Attribute of Spiritual Energy (I)

The next morning dawned and the refugees got up early and ready to travel to a completely new province. Everyone was excited and there were some pushing some shoving before the ice sisters got them in order.

They arrived at the city square with the teleportation array and formed into small groups. Li Yuechan took the lead and collected the gold from ten refugees and paid the teleportation operator. The group quickly arranged themselves on the platform and they were whisked away in an instant. The next group of ten immediately followed, then the next... Li Yuechan kept up the rapid pace as they only had a small time slot.

The first thing the refugees saw upon arriving at the other end was Song Wushuang's familiar face. She had gone back before everyone else to coordinate with the Zhou clan. After being herded off the platform, the group was met with a Zhou clan member who recorded their names while guiding them to temporary lodging within the town. Various empty rooms in the town had been rented for this purpose as well as thousands of new tents that stood along the streets. After settling in, they were allowed to visit the shops and markets to buy food, supplies, clothes, and anything else they needed.

Each family or independent individual were given a set of choices for their future home based on their skill set. People with education and scholarly skills such as accounting, business, alchemy, and medicine were given the widest choices. Craftsmen such as tailors, smiths, chefs, and carpenters had some choice as well. Laborers such as farmers, hunters, and miners were simply assigned a place since it didn't really matter where they went.

The entire operation had been set up with an abundance of planning. Song Wushuang was amazed as she watched the Zhou clan work with precision and efficiency. As the last of the refugees came through, the final tally was slightly over four thousand including men, women, children, and the elderly. The other sisters also came back and stood with her, spectating at the operation taking place.

Right one cue, the teleportation array flashed behind them and Chen Wentian appeared.

"Hey girls!" He smiled.

"Good morning, master!" They bowed.

"Hey, looks like the operation is going well." He said, finding interest in the mass movement of people as well.

"So many people, will we be able to handle them all?" Su Xue wondered.

"No problem! Well at least that is what Ziyun tells me. We want to accept at least five hundred thousand refugees in the coming months."


"That's a lot!"

They continued to watch while telling Chen Wentian about the events that occurred while he was gone. He didn't care too much about the Glacier Palace elders insulting him or that Divine Blazing Mountain was made up of despicable men. The thing he cared about was their weird reaction to fire spiritual energy during the fight.

He made them describe the fight in detail twice just to make sure. It was indeed a very strange phenomena where they seemed to be able to dissolve the flame attribute using their normal spiritual energy. This usually didn't happen as spiritual energy carried the will of the person it originated from and tended to clash against each other.

"Hmm, let's go back to the sect and do some tests." Chen Wentian said.

He flew them back to the sect and they met in the courtyard after the girls had a chance to relax and change into more comfortable cultivation robes.

"Alright, Yuechan? Let's try with you first. I will use some generic fire-based attacks towards you so get ready."

"Yes master." Li Yuechan said and walked in front of him while the others stepped back.

"Same as the fight, use your spiritual energy to repel my attack." He said.

Chen Wentian channeled a minute amount of force to his finger. Forming a red fireball smaller than an apple. It was at about the 1st Level of the Spirit Initiate Realm in strength and it did not contain any of his immortal energy or dragon flame. When she was ready, he let it go and it shot towards her like an arrow.


It impacted the spiritual shield she had formed in front of her and dissipated as if it had suddenly lost its heat. It barely caused a ripple in her spiritual aura and she looked fine and barely fazed.


Chen Wentian formed five small fireballs on each of his fingertips, the same size as before. He shot them out in quick succession. The five streaking fireballs collided with her and disappeared, not doing any damage.

He next increased the power of the fireball to the 7th Level of the Spirit Initiate Realm which was the same as Fen Chenyuan's attack. A ball of flame as big as his head collided with Li Yuechan's spiritual aura and this time engulfed her completely in flames.

The flames took a few seconds to disappear but she was still fine. The attack did its damage to the surroundings as the air felt blazing hot and the stone beneath her feet were charred black.

"Do you feel any different from the fight?" He asked her.

"No, feels about the same." Li Yuechan said, "Resisting that last attack did use up a lot of my spiritual energy."

Chen Wentian pondered the situation for a while before trying the powerful attack once again. Li Yuechan looked visibly tired after the second attack so Song Wushuang switched with her.

Eventually, he tested out a variety of flame-based attacks with all of the girls. A general pattern appeared out of the experiments. For flame-based attacks weaker than their cultivation level, they were able to deflect a vast quantity of them without tiring. Deflecting attacks above their cultivation level was possible but it took a lot out of them.

The spiritual energy they used was not ice based like their old secret arts. Ice spiritual energy would have made sense as it was a natural deterrent to fire spiritual energy. For other attributes or attribute-less spiritual energy, clashing together would usually result in some sort of blow-back damage, especially for the girls were who in close proximity to the explosions. However, they didn't suffer any physical injuries and were totally fine. This meant that there was something more mysterious going on.

"Okay, that's it for this test. Rest for a bit, then we'll go up the mountain. I will help you cultivate and I'll also test another idea I have during it." Chen Wentian said.

"Yes master." The women blushed and quickly ran away to their rooms.