had completely revamped their operation. The brothel was renamed to the House of Paradise. The brothel previously was already quite good in terms of providing strict protection for the female workers and giving them great pay. Now, Zhou Ziyun zealously implemented several reforms.

First was a healthcare. One part of Zhou clan's business dealt with trading medicine. A majority of the women rescued happened to be ill with a variety of sexually transmitted diseases. The House of Paradise would use Zhou brand medicine to cure them. The women would then take a deduction to their income to pay off the treatment cost at a subsidized rate. Several doctors were hired as a part of the staff to screen every single customer. If one had any diseases, they were banned unless they also paid for treatment.

And it didn't stop there. There was also child care which was endorsed by Lin Qingcheng. Contraception was not reliable and only immortals could truly control their fertility or prevent pregnancy. Prostitutes constantly got pregnant and many rescued had young children. The new benefits included paid maternity leave for those that gave birth. There was also a communal day care on site for the children staffed by women unable to serve customers for various reasons.

Zhou Ziyun and Lin Qingcheng also had in mind to implement more radical ideas such as overtime pay, vacation time, and retirement savings. It was only a matter of time.

Chen Wentian couldn't help but wonder, would this place really become a paradise for prostitutes? In the end he was only a side show to the two and was ruthlessly ignored. He wasn't even able to witness the fabled 'dildo show' that Lin Qincheng promised.


Chen Wentian came back to the valley alone and continued to train his five new disciples in the Nineteen Demon Subduing Palms. He also didn't bring up the subject of dual cultivation in front of them. He could tell that the other four besides Song Wushuang were a bit nervous. It seemed patience was the best strategy.

He sensed Song Wushuang was fully recovered and that she stealing glances at him all day. He even caught her a few times to which she would blush and look away quickly. He laughed inwardly and his couldn't wait for night to come.

That evening, he silently entered her room only to find her sitting on her bed waiting for him. She was like an obedient wife waiting for her husband... wait that sounds wrong. Chen Wentian quickly banished the thought from his mind.

He extended a hand towards her, "Wushuang, are you ready?"

"Yes, master." Her eyes shined with energy and excitement as she grabbed his hand.

Chen Wentian flew them out and within a few seconds they were on top of the ice mountain. Song Wushuang held her breath as she stared determinedly at the dark blue slab of jade in the middle of the platform.

Chen Wentian had his hand around her waist and he gave her a hug. "Hey, relax. It's the same as before. You'll do great."

"Yes master!"

They landed at the center and Song Wushuang wasted no time as she started to meditate and prepare. Chen Wentian waited until she was ready and then opened the shield to the Frozen Netherworld Jade once again.

Netherworld yin energy poured out and Song Wushuang was once again submerged in a world of ice and pain. Chen Wentian sensed that her ability to withstand the cold energy was a tiny fraction better. It wasn't much but it was an improvement nonetheless and it was great news. The amount of netherworld yin she could hold within her body was also a little bit more than before.

Inevitably, Chen Wentian undressed them both and then thrust his hard dick inside her as she was about to crack from the pain. He dutifully plowed into her until the yin energy was completely dissolved.

After Song Wushuang awoke from her haze, she sensed her cultivation rise by a large amount. The next thing she felt was the rhythmic pounding her wet pussy was taking. She felt happy and appreciative and gave Chen Wentian a deep kiss. She also eagerly met his thrusts with her own, as if seeking to take him even deeper.

Chen Wentian felt really randy after being denied by Lin QIngcheng and Zhou Ziyun for the past few days. He barely managed to give Song Wushuang an orgasm before he collapsed on top of her with his own release. Song Wushuang smiled as she felt for the first time the hot splashes of her master's seed against the insides of her pussy. She hugged him tight, wrapping her legs around him as if begging for more.

This night, as she joined with Chen Wentian, she found out something about herself that gave her a profound insight. She realized that lying in his arms with his seed inside her, gave her the greatest feeling of satisfaction.

Perhaps it was due to primal instinct; such as a man seeking to impregnate a beautiful woman or a woman wanting to have babies with a powerful man. Whatever it was, it made her feel at peace. She had never felt like this, not even while in the Glacier Sect. There she was always striving through arduous training, sect examinations, and dangerous missions. She knew she had the lowest talent among her sisters and she was always struggling to not get left behind.

She never had any idle fantasies about marrying a prince charming or falling in love with a dashing hero. This night, she found that things can be much simpler and more primal. It can just be one powerful man and one beautiful woman that desired each other.

Song Wushuang's spiritual energy grew stronger as it absorbed this insight. The yang essence left inside her was sucked into her source of yin in an instant and this resulted in a small yet very special change to her cultivation. Not even Chen Wentian sensed the change in her body.